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Madison | 5 years ago
Hi So My Pug Seems Like He Is In Pain On His Back Leg He Walks …

Hi so my pug seems like he is in pain on his back leg he walks on it but usually liftes it up and he keeps chewing on his paw what can I do

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would be worried that the licking is an indication of pain. Limping can be indicative of many things to. like injury, illness or Orthopedic issues. Please see a vet about this. There is no other credible advice I can give from here.

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martha | 5 years ago
Has Anyone’s Kitten Been Diagnosed With Entropian? If So, Did You Have The Surgery Performed?

Has anyone’s kitten been diagnosed with entropian? If so, did you have the surgery performed?

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    As a veterinarian I know I am biased BUT I see lots of these and I always recommend fixing them. Ideally at the time of spay/neuter as they are already under general anesthesia. For me most of these are fairly quick, cheap and easy. I have a few blogs and I think even a storyline here I can share. I also think this is a surgery almost all general practitioners can do. The long term affects of NOT doing it far outweigh the downside to doing it. I find if you don’t do the surgery the eyelashes rubbing against the cornea causes chronic squinting (due to pain!), tearing (due to corneal trauma) and eventually it can cause vision impairment. I would love to see a picture of your kitties eyes. And I would love to hear the surgery estimate the vet gave you.


    1. martha Post author

      They referred me to an animal eye care center and they have not called me yet. Her eye is so swollen now she can barely open it.

  2. Shiria

    I would recommend to do the surgery. If you have an eye care center thats even better. Otherwise you could ask the vet if they have done this kind of surgery before.
    I work in a shelter and have seen a few cats with an entropian. All of them had the surgery and I think they felt better afterwards. Before they were always squinting, some hat swollen eyes or infections. After the surgery and everything healed that was gone.

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Angelica | 5 years ago
I Just Got A New Puppy From A Rescue. They Neutered Him At 9 Weeks Against My …

I just got a new puppy from a rescue. They neutered him at 9 weeks against my wishes. I advised them that the tattoo looked infected and he looked a little swollen. 4 days later he has massive swelling. I took him to the vet, we aren’t sure what’s going on

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If they aren’t sure ask them to refer you to someone who might be. Without looking at it myself I can’t even begin to speculate what this is or how serious it might be. Ask for a second opinion from an experienced vet you trust. Or ask the rescue to have him seen by the surgeon they had do the surgery. Thank you for rescuing him!

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Jason | 5 years ago
My Indoor Outdoor Cat Has Been Losing Weight. Recently Took Her To Er Vet Because She …

My indoor outdoor cat has been losing weight. Recently took her to er vet because she stopped eating and was very lethargic and they took xrays and bloodwork and no results she hasn’t pooped in 2 days hasn’t eaten in 4 days not interested in food at all she is a chronic puker and 2 days ago she puked a bunch today she puked up clear foam and pooped liquid with some solid and it had hair in it

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I would make an appointment to see your regular vet. My assumption is that they will do a full blood work up and thorough exam. Being that they know your pet best and have a relationship with you- they can start investigating thoroughly to find out what might be happening. Be prepared to answer a lot of questions to help with the detective work of figuring out what is going on. If you can, try to remember exactly when things started going downhill… is it possible she got into something she shouldn’t have? Halloween candy? Has she been nibbling on any house plants? I would bring the xrays that you had done at the ER with you as well- yet they still may take more xrays. Maybe request a barium X-ray? I know Years ago, we had a blocked cat once that didn’t show up on regular X-ray, but the barium X-ray showed the blockage. Hope some of this info helps. Best of luck!!????????

    1. Jason Post author

      She just ate then pooped a little bit it was slimy and green poop

      1. Cathy

        It sounds like your cat has been exposed to some kind of poison. I would take it to the emergency vet hospital for a thorough blood screening. I hope your kitty feels better!

  2. Wendy

    I’m thinking coccidia . Get that tested asap and make her eat something! Anything. 4 days is too long. Her liver enzymes will go up and she will sink more. Try droppers or syringes of rebound recouperation or Gerber baby chicken and gravy watered down with kitty lyte or plain Pedialyte. Some hills AD diet would be great but it requires a script from vet. 1 TBL 2-3 times a day will keep get safe.

