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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Perninsular Dragon
One Dies The Other Day

Perninsular dragon
One dies the other day

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    i don’t know much about agamid lizard species, but if she has a “strange dark spot” i’d be worried about infection or bruising.  please get her to a vet as soon as one opens in the morning.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Ferrets Are Coughing And Sneezing

My ferrets are coughing and sneezing

1 Response


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    Hi Breonna,

    How old are they and for how long have they been coughing and sneezing?. I am not able to help much with your problem but this additional information may help the person that is knowledgeable enough to answer.   I hope they are better soon!


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Thought It Was Ear Mites But That Medicine Didn’t Work

thought it was ear mites but that medicine didn’t work

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He Just Started This Last Night. I Set Something On The Floor For…

He just started this last night. I set something on the floor for him to eat and he just kinda dances around it. He has never done this before. If I pick it up and give it to him he eats it. If I put it in his bowl (that is raised)he eats it no problem.

8 Responses


  1. Jana

    Any other abnormalities with head movement? Any signs of pain?

  2. brenda sumner

    No nothing else. He is going outside and everything seems to be working normal. He puts his head down to sniff the ground, it just seems to be when he eats.

  3. Jana

    Was it some new food item by chance? Is it still happening? Did you try with different foods/treats?

  4. brenda sumner

    No new food. He eats what ever it is if I hand it to him or if it’s in his bowl. I even had to raise his water bowl this morning.

  5. Jana

    Hm, something is going on there; I’d still suspect pain of sorts. I’d have him checked. Sometimes things start out subtle.

  6. brenda sumner

    I just got home and gave him one of his favorite treats, same thing dropped it on the floor and kind of circled it. I feed it to him and he eats it. He doesn’t seem to have pain but dogs don’t show pain all the time. If he scratched his throat with something would he maybe act that way?

  7. Jana

    Not sure if a scratch could have done it but I do feel that SOMETHING hurts when he tries to get it off the floor.

  8. brenda sumner

    I am going to take him in and have him checked. Thanks for your time.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
In Her Old Home She Was Bullied By Other Dogs So I’m Not Sure…

In her old home she was bullied by other dogs so I’m not sure what it is. It’s not fleas or ticks.

1 Response


  1. Kelly Furgason

    It sounds like a trip to your vet for an exam is in order. Lumps and other issues should be checked out by a vet. It is impossible to know for certain if lumps are skin related or from fighting without seeing your dog and knowing it’s history. If you can ask the previous owner about what is going on.
    ~good luck!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cat Has Been Vomiting About 4 Times This Evening And Has Had Diarrhea Twice…

My cat has been vomiting about 4 times this evening and has had diarrhea twice should i be worried what are possible causes? I dont want to take him to vet unless absolutely necessary as cost is expensive. thanks

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    honestly, it could be any number of things…we don’t know your cat or her habits.  a vet really is your best bet, here.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A 35 Lb Beagle. She Ate What Appeared To Be A Chewed…

I have a 35 lb beagle. She ate what appeared to be a chewed up piece of gum stuck to the sidewalk about an hour ago. Is this is a situation where the after hours vet should be called?

3 Responses


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    Chewing gum is really dangerous for pets.  If it were me I would go to the emergency vet right away.


  2. Anonymous

    going to agree 100% with Diedra.  because you don’t know if this gum had xylitol (which is toxic) in it, best to get to the vet NOW.

  3. Dawn Simon

    Thanks. I am in a small town & have no emergency vets anywhere close, only option is to call one at home. In the meantime I have read about amounts of xylitol that are toxic for a dog this size & most likely she would need to eat more than one piece (especially chewed up as much of xylitol should be gone). I will call my vet in the morning. I appreciate the advice, just difficult to follow in these specific circumstances.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cat Has Had A Scab On Her Nose For A Couple Months. I Took…

My cat has had a scab on her nose for a couple months. I took her to the vet and he tested her for mites. Came back negative. He told me to give her 4 doses of revolution every other week to see if it would clear up. It looked like it was clearing up but today she seemed out of it (she’s a outdoor cat). I went outside and her nose was worse than ever! Scabby and super swollen. It looked like she had no nose. I took her back to the vet. She had fever of 105. I’m waiting on blood work. Since being home her nose started dripping blood and a white sack appeared and is getting bigger and bigger. Any idea what this could be? I’m so scared she’s going to die tonight :'(

1 Response


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    Aleshia that sounds awful – I am so sorry to hear this.  Could you take her to the emergency vet tonight?


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have Three Dogs A 16 Year Old Chow Lab Mix Female A Golden Retriever…

I have three dogs a 16 year old chow lab mix female a golden retriever 11 year old male a pit bull 6 female. I had the chow lab and golden first and than the 6 year old pit. The pit gets along with my chow and golden very well. But

4 Responses


  1. Eddie Eidinger

    I ran out of room. But when I take the pit bull out she goes crazy when she sees other dogs she wants to go after them I don’t no if she trying to protect herself or me or just very dog aggressive is there a way to change her behavior

  2. Diedra Cardamone

    Hi Eddie,

    Your veterinarian may be able to refer you to a behavior specialist – this is where I would start.  They have so much wonderful knowledge and can get you and your pit started in the right direction.  It is wonderful that you care enough about her to get some answers about her behavior.  In many cases it is us as owners learning as much as our pets.  Have you had the pit for her entire life or is she a rescue?  Please keep us posted!


  3. Laura Kyle

    Hi Eddie, your pups behavior is pretty common and can absolutely be fixed. Without knowing your pup it is hard to say why she is reactive on a leash so I agree that you should work with a trainer. I would look for a trainer that uses both corrective methods and positive reinforcement. Once you get a plan for your dog I would also suggest takin her for walks with unfamiliar dogs. She doesn’t need to interact with them, she just needs to learn how to walk with other dogs. I know it sounds like the simplest thing in the world, but in my experience a simple pack walk can make a world of difference. Good luck! Please keep us posted

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Pawbly | 9 years ago

My Dog Was Diagnosed Anaplasmosis. She Got Treatment For 30 Days With Doxycycline. Before…


My dog was diagnosed anaplasmosis. She got treatment for 30 days with doxycycline. Before the treatment blood test sample from serum said:

Anaplasma phagozytophilum (Antibody, IFAT)

A.phago-Ab: 1:320 , but after treatment: 1:1280
(Interpretation titers 1:40 and higher are considered positive).

What does it mean? Was the treatment successful? My doctor said, that new result shows, that body fights for the bacteria, but it doesn´t really say anything to me. Shouldn´t bacteria be gone for now (30 days after treatment)?

Dog is feeling well, she have had no complaints and her organs work well. What we should do now? Our doctor said, there is nothing to do and we have to make blood tests once in a year to control her kidneys.

Thank you for your answer!
Dog owner from Estonia, Europe

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