I am happy to help you here. I have a lot of information on my blog KMDVM.blogspot.com and my YouTube channel. If you go to them there is a lot (I hope all that you could need) there.
I have to say that I rarely advise giving up on these cases until a few weeks has gone by and they are not making any progress. It usually takes these patients a few days (at least 5-7) to get to a stable place where assessment can even begun to be made. In that time it is very important to keep them eating, cage rested and clean. In some cases I water down the food to make it easier to pass and less painful for posturing to defecate.
These patients need time, dedication and a devoted family and vet to help get through the first few (often hard and painful) days. Please see these blogs for help;
and my youtube channel here; krista magnifico and search IVDD
i hope this helps.. if you can get your pup to me in Jarrettsville I am happy to help,, it is very difficult to help someone without seeing the patient.
i hope this helps, i wish you both the best, safe safe and be well
Please have your friend send me their email address and I will see if we can help figure out the log in details. Next there are quite a few things this can be. I’ve seen it be papillomas, histiocytomas, allergies, and dental disease. I’m sorry but it is always impossible to diagnose via a photo. I would say it’s best to start saving some money to get a vet appointment or call all the local rescues and shelters to see if they know of any local free clinics. We have a few around where I live. They help people with limited funds. Also I would watch the lesion and keep photos of its progression. It helps with identifying and diagnosing. I hope this helps. Good luck.
Thank you. I believe she emailed about the issue but I will ask. Which email should she use