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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have Adopted A Dog From The Pound About 4 Or 3 Moths Ago…

I have adopted a dog from the pound about 4 or 3 moths ago, he is a very good dog but when someone enters my room, my dog starts growling and he won’t stop. The behaviour has gotten worse when my fathers partner hit him with a leash with a metal spring on it, now whenever he hears someone walking outside of my room (going upstairs or to the bathroom) he immediately starts growling, his growling got more loud and now when someone passes him, he’s scared and walks away. Another thing is when I leave the house, he starts howling and it’s annoying my father he wants me to sell him but I still believe there is something to help my dog. He is a sheepdog collie mix and 2 years old, he is a very good dog and I presume his previous owners must have been abusing him since he’s scared of everything. Is there a way to teach him not to do it?

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Have you spoken with a trainer yet?  

  2. Alex Nic Conmara

    No, there isn’t any trainers around where I live so it’s hard

  3. Lisa Pfab

    Well hitting has made it worse. Your dog has several anxiety/fear issues. you can teach a dog confidence but it
    takes time and dedication. Start by always having your dog on a leash with you. when he lays quietly, tell him good dog. start teaching him to sit on command. then start teaching him to sit in place on a carpet or matt. All this will teach him proper behavior, and make a bond. once he and you have developed a bond, start asking a friend to come over to help work with your dog. Put a bowl of treats outside of the door, have your friend come to the door, your dog on a leash, you ask your dog to sit, treat him. the friend comes in, no eye contact, talks to you, if dog stays sitting, no growling treat him. Once dog accepts friend, let friend treat him.
    Start teaching your dog that all good things come from you when he listens. Get what we call High value treats, something he ONLY gets during training, cheese, chicken, moist dog treats, whatever, but he only gets it during training.
    Collie and shepherding dogs have such a strong desire to be with their people, to please them, that you should be able to train him.
    As for crying while you are gone, he should be crated, with a cover over the crate, and give him a large Kong to work on while you are gone. He only ever gets the Kong in the crate. Fill it with dog food, and mix in some peanut butter, plug the whole over with peanut butter and freeze, give it to him when leaving, but make sure you feed him less so he doesn’t get fat lol.
    Take time, he will be a good dog, dogs know when they are rescued.
    Good luck!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Know Our Vet Will Want Xrays Etc And Cost Us 500 Dollars To Hear…

I know our vet will want xrays etc and cost us 500 dollars to hear she is fine and to just give it time. Any suggestions?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Crate rest for 24 hours.  This means she isn’t allowed out except to toilet, and that should be on leash.  If, after 24 hours, you see no improvement, then you know to go to the vet.

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Morgan Duff | 9 years ago
So What Else Would You Recommend For A Dog That Is Afraid Of Fireworks The…

So what else would you recommend for a dog that is afraid of fireworks the thundershirt helped a little maybe some music we can hear the fireworks sounds all over our house maybe a movie sound would help

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
First Week He Was All Cream/off White Colored With A Pink Nose And Paw Pads….

First week he was all cream/off white colored with a pink nose and paw pads.. second week his nose and ears began to turn greyish (grey on bottom layers of fur but cream putter layers or tips) Today he is mainly cream/off white colored with a grey nose, grey ears with the cream tint, his paw pads are still pink but now with almost a purple accent, his little nut sack even now has a grey outline lol. His tail seems to be very furry and/or bushy, however it doesnt seem to be a certian color or outline. I think its kinda cream or off white with a orangish tint to it, as well as his back legs but im wondering if thats not “pee stained” bc he does have quite a bit of accidents the older he gets. (Idk if thats even possible, lol I just know the orangish tent seems super out of place with the grey and cream/gold/off white color. Also it appears as if he is going to be long haired.. at first I was just thinking all kittens are fluffy but no.. he has an afro, and when he’s full he looks like a fluffy balloon! His fur is also become quite silky.. almost like a greasy feel even when he’s fresh out of a bath and blow dried. But his tail is so fluffy it looks like a really long Christmas tree, bc for some reason all of his fur makes him look as if he just got his tounge out of a light socket lol. So anyone have any ideas or opinions of what he could be? I’ve been hearing the terms Long haired Siamese, Persian, Himalayan, Color point Long hair, Flame Point, ext. Or what age do you think ill have a decent idea of what he may look like lol.