    Ponazuril will nuke the coccidia
    So will TMZ

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Darcy | 5 years ago
Having Difficulty With Our New Pup And Cat. About Two Months Ago I Introduced A New …

Having difficulty with our new pup and cat.
About two months ago I introduced a new puppy to our family. We have an 8 month old kitten, and a 2 year old German Shepherd, and the new guy, 6 month old Chance, an American Bully.
We rescued Chance from an abusive situation, and he is just a sweet and snuggly boy with us and our German Shepherd. The problem we face now is that we’re worried about our cat. They have been separated by a baby gate. He doesn’t bark or growl at her, but rather whines and stares at her. He does chase her, but we’ve always nabbed him. When she is on the other side of a regular door, she’ll put her paw under as any cat would to play. He hasn’t attacked it at this point. He just gets very still and quiet and just stares at her paw and begins to tremble/shake. He has broken a bar on the baby gate to be near her.
She is unenthused to meet him, after he’s chased her, which makes her run, which makes him chase. We aren’t really sure what to make of all of this behavior or what to do. I feel over saturated in information.
Our german Shepherd was happy to be with her within a week or two. He chases her once in awhile, but all in all they co-exist and like each other. I don’t know if I need to find a new home for bully puppy.
Please help

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning???? Don’t give up. Dogs thrive on schedule and repetition. Continue to praise the positive behavior towards your cat that you puppy displays. If he is treat driven, even better. If he sits quietly near her for a short time, treat reward. Gradually increase the time. When you are not busy- perhaps in the evening watching the news or a show, have kitty on your lap or in your sight and puppy in the same room. Quiet may only last a minute or so at first, but that is ok. It will gradually increase. We have a house with three GSD and 1 cat. We make sure that the dogs know kitty is above them in the pack order. She gets fed first, she is allowed on furniture (dogs are not) she is allowed certain places the dogs are not… all of these “other” rules help establish pack order. It takes time and patience, but can definitely be done. Thanks so much for rescuing!!! Don’t give up- it will work out. Best of luck!! ????????

  2. Laura

    Keep the pup on leash when he and the cat might interact. IMMEDIATE “Leave It” correction any time he so much as looks at the cat to chase. Reward appropriate behavior to ensure there’s direction in what you want.

    Not kidding on leaving a leash on him, by the way. It’s the best way to enforce an immediate correction.

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DS | 5 years ago
5.5 Days After Bringing Our 16 Week Puppy Home (also 5.5 Days After Her Second Parvo Shot) She Tested …

5.5 days after bringing our 16 week puppy home (also 5.5 days after her second parvo shot) she tested positive for parvo and giardia. In another 5 days she had a negative ELISA parvo.

Upon bringing her home and following all instructions we can’t get solid poo, unless we feed boiled chicken, white rice and pumpkin. We’ve tried twice a slow transition to Pro Plan Chicken EN as our vet prescribed but once we move to kibble and pumpkin only (Forta Flora too) we are back to liquid poo. If we keep at least a 1/4 cup boiled chicken and rice we get some ok poo and some not great however not liquid.

Added to this her poo has mucus. Breeder is not happy with the kibble our vet has us on. We’d like to try something with nutritional content but are fearful we will setback progress. That said where we are at isn’t all that great.

We’ve had a diarrhea panel in addition to lots of other bloodwork and a urinalysis every thing so far is negative. Vet says there is one more bloodwork we can try or exploratory surgery to see if she has IBS.

Trying to determine do I try other foods or did the parvo and treatment ruin her GI and this will never be solved? Is the 2 months post parvo not enough time for get GI to repair?

Help I’m frustrated and confused.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    this is tough to answer here. Tough because there is a lot more info needed to get a clear picture of your pup. (like what kind of dog is this and where are you?). so,, i will add a few notes based on previous experience. One, I think the parvo is probably a moot point by now. Sure a probiotic to help a recovering gut is helpful (and always on my prescription menu so ask about this!), but i doubt your pup had parvo,, and if she did she recovered by now,, puppies heal fast. Two,, I keep looking for intestinal parasites until I get 3 consecutive negative fecals. So keep checking. Next, if i had a dollar for everytime some breeder meddled in my treatment plan, and some client had the nerve to ask me to consider their advice or opinion! UGH! it drives me batty! Stop asking your breeder,, they have no business practicing medicine. (Sorry, personal sore spot).
    lastly I would recommend you talak to your vet about a maldigestion profile and ultrasound.. or ask for a referral to an internal medicine specialist, I would also ask about things like panacur, tylan powder and cobalaquin. I use these and i/d for the puppies like yours, Lastly make sure your pup is protected from intestinal worms by using a good broad spectrum heartworm preventative. I have had a few pups w chronic hookworms so I can mine on Interceptor Plus year around,., just some points to discuss with your vet (not your breeder!).

    let us know what happens.

  2. Sarah

    If your puppy, from a breeder, had parvo, I would be concerned with the breeder and their situation. I would stick with the advice of my vet- unless your breeder is a DVM as well. I would make another vet appointment and talk about your concerns and other possible conditions to check for in my puppy. In the meantime, If boiled chicken and rice are helping the situation some, I would keep up with that. Best of luck.

