No. Not at all. Please get your turtle to the vet.
He’s a 3 month old male who lives alone is happy and tame but I left him with family for a week and came back to this. It keeps getting larger as well.
Is it normal for a turtle to lose its nail?
Anonymous -
Yeganeh Kheradmand I can’t…I’m on a vacation in a foreign country
Anonymous Then whomever is caring for your turtle needs to get it to the vet.
Yeganeh Kheradmand no one cares can u suggest any medicine ? for one week?
Anonymous Honestly, I’ve never encountered it before, but I would imagine – assuming this is an aquatic turtle – that it’s due to infection from bad water.
Yeganeh Kheradmand what!!! I change it every morning…
Anonymous Is this an aquatic turtle or is this a land turtle? Aquatic turtles live in the water.
Yeganeh Kheradmand no it’s a European pond turtle I bought one o those tanks which have two parts so it goes to water when ever it wants
Anonymous And you’re changing the water daily? Hmm. Are you treating the water to ensure it’s safe?
Yeganeh Kheradmand yes
Anonymous Well, my guess still goes to infection. Unfortunately this *may* require prescribed meds from your vet. As I am NOT a vet, I cannot tell you exactly what might be needed.
Yeganeh Kheradmand ok thank u
My 6month old rabbit ate a few fresh corn kernels and i just found out they’re extrwmwly dangerous for rabbits . He just at a few (12-15) Will he be okay?
My spaniel has a cut on his rear right leg about 5cm by 2cm. No longer bleeding. Not bothering him. Should I go to a vet
Zac Warn The cut itself isn’t very deep. 5cm long by 2 wide. Nothing is damage besides what appears to be skin. He is walking on it fine and not even trying to lick it clean. The cut now is about 6hrs old. Rang the emergency vet and they roughly quoted 1600$. That’s to see us, and stitches if needed. It’s cleaned. Waiting upon morning to readjust the situation and see if we need to go to a normal vet
This morning I went to clean my cat’s litter box and found little droplets of blood on the litter box liner, She is drinking normally, however she does seem to be straining to defecate. Otherwise she is roaming around normally.
My roommates feel that he’s really on edge. They don’t feel confident in taking care of him in this state. I really don’t know what to do. There are cat sitting services in the area however they require a home visit and for me to be there. I’m on another continent at the moment….
I’m 14 years old, and have always wanted to be a veterinarian. I was wondering if you have any help on how to get started working in a vet clinic at this age.
Sara Tucker Ask if you can job shadow your local vet to see if its what you really want to pursue. Volunteer at local animal shelters. When you can get a job try working as a janitor at the local vet or shelter. Get involved in the animal care field and study hard to make sure your grades will help you get scholarships to a good school. You could also try working with a local farmer? I grew up on a farm and you learn a lot about animal care quickly- and you often help vets with the large breed animals. I helped our vet inoculate our goats cause someone had to calm them down. Their are a variety of options and volunteer work looks great on college applications as well as giving you valuable experience.
Good day folks, I have an urgent question here. My toy poodle who is just eight months old (female) just ate pieces of my mothers skincare facial masks! I’m urgently curious on whether or not my dog will be seriously harmed!
He is a fancy mouse btw.
I’m sorry, Charlie, but the picture didn’t upload. If your mouse has any sudden physical or behavioral changes, he should be seen by your vet.