31 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    maybe he has blue points?  the photos are pretty grainy – hard to tell.  but pointed cats USUALLY tend to be related to Siamese cats and their sub-breeds.

  2. Cherish Yuppa

    Oh yes I know my camera stinks! But yes his ears are like a greyish color (perhaps even a silverish blue) lol I know they are very close. But would a Siamese start out as blueish? Its his nose and his ears and small, random, very light patches on his face as you can kinda see on the big picture. And his paw pads are changing from just bright dark pink to a faded purple color (kinda like if I was to hold his paw and cut off the circulation) but yet his tail seems to have nothing? And other than the pads the paws don’t seem to have anything either, just his creamy color. Would Siamese start out that way? How long before he would have good visible colors? And is it possible to have a long haired Siamese or would it have to be a cross bread between something?

  3. Cherish Yuppa

    For the first week I thought he would just be a little white cat with pink tips lol.. and of course a little more hairy than normal.. but the over night his nose and ears started turning grey.. so now im just all confused. But I’d like to do some research on the breed like temperament, health, grooming, and overall personality but cant really do that without somewhat of an idea of where to start.. also! Hes not quite 3 weeks yet and his paws open to about the size of a quarter, covering the tip of my thumb with no problem.. that kinda seems like huge paws for such a tiny kitten, or is that pretty much normal? Im just thinking big paws means big cat, and he sure does have an appetite too! He can finish between 15-30ccs in a matter of mins, like 10 being the absolute tops! Then he’ll burp potty (sometimes play and cuddle) then straight back to bed lol

  4. Anonymous

    there are blue point Siamese out there. 🙂

    i’d be willing to bet his colors will change more as he grows. try to work on focusing that camera. 😉 i want to see as many photos as you can pump out of this little mite!

  5. Anonymous

    btw, there’s no real breed called a long hair Siamese. there are Balinese cats, and they’re…noisy. demanding. affectionate if you build a relationship with them. for now, just keep that baby healthy…in a few more weeks we might be able to figure it out together. he doesn’t have the smushed face of a Himi, so if he truly is a longhair i’d consider him a Balinese mix or a Siamese mix until proven otherwise.

  6. Cherish Yuppa

    Can you send me an email or something so I can send you some pictures? Here’s my info 7622199076 you can text. or email! I’d love to use your expertise on my breed and sex!! Lol

  7. Anonymous

    i’m not so good at sexing cats…i’ve never owned a kitten! but if you post photos over on a website like Photobucket or Flickr, then post the link here, we can all enjoy photos of the nugget. 😀

  8. Cherish Yuppa

    Im a first time cat owner and definitely a first time “mommy” to anything other than my human children lol. So this is a whole new world to me. But im such an animal lover and I just couldn’t bare the thought of anything happening to this little baby. He has become my entire world lol. Hes just like my own now!

  9. Anonymous

    you seem to be doing great so far. 🙂 make sure he gets to the vet around 10 weeks of age for a checkup, shots, etc.

    and if he IS a Siamese/Balinese/etc. kitten? expect to have a screamer on your hands. 😉 they’re NOISY. i brought home my Balinese from the shelter when i lived alone because i wanted someone to talk to. now, well… this is my life:

    this is every day. if he’s awake, he’s yelling at me.

  10. Cherish Yuppa

    OMG well so far with the colors and markings he has right now and with looking at that site he looks like a lilac point! Bc his tail has an orangish tent to it and his ears and nose are a light color greyish. But again, thats today at a little under two weeks lol. But his fur is way thicker than those. So would that make him a cross breed between a lilac point Siamese and something else since he has long hair? Or is there other breeds out there that look like Siamese but aren’t Siamese with long thick fur??