  3. DS Post author

    Maldigestion profile, I assume this is an EPI test.? If yes this was something we had discussed with our vet in addition to cobalaquin as the next step if diarrhea continued. If EPI negative our vet suggested a GI biopsy to rule out IBS. We also discussed getting her on Interceptor with our vet. You’ll love this…breeder didn’t want us to put her on a heart worm preventative so we hadn’t done that yet.

    Based in part by your reply I will schedule the EPI and Cobalaquin test tomorrow. Additionally, will get her going on interceptor.

    Yes she is fully recovered from giardia and or parvo. I’d like to know if those two things and or the treatment of them are what has caused all these other issues of which we have no diagnosis yet. If EPI positive wondering if it can be hereditary…will discuss with my vet.

    Thank you Krista (and scgreco413) for the time you put into a reply to my post.

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Debra | 5 years ago
My Male Cat Can’t Pee. It’s Been A Few Hours. Hes Trying To Push …

My male cat can’t pee. It’s been a few hours. Hes trying to push but very little urine is coming out. The urine is clear, no blood or crystals. Hes really uncomfortable and he’s asking me to fix it. I don’t have the money for a vet. Is there something I can do for him?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but this needs to be considered an emergency. And a vet needs to be seen. If he is blocked he needs to have the obstruction removed. If he is locked and it isn’t the bladder can rupture inside of him and this can be fatal. Please call everyone you know asking for help. And please call every rescue, vet and shelter. If possible ask to have his care taken over by someone who can get him the care he needs right now. In cases like this with clients without any money I allow the pet to be signed over to a rescue we work with and we provide the care pro bono. It’s not what a client wants to hear or do but It can save this cats life. I wish your cat luck.

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Dakota | 5 years ago
Pit Bull Mix With Suspected Ivdd. Losing The Mobility In His Hind Legs. Urinating And Defecating …

Pit bull mix with suspected ivdd. Losing the mobility in his hind legs. Urinating and defecating on himself and the only option I was give was a 10,000$ surgery. I just need advice on how to care for my poor dog so that he can have a quality life. I got him when he was 8 weeks old and I was only 16 so we have grown up together I love him to pieces. Please help me!

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have a lot of Information on my blog and YouTube channel. Go there. Also a few questions below is the book I recommend. It’s available on Amazon. I also think it is imperative to call the vet who diagnosed you and remind them it is unethical to not provide options to you even if the preferred treatment option is cost prohibitive. We owe our patients options and when I hear they aren’t being provided I shudder at the number of let’s falling through the cracks because we have forgotten to be compassionate and flexible. It’s also a reportable offense to not provide care in the manner clients request. Please also look into physical therapy, acupuncture and adjusting your home to be more handicapped friendly. I would also ask for a referral to a vet who is versed in this and willing to help a client with financial constraints. Go back and talk to your vet. Demand help that is meaningful or find one who will. These pets can recover with conservativecare But you need to be hyper diligent and you need assistance. Reach out on social media to find a mentor locally who had been through this or ask your vet to give you a patient in the past who had this and build your own support network. Please keep in touch. And please let us know what happens. Good luck

  2. Dakota Post author

    I just wanted to respond with an update on my little pit bull who was diagnosed with ivdd. It’s day 6 of his symptoms and it has been really really hard. Especially the first couple days but we’ve got him on some pain management and I’m following you’re advice on resting the dog as much as possible. He’s been eating and drinking regularly the past couple days which is great and he seems to be more alert and happy. All great signs. But I do have a few specific follow up questions about his symptoms. The first is he’s not been defecating the past 3 days and I’m curious how I can help him with his bowel movements. And my second question is how
    Much movement is too much? My little guy is very determined to get up and walk regardless of the pain or lack of mobility in his hind legs. Is this something that I should allow or should I limit his movement significantly?

    Any help appreciated thank you

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Amanda | 5 years ago
I Have The Sweetest Siamese Mix, Goldie, Adopted From Our Local Humane Society. Unfortunately, She Has …

I have the sweetest Siamese mix, Goldie, adopted from our local humane society. Unfortunately, she has been a sick kitty and she’s had 4 URIs in her two years of life. She did take the full course of antibiotics for all of them and healed successfully.

Recently, she’s been making low snoring noises periodically when awake and sleeping and it seems to be only when inhaling. She’s a talkative girl and sometimes her voice changes when meowing. She has no other symptoms and is eating, drinking and playing normally and there has been no mouth breathing while making the noises. Her breathing rate has been normal. Sometimes it seems like she is making the noises and then stretches out real long in the first picture to get comfortable.

