She is also breathing more weirdly than normal.
Any toxicity of mineral oil to dogs? (this would be used in low concentration to create garlic extract to spray lawn to repel mosquitoes)
I have a 10 year old female labrador who has recently been licking her vagina very frequently. Today we noticed a very large lump next to her vagina. She is not eating, however drinking a lot, but not going to the toilet to wee
Chelsea Darby -
Anonymous *vulva.
and she needs to be seen by a vet.
Chelsea Darby Okay thanks to the both of you. Just a little difficult when my mother doesnt work :/ we will obviously take her to the vets, but will not be immediatley.
jerry smith larger dogs and strong breeds tend to wait longer before letting the owner know something is wrong, leaving less time to treat quickly/ properly. Not eating and breathing changes are major issues. You can usually see a vet for maybe $40 and go from there, arrangements might can be made about the $ (discounts/ payments/charities/etc), so don’t wait.
Hi I have 11 yr old westie being sick only after evening meal . Can you help plz.
My cat has watering and some discharge with some redness when I open it. I have been using warm compresses
My dog recently started having trouble jumping. He can jump up onto the couch but starts whining immediately for a second or two. He still runs to go play fetch but doesn’t want to jump anymore like he normally does. What should I do?
How do I treat a small cut on my cats face?
my cat has small cut on his face which bled a little, how can I treat it?
my bearded dragon has been acting weird today. He was fine this morning now his legs start to twitch and go paralized. We gave him a calcium bath and that didn’t help at all.
male 11 yo neutered minpin foster dog. He has had a lump on the side of his penis for months It is getting larger If I touch it he yelps but not every time. He has been peeing and walking around Does this sound like prostate cancer 2 you?
How to nurse and how much food should 4 week old pup eat? He’s on metronidazol, because his previous owner gave him polluted water and he developed severe amebiasis. How long should he sleep? He’s mom died. His sisters died of amebiasis too
Anonymous if memory serves, based on some research i’ve done, puppies should be eating 5-6 meals per day at that age. do you have support from your vet?
Anna K Krista, thank you for your advice! Today I gave him breakfast (puppy food with warm water and a bit of oatmeal – syringe), 2nd breakfast (the same, but he vomitted it as he didn’t feel good in the afternoon), home made chicken soup with celery and carrots – syringe – couple of times during the day because he felt nauseated and he ate small portions (1 small syringe at a time, next in 15 – 20 minutes, sometimes 2 syringes at a time). When he smelled our dinner all of the sudden he jumped out of the bed and ate some chicken (boiled), not much, but it was his initiative. He played with our lab, played with his stuffed chicken and went to bed. Now I’m waking him every half our and I give him blended rice with egg yolk, chicken and warm water.
Laura, unfortunately no because our vet told me that he’s gonna die. And I’m not giving up on him.
No, just used to make the garlic extract, to be then diluted and sprayed on grass.
It is possible that some of the grass gets eaten later, as our guys like their “salad”