she is yalling and scratting
My 3 year old chihuahua just threw up brown liquid. I recall him eating cats stool but that was like 2 weeks ago can that be the reason why? Should I be worried? He seems fine like his usual self.
Last time he shook his head a lot, i took him to the vet and he had an ear infection. The difference this time is that he does not have any redness or black stuff in his ear. His ears look very clean and normal – no redness or anything abnormal looking.
my budgie is making a coughing noise and bobbing his head
I have a cat who just had kittens recently. They will be 3 weeks on August 25th. I believe her milk is drying up. The last two nipples are the only ones the kittens want and there are 3 of them. The rest are hard. I have another mother cat in the house who is nursing her own 4 kittens that are 2 days older. Her supply is running good. Should I try and have her nurse the other ones? The mom cats don’t get along so I don’t know how it will work.
My cat has half of a kitten out of her, ive only been home for an hour and shes been like this sense I need to know how to help her, I cant afford and er vet tonight or even have a ride I just need to know how to help her
If a lactating dog is taken away from the pups at 5 weeks old and then returned to the puppies 3 days later, what will happen to her or the puppies?
My pitbull puppy recently started scratching and licking at his skin and he’s getting these spots. How can I get rid of them? Is there any medicine I can get for it?
Noticed today my dog has been dragging her butt across the floor most of the day, she has a small red bump under her hindend
julie brader Please take your dog to your Vet!! She could have an absess on her anal glands; they could be compacted or worse if there is a lump. It could also be a prolapsed bowel. Shes in obvious pain too or she wouldn’t be dragging herself across the floor trying to relieve the pain.
This can’t be left any longer please see your Vet urgently it will only get worse and she needs treatment.
she had surgery years ago to remove breast cancer, I know cats don’t show their pain like dogs do but I don’t know if I should take her to the vet either then again I don’t want her to suffer — thoughts?
Two weeks ago is probably too long ago. Keep monitoring him. Keep us posted and I hope he feels better!
Thank you and will do!