Below is a link to her video around 24 seconds you can hear it, you might have to put it at full volume:

If this is difficult to hear it sounds very similar to this:

I have a vet appointment next week and am concerned she has stertor from an oropharyngeal polyp from my online research and her symptoms. Is this something that a vet would be able to see without putting them under sedation? Are there any other suggestions you have as to what I could have them test for if it’s not a polyp? I wasn’t sure if she could have asthma or another breathing related issue.

Finally, do you by chance have any recommendations for vets in Phoenix, Arizona? I am just getting myself prepared if needed for a second opinion or if surgery is necessary.

Appreciate it and all your tips and videos online! You are doing incredible work!

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    hello Amanda!
    If you think your kitty has stertor, or what I call upper nasal snoring sounds, I think it is best to start at your vets office. A couple of things are important to discuss early on. One, lots of stertor sounds alike. For the many cases of polyps that I have seen it is important to look at the whole cat, take a very detailed history and do the basics, like ruling out URI (upper respiratory infection) first. Lots of cats get this, as mist have come through rescue/shelter scenarios. So, I always talk to clients about covering the basics first.
    URI should look like infection. Lethargy, fever, ocular and nasal discharge are usually present. Antibiotics are our first stop for these cats. I usually use clavamox, doxycycline, or azithromycin (I’ll even try all three before I move out of the infection suspicion scenario).
    BUT, some cats are instead chronic rhinitis. These are usually a little older, and a little distanced from the rescuing phase of their lives. They are usually the somewhat older cats (like 2-6 years old) and they were probably exposed to a herpes virus early on. They sort of never get over the snoring and sniffles. These guys are life long snifflers. Usually with some degree of nasal and ocular discharge.
    There are also the polyp cats, These are the ones I see often, because, their primary vet doesnt want to go take a look because if they find a polyp they are afraid to remove it. So most of the cats I see are the suspected polyps who cannot afford the $2500 plus estimate the specialists are giving for retroflex endoscopy, and removal with a surgeon.

    I know lots of general practitioners who will sedate (yes this is required to get an adequate look) who will look and will remove but the risks are important to discuss before hand. The risks are; regrowth. I have seen it happen in two cases. Both resolved permanently after the second removal. I have also seen significant bleeding after removal. The cat ultimately did fine, but, I was worried for a few days.

    If you find yourself with a vet who is reluctant to look ask for a referral. If the referral is to a specialisit and this is not affordable call the local cat specialty clinics, rescues and shelters for a referral you can afford.

    I hope this helps. Please let me know what happens.. If you cannot find help let me know and I can reach out to some of the rescue people I know in AZ.

    good luck!


  2. Amanda Post author

    If it is in fact a polyp and it goes without removal, does this lead to any suffering for the cat throughout their life? Do these polyps continue to grow to the point of full obstruction?

    I really appreciate all your advice and time! Thank you so much and I’ll report out after the appointment either way.

  3. Amanda Post author

    Hello, I just wanted to follow-up on my vet visit. The vet gave Goldie a Kenalog shot and to be honest, the noises she was making went away, but it’s strange as it seems now I’m not hearing her purr as often. Is a steroid shot ok to use on a limited basis? I know that it’s short term use and would not want to continue giving her shots every few months as I know it can suppress her immunity and for a cat that has had several URI’s I’m now second guessing the vet giving it to her.


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Jessica | 5 years ago
I Have A Cat Named Izzy And She Is About 10 Months Old. She Has Pectus Excavatum. …

I have a cat named Izzy and she is about 10 months old. She has Pectus Excavatum. She has started to have some wheezing after she plays for about 20 – 30 minutes. I don’t have the thousands it would cost to fix her chest and the risk of air getting into her chest cavity scares me. I keep her on a steady diet so she doesn’t gain too much weight and cause more issues breathing. She’s never has an upper respiratory infection, no fluid coming out of her nose, fever, nothing. She gets tired very easily.

Her heart has been pushed to one side of her rib cage due to this condition. Is there any way I can help her without spending an arm and a leg?

As you can see in the photo, she sits very scrunched up due to the way her ribs are shaped.

Thanks in advance.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I know if lots of vets who will do this surgery at a more affordable price. I would call around. Call everyone locally and call the cat specialty clinics. Keep calling and keep asking. Call the rescues and shelters and keep calling. Also put up requests on social media sites like Facebook and There are people out there who can do this surgery and who will do it affordably. When you find them PLEASE!! share their name and info and PLEASE add the story to our storylines. Pawbly is all about trying to Connect people like you with the people who can help. If you tell me where you are I can try to help too.
    Surgery is your best option. Let’s try to find someone who can help.