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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Live In England And I Have A Syrian Hamster And I Have Built An…

I live in England and I have a Syrian hamster and I have built an outside cage- is it a good idea to put the hamster in it and for how long?

6 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    hamsters are not outside pets.  please keep him inside where he’s safe and in a climate-controlled environment.

  2. Emma Willcocks

    Oh but a vet told me I could for an hour or so? If it was a safe place?

  3. Anonymous

    i personally wouldn’t do it. too much predator risk.

  4. Shiria

    I agree with Laura, hamsters don’t belong outside. If you want to give him more room to move outside his cage you can built him a safe area inside your room.

  5. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Honestly as long as he is completely safe he will likely enjoy fresh air and sunlight, however, he may get this near an open window!  I like animals to go out but they  must be safe.  An hour should be fine.

  6. Dawesome Meltzington

    An hour should be fine as long as the weather is not to cold, or hot and there is a top to the cage to protect him from other animals. Also, is it is just to play, you can sit outside on the grass and let him run around on you as long as you are watching him carefully, but make sure it was not sprayed by pestisied or any other chemichal spray within 48 hours

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Living With Together With 2 More Others Hamster.
Have A Serious Cut On His Head, But…

Living with together with 2 more others Hamster.
Have a serious cut on his head, but it dry and became a wound. Yesterday, I am not sure whether he fight or hurt his wound and cause the wound drop and bleed seriously. Now it’s much better after applying some medicine in it,
He’s not active as before. I try to feed it with some water but totally rejected and feed him food also rejected.

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    i would be worried about fighting between them.  are the others male?  can you house him separately?

  2. Brendon Cheong Vinnten

    Yes, the other are male. I have separated them earlier. But it’s still the same , what should I do 🙁

  3. Anonymous

    well, i’m not a vet, but i’d be worried about serious injuries. hamsters should never be housed together – they’re a solitary species – and when house together will often fight until one is dead.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Hamster Has Some White Booger Stuff In Her Eye What Is It?

my hamster has some white booger stuff in her eye what is it?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Got A Hamster 4 Days Ago And I Handled Him For The First Time…

I got a hamster 4 days ago and I handled him for the first time yesterday, he was fine, didn’t bite was just a bit jumpy but that was to be expected. He woke up a little while ago because something made him jump it is 8:38pm now and he is normally awake by now and running on his wheel. Last night he was a little off, he normally runs on his wheel for hours but last night he curled up in the corner of his cage which he never does.. He is sort of awake now but is still laying in his hut which is unusual because normally he comes out of his hut as soon as he wakes up has some food then goes in his wheel but today he hasn’t, I placed a bit of food outside his hut and he came to sniff it and as he did some of his bedding came out and it had brown on it, not much but it worried me. He then came out and came to the edge of the cage to smell my hand and he had sawdust, bedding and poo stuck to his tail. Also he hasn’t drank any water since I have got him, I use a bottle. I am really worried he might have wet tail, please help:(

1 Response


  1. Aricka Graff

    My old hamster had wet tail and I bought medicine for it at petsmart and he healed.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Hamster Eye Is Swollena Dn Red

My hamster eye is swollena dn red

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    vet time.  don’t delay with infected eyes, which is what may be the case here.