  11. Anonymous

    like i said, Balinese cats. they look like fluffy Siamese. i’d call them a medium hair cat. they don’t get mats like Maine Coons, but i would still train this baby to accept brushing. i’d start him now with a toothbrush, so it’s VERY gentle on his skin.

  12. Cherish Yuppa

    Oh my goodness!! He actually talks back to you?! And this little baby has the same base color as yours!! The same fur thickness and bushy tail!!! What breed was yours again??

  13. Cherish Yuppa

    My baby kitty meow during our cuddle sessions, playtime, and anytime I put him in the floor or back in his carrier and he isn’t ready. I was so worried about it for a whole week but I was feeding him, helping him potty, burping, and making sure he was clean dry and warm so I knew he didn’t need anything.. I just assumed he didn’t wanna be alone lol. But if he’s one of those vocal breeds then I guess he’s just talking the best way he knows how lol

  14. Anonymous

    as i’ve been saying, Balinese.

    and yes, we talk. we carry on conversations. i got my boy from a shelter but a friend whose parents used to breed Balinese confirms he has all the breed traits.

    they’re pretty healthy, from what i’ve found in research. some can be afflicted with urinary troubles just like Siamese, but i wouldn’t worry about that until he actually shows problems with inappropriate urination. when he’s old enough to start using the litterbox, make sure you have *two* boxes in your home, ideally one on each floor if you have different floors, or at least in different rooms if you do not. my boy is a social pooper – he PROUDLY tells me he’s going to poop, and yells at me as soon as he’s done. i’d also feed a high quality food that doesn’t have ANY corn in it – cats can’t digest corn and some research has shown it can contribute to feline obesity. we feed Wellness in my house…my boy has IBD and that’s the food that has worked best for us. hit the store, read labels. you want the first few ingredients to be actual meat sources. i’d avoid Blue Buffalo and Purina.

  15. Anonymous

    kittens meow anyway – they’re calling Momma. and no, they don’t want to be alone.

  16. Cherish Yuppa

    OMG!!!! They are beautiful! I was thinking he was gonna be just beyond goofy looking lol I guess thats what I get for judging before he’s done lol. But wow!! I took in a female calico that was living under my dumpster at my apartment complex a few months ago. The vet said she’s around a year old maybe a little bit younger, but she’s tall and lanky.. but she has 6 toes on each of her four paws, we names her Cali, so at around a year old she’s only around 8lbs, give or take a little. (She’s small!) Yours looks much bigger.. are they really large cats? Big paws?

  17. Cherish Yuppa

    Oh wow! The only time I even hear Cali is when she’s sliding across my hardwood at 3 am, or if I let her food or water bowl get completely empty, she could be stuffed full and still demand I fill it all the way back up for the next time she decides she’s hungry lol. So that may take some getting used to.. oh, and I’ve read several places that say I can try weaning and litter training at 3 weeks and others say 4.. what do you think?? Hes literally 2 days shy of 3 weeks and he’s downing 30+ccs 5 times a day if I let him and thats in generally 5 mins or less. I burp him and make him potty. But yet he’s also still have “accidents” at LEAST once a day where he’s pooping and peeing in his carrier ON HIS OWN. So im also changing blankets and stuffed animals and doing baths, towel and blow dries daily!

  18. Anonymous

    they’re large-framed but should be kept slim. my boy is around 8 pounds. he’s TALL and slim. 🙂 slim is always better for housecats – helps to keep them healthy.

    calico with extra toes? you have a thumbkitty!! i always wanted one but they never seemed to show up in rescue when i was looking.

    and i didn’t realize you had another cat at home. that means you should have *three* litterboxes.

