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Ebony | 5 years ago
My Cat Got A FLUTD Diagnosis Yesterday Morning After Spending The Night In The Animal Hospital …

My cat got a FLUTD diagnosis yesterday morning after spending the night in the animal hospital because they were checking for an obstruction. He hadn’t obstructed, but they couldn’t get enough urine for a urinalysis, so when we picked him up yesterday morning they gave us a container. I got a hair under 3ml, dropped it off and was told they’d run it and let me know if it was enough but I have yet to hear if anything has come from it. He’s on an anti-inflammatory and a muscle relaxant. He’s a very vocal and clingy cat, but he’s been very quiet since we brought him home. He produced a decent amount of urine yesterday, but he hasn’t done more than a little dribble for about 4 hours now. I was told, if there were no additional or worsening symptoms, to bring him in immediately if this reaches 12 hours with no output. He doesn’t yell or talk or grunt when he’s in the litter, just stays there for a while and scrunches his back up as he tries to go but can’t, and will turn around frequently. He’s walking normally and isn’t having trouble getting to sleep, he’s eating normally and drinking frequently.
I was advised to start a vet prescription diet made up of 90% Hills Science Metabolic Urinary Care + CD dry food and 10% wet food, but the vets didn’t have any and after making a few calls around, was told my best option was to order it online and wait. Waiting is very stressful, and I’d really like to know if there is anything else I can do in the meantime to prevent any further discomfort or an obstruction. I would also like to know if there is a safe way to get him to the animal hospital the fastest. I’m worried if he’s obstructed, picking him up and carrying him or putting him in his cage might cause even more pain or make his urethra rupture.
Any additional tips or advice is very much appreciated. Thank you for your time.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but in these cases the only way to really know what is going on in the bladder is to palpate your cat to feel the size, firmness and pain in the bladder. I teach my clients how to palpate and I also advise giving at home sw fluids OR best yet hospitalizing with iv fluids until the urine runs clear and the patient is pain free and comfortable. I think that at this point if you are worried it’s best to see the vet ASAP. I also think it is important for the urinalysis results to be known. Lots of cats have cystitis and not a Urinary tract infection. Different things and therefore different treatment plans and options.
    Let me know what happens and above all else ask the vet to give you a diagnosis and both a short and long term treatment plan and help in getting through it all. If they aren’t helpful go elsewhere. These cats need a lot of oversight and assistance. You need to have a vet who will fo all of this for you.

    Best of luck !

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Female Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Is Really Aggressive Towards Humans. When I Reach In Her Cage…

my female netherland Dwarf rabbit is really aggressive towards humans.
When i reach in her cage she grunts and bites
Anyone have any helpfull tips
Btw she is Spayed

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I always recommend seeking help from your vet to make sure it isn’t a medical issue. Often the only way these pets can show pain or discomfort is with a change in attitude or behavior.

  2. Baz Jarvis

    Training. They have some good behavioral classes you can take them too. Look online around your local area

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Ate A Bunch Of Grapes ( More Than 15) And Now She’s Grunting…

My dog ate a bunch of grapes ( more than 15) and now she’s grunting and swallowing. Will she be ok?

1 Response


  1. Jana

    How long ago? I would call a vet or pet poison helpline immediately. If it has been recently enough, they might recommend you induce vomiting and guide you through it. Or they might tell you you need to bring her in. If it was a longer time ago, you might need to bring her in.This isn’t something to fool around with. I would call one or the other now.
