Hello Chelsea. How was it determined that your dog is allergic to the cat? I have not heard of this before.
i have a siamese cat with a uti she is half way throw meds when she go the litter box she drops pee on the floor does this mean she is getting better or getting worse
We found orphaned kittens about 3 weeks old and have been feeding them but one has begun swelling in its genital area. What’s wrong? It’s appetite has also went down dramatically.
My dog is allergic to the cat and im just wondering is there anything else that I can do other than get rid og the cat
Hello Chelsea. How was it determined that your dog is allergic to the cat? I have not heard of this before.
We went to the vets and they said because of her having rashes and itching all off the time. Also because it is only where the cat has been near her, so she is allergic to my cat and I really dont want to get rid of my cats hes lovely and ive had him since a kitten
I would wonder if the dog is eating cat food that he may be allergic to.
I would think that she is allergic to food or something else. I would make sure the dog cannot get to the cats food, or the litterbox
King Charles got excited and started choking, I had to pull his tongue from the back of his throat and he sometimes starts snorting when breathing what should I do
My dog is chewing the hair off her tail where it meets her butt. What I’d it.
Witnessed a lady throwing it out of her car. Couldn’t leave it there, so we took him to the vet because his eyes had severe discharge. Vet said he is around 6 weeks old.
I try to feel around her stomach and paws but when I do, she doesn’t cry which makes me think she’s not in pain. But whenever she tries to stand, she’s clearly in pain.
It’s hard to say what could be going on…Is your dog spayed? Has she eaten anything abnormal? Is she eating/ drinking/peeing/pooping….
It sounds like a vet trip is in need, crying and acting painful is a cause for concern that you should get her seen by a vet.
Good luck!
Something is wrong with my cat. He is moving around slow and making deep moans when he moves. He did make a hard stool but not eating. He seems to be in pain from something
you can try tuna packed in water to get him to eat. but you need to see a vet asap.
Planning on the vet trip today. The loud moaning when he moves is whats got me concerned. I will definitely try the tuna packs. Thank u
It sounds like your cat might have something broke. I’m glad you have a vet appointment. I hope your cat will be ok.
Thank u Robin. Well the vet said he has a hairball that he is having a hard time getting up so he recieved some meds to help with it. Hopefully hel b back to normal soon. Thanks for the advice ?
What’s the best way to do a adding a new dog introduction
More information?
What dog do you have now, breed and male or female? and what dog are you introducing …again breed..male or female?
also what ages are both dogs?
I have a 6 year Pitt bull female and add a 2 year Pitt bull female
Since you have multiple dogs it may be easier, because they are used to other dogs. Do it in a fenced area, I would say outside, with plenty of room. Is the new dog a puppy? That will really change things. Most adult dogs realize a puppy is a puppy and not a threat to the pack dominance order, but that it will grow up in the pack and will fall into the pack order naturally. A full grown dog is a different story. Which ever of your dogs is the dominant one will feel a threat, so you need to let them be introduced I think one at a time, with the dominant one going first. Let them smell each others butts, its what they do. I would have the new dog on a leash, and if your current dog is trust worthy and listens very well, let that dog be off leash, only in an enclosed area. Do not do it in a crowded space, as they will feel confined and that will not help.
I am by far not an expert, but I have had at least three dogs for a long time, and have introduced someone to our pack on several occasions.
It really depends on how well trained your current dogs are as well.
Good luck!
I think Eddie has a 6 year old female and wants to add a 2 year old female? You may have problems with 2 Pitbull bitches….I would imagine they can be same breed agressive. You would need to introduce them on neutral ground and let them get to know each other first. Make sure they each have their own space at home if they need it….separate feeding bowls, beds ect. Plus I would make sure you can put them in different rooms if necessary. It depends on the temperament of both the dogs aa to how they will get along. Good luck.
I have seen them in her poop. They are little white kinda look like baby earth worms
i have had taken her to the vet. the vet done blood work and urine test and gave meds 2 drops for 7 at .75ml