Epilepsy is really a diagnoses of exclusion. Was he diagnosed with this and other causes were ruled out?
This is a good article on seizures
Hello 7mo old Siamese neutered on Fri will not keep cone on.. Has white raised spot thats black/blue Stopped oral diluted metcam as was prescribed this am & Primary vet not helpful, taking to emergency clinic tonite. What could this be?
Is it still epilepsy if my dog only had a seizure at age 5 and then 9?
Is it possible for a dog to be epileptic but only has had one at age 5 then at age 9?
Epilepsy is really a diagnoses of exclusion. Was he diagnosed with this and other causes were ruled out?
This is a good article on seizures
Zoey has been doing this since she became older. We now roll up all rugs, clear countertops, remove plush toys, let them out repeatedly before leaving. This happens whether we are gone for 2hrs or 6hrs. We understand it is probably the anxiety that causes her to urinate and defecate. We also understand the behaviors are related to the same. But it is so disheartening and honestly, frustrating, when we return home to find what she has done. We are now trying the wall plug phermones, trying not to make it a big deal when we leave or come home and most importantly, trying not to react when we discover her latest destruction.
To make it worse, my 1 male who is dominant will mark her urinated spots if we do not clean and neutralize it sufficiently… which we always try to do. It seems the issue is cascading and we are at wits end.
Any thoughts?
One of my older cats, Fluffy, is favoring his left eye; upper and lower lids are pink. Tender to the touch around the eye. I plan to call for an appt in AM but is there anything I can do tonight to relieve obvious discomfort?
my dog started shaking and foaming at the mouth….what could be wrong
Based on the latest research, what at what age would you recommend spay (GSD)
As young as your vet will allow. At the humane society I work at we do them as young as 8 weeks due to the high volume of animals we receive and need to get into homes. Most private vet clinics like them to be a little older but I would assume most vets would do it around 4 months.
Ok, my bad, I guess. This is the opposite to what I was looking for it the latest ideal age, taking health aspect into consideration (orthopedic health, cancer)
I’ve heard baby aspirin is okay, but not Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Motrin, etc. I would check with your vet first though and would not give it to young puppies or nursing females.
I have two black Labs, and I will give them an aspirin now and then, but not often. Ibuprophen is poisonous to dogs and cats. But if your dog is still feeling bad, or showing symptoms after the aspirin wears off …..its time to go to the vet. Good luck!
JD riddle: How much would shrink wrap shrink exposed to stomach juices?
It was the very thin plastic they use for meat products, to wrap the tray. (somebody ate the content of one of the packages, unfortunately including the plastic it was wrapped in. At least he left the tray and the moisture pad)
It was in the stomach Saturday afternoon to today morning when he puked some of it. We washed it, straightened it as much as we could, found a package of the same product and compared as well as we could.
The plastic from the stomach does feel different, so perhaps “shrunk” somewhat?
It is the intestines I’m worried about. The entire plastic wasn’t that huge, about 14″ x 14″ (original size); there were chunks, so it seems it got chewed up at least somewhat. The pieces were actually “shrunk” into strips type of shape.
He’s eating fine but not pooping as he should.
PS: he ate it on the way from grocery store
Yeah, hoping to see some poop.
Hubby didn’t tell me until he puked and went to examine the vomit and couldn’t figure out what the heck was it in there.
Note: would it have made sense to make him throw up right after hubby found out?
Yeah, that’s what I figure.
But I didn’t know until today when he came clean.
So we got normal poop this morning, looks like we got lucky this ime.
How do you figure a dog can come from a swampy area with the rear end completely wet and the front end dry?
She also is sore this evening, which might or might not be related as crazy active. No specific leg seems favored.
Yes, it is a Cookie riddle. That’s exactly what she managed to do today, though. The farm dog she was exploring with was wet in a normal fashion. She managed to get just the rear end wet and she managed to get herself sore.
So I’m wondering whether those two are connected or happened independently.
The only way I can picture getting wet in that way would be falling with rear end only into the water while the front end still on rocks or something. Not that many rocks there, though …
Either way, she had a little too much fun.
She seemed to had been feeling fine by morning. Today she had another day there, but hung around (it’s the farm dog who leads her astray LOL)
She does get to have a lot of fun, every now and then too much fun. She also can’t stop if her life depended on it. She just has to keep going, can’t help herself. Will have to watch for that when living up at Jasmine’s ranch. Gonna have to do some “time out breaks” for her survival, I think.
Hi Elizabeth,
from the way you’re asking I’m assuming that it was diagnosed as epilepsy the first time around? At the age of 5 it would be a likely diagnosis. How was it diagnosed and was it treated in any way?
“The two most important factors in the diagnosis of idiopathic epilepsy
is the age at onset and the seizure pattern (type and frequency). If
your dog has more than two seizures within the first week of onset, your
veterinarian will probably consider a diagnosis other than idiopathic
Onset of seizures in a dog older than 5 years, it can be metabolic or neurological (a lesion like a brain tumor).
So the question on my mind would be, is it the same thing as it was four years ago or is there something else going on? If it was me I would want to revisit this with my vet.