  19. Cherish Yuppa

    He is also starting the walk.. or wordless shall I say, quite well. I mean he does tumble over from time to time and he’s a little shaky but he can get around to be so tiny

  20. Anonymous

    regarding your weaning and litter training questions, i have no idea. i’ve only rescued adults – i never, ever want a kitten. they’re too crazy for me. i’d ask your vet those questions. 🙂

  21. Cherish Yuppa

    Yes! That is Cali!!! Lol im assuming that’s why someone dumped her bc they thought she was inbred or something :/ she’s quite intelligent tho! She can open cabinets, drawers, and doors! She loves to play with bottle tops, bc she can pick them up in her hands and wonder the house with them! Its actually quite crazy how those extra toes can allow her to do basically anything us humans can do!!! And yes, i do have her.. she just like him I was supposed to take in a nurse back to help and find forever homes for… BUT guess who fell in love :/ lol. Especially since my city passed a law now where its illegal to feed strays and you will be fined and taken to jail. Which is ridiculous so I feel so sorry for these poor animals!

  22. Anonymous

    yep, polydactyl cats seem particularly crafty with opening things. have a friend with one and she had to buy babyproofing supplies to stop her cat from getting into things!

    i understand WHY your city passed that law – feral cat colonies can be a menace. but without them i’d be willing to bet your city’s rodent problem would be through the roof.

  23. Cherish Yuppa

    I may have to post on here… lol my local vet isn’t much help at all with baby kittens.. literally when I first took him in he was only hours old (still wet with his umbilical cord still attached) and over the last two weeks I’ve went to see him several times with questions, and I’ve found I got more help from the workers at petco, and petsense. Lol I’ve also called both emergency and regular vets offices in my area and many states away with all my questions and conserns lol. Then I found this! There’s just so many different opinions on how to do everything! 9 times out of 10 I try the first thing that I was told the most and if it doesnt work then try the other and back and forth until one finally works

  24. Cherish Yuppa

    OH AND IM ASSUMING I SHOULD PROBABLY STOP LEAVING FOOD OUT CONSTANTLY HUH?? LOL I didn’t even think about the amount of food im allowing them access to could determine whether my cats would be larger or not :/ oh and I understood the 2 litter boxes but why 3? I currently have Cali’s in our bedroom closet bc she can open the door and its private. Plus other than food and play time she stays in there. Planned to get the kitty a baking sheet or something similar to help him learn to use it.. im only in a one story 2 bedroom apartment.. so what’s with the extra litter box? I understood the one per cat, bc they may not want to share but now im lost? ?

  25. Cherish Yuppa

    Yes not to mention taking their food away isn’t going to make them disappear, just gonna make them more of a problem when they start acting like dogs and getting into garbage cans, under houses, and in open windows bc they are starving! They are just trying to survive too. It isn’t there fault people are too selfish and ignorant to realize a pet is forever, or at least their life span.. and with all these rescues there’s really no excuse not to get your cats fixed at the very least.

  26. Cherish Yuppa

    I never even thought of toddler proofing to keep her out!!! Thats perfect, bc I mean she can even open the toilet lol!

  27. Cherish Yuppa

    And since your an expert on bigger cats, maybe you can help me out with Cali! So when I first brought the newborn kitten in she was terrified of him. Like she would hiss, run away, and hide. Finally the last couple of days she will come up and smell him if he’s crying on the bed or floor, or while im feeding him.. but the second he walks to her she gets up and backs away, if he keeps following her she will leave the room. No more hissing and she is at least smelling him now. Do you think she is or will come around. Im scared to leave him out while she’s out :/ but I do realize he’s gonna need to get used to the house and being on his own and even being with her.. idk

  28. Anonymous

    maybe Dr. Magnifico can help you with your kitten questions, then.

    i’d start meal training your older cat now, and keep a close eye on them both when he starts eating from a bowl. she may bully him out of the way to get his food.

    the general rule for multi-cat households is one box per cat plus one. cats generally don’t enjoy sharing litterboxes, and having the right number of boxes from the start will help to ensure there’s no inappropriate toilet behavior later on. better to have that extra box in case the kitten decides he doesn’t want to share! here’s a little more about it: and

    does your city have a trap and release program? how do they handle the feral colonies? 🙁

