Yes, that sounds right, sounds like hematoma (blood pocket caused by blood pooling from broken blood vessel(s). Here is the thing:
– it can go away on its own but it could take a long time and leave the ear deformed (cauliflower ear)
– I’m quite sure it’s pretty uncomfortable and painful
– most importantly, this often happens when a dog shakes their head a lot because of an ear infection (though it could be just from accidentally shaking and hitting the ear on a table edge or something like that)
So yes, I would see a vet, have him checked to make sure there is no ear infection/inflammation going on and have it treated if there is and I would have the blood pocket treated or at least evaluated.
Thank you so much for your help! I was concerned because when I looked up cherry eyes they looked different, but we ended up going to the vet and they said the same thing! Thanks again for your help!!