Are you sure they will take him back and treat him if he does block? And can you ask them to help if he does and wait to see if that happens before you surrender him?
Further I have repeatedly said that I will help you. This would be much easier if you were located closer.
I wish him the very best.
I can say that I know it is very hard to surrender. But I would rather see him have every chance possible than to be euthanized due to cost.
Good luck to both of you.
It sounds like he is doing well now. And while I realize that you are stressed I don’t think returning him while he is well is in his best interest. There are a lot of things you can do to prevent and prepare for any future episodes. You could find an online group to help educate and support you. Or ask to volunteer or work at a cat clinic to help understand how to monitor and care for your cat. Also reach out to your vet for advice.
Stressing out and surrendering him don’t help you or his situation. Will a shelter take care of him if he blocks? Have you asked them for help?I have offered to help but surrendering him to me is not the answer either..
Life is full of challenges. It is in these moments that we decide who we are and who we want to be remembered as. I was once a very poor very young and very desperate cat mom. When I had no one to help me when these kinds of situations happened. I decided I would never be in that position again as I loved my pets more than anything. so I worked for decades to get myself as much animal experience from as many people and places as possible. It took me almost 20 years to become a veterinarian. It was cases like this that made me who I am. I never give up and I never feel like I didn’t have options. I also help everyone I can.
I wish you both luck and health.