  29. Cherish Yuppa

    Okay, yeah ill definitely get in touch with him! And thank you! Ill read up on that article in just a few mins also! But im assuming they dont bc I live across from a park which is one of the top places in the area right now that they are having the biggest “stray” issue.. other than like Wal-Mart. Lol (hints mommy kitty just putting dropping her baby on my doorstep) but when I was searching for info at the local pet store the lady had told me that 3 of her “display” cats were strays they had trapped and turned in to them and apparently it has made quite a few people angry. But no one seems to care I guess :/

  30. Anonymous

    *her. Dr. M is a woman. 😉 she’s the person who owns Pawbly.

    read both of them, they’re enlightening.

    ah, annoying. : Baltimore has a wonderful stray trap and release program – they spay/neuter any ferals that come in, then put them back in the area where they were found. there will always be stray cats…they’re an incredibly invasive nonnative species.

  31. Cherish Yuppa

    Oops* lol im sorry… I really wish our area would try something like that! I understand some of these cats were dumped and would be better and safer in a shelter or pet store until finding them actual homes, but what about these other cats that have been out there on there own there whole lives, no trusting people, in fact being quite terrified of people.. and cats are territorial so what these people are going to take a lets say 3 year old cat with absolutely no human interaction and abduct him from his friends, family, home, and everything he’s ever known to what, attempt to force him to be a house cat and accept people?? And then when he doesnt, im assuming they just put him to sleep… smh. Pathetic, it really is.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He Has Developed Many Scabs. Some Look Like A Big Pimple, While Other Crusting…

He has developed many scabs. Some look like a big pimple, while other crusting has developed in lines on skin. He, for the most part, will let me clean the wounds and try to ease his issue. His skin is hot to touch. Just in the past few days Ziggy has developed vision and hearing problems. Both eyes have a thick, yellowish “boogie”. He is very lethargic recently as well. Ziggy isn’t yelping,crying,or verbal in any way showing he is in great pain.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    he needs a vet to suss out the cause of this problem and get him on the right medication to fix it.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago

Hi, I Need Some Tips On My Situation With My Bunny So It Would Be…

Hi, I need some tips on my situation with my bunny so it would be great if you wouldn’t mind helping me out. My bunny is an adult medium male Brown HollandLop, I had had him since he was very little. I decided to have him free ranged around my garden both day and night because he would be very aggressive and stressed out if I caged him even though his cage is very big ( 3 meters long, 2 meters tall and 2 meters wide). I have never seen any other predators except stray cats, I wouldn’t worry about the cats that much because my rabbits are great friends with my dog and he would scare away the cats and at night my bunny would choose to go sleep in my garage which is right next to one of my families room so if anything bad happens we would hear it. I don’t know if this is safe but he seems very happy to be free ranged and have this cage open so he can go in for pellets and veggies. Please give me your opinion on what I should do with my situation.

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    your area is completely without birds of prey?  that’s surprising.  and you can’t count on predators behaving around prey.  your dog is also a predator.  he may be trained to leave the rabbit alone, but that doesn’t mean you should leave them together unsupervised.

    is your rabbit not used to being handled?  are you rough when putting him in the cage?

  2. Chawfaar Bowornwattanangkoon

    My rabbit is totally used to being handled but after I have him run around during the day he would have a really hard time going back in. And I live in Thailand so there are no foxes etc. My dog isn’t really a concern to me because he have been with my rabbit since they are very little but I do supervise my dog while he is outside with the bunny. I rabbit is very bonded to me so if I go outside to would come to me.

  3. B. Lakonpa

    I let my rabbits run around the yard but only when I can supervise them. Your rabbit might end up wandering too far or a predator could find him, even though he doesn’t want to go in the cage, it’s whats best for his safety. How big is your cage?

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Hi Everybody!
Well My Pup Is Going On Five Months Now, He’s Been Desexed And Had…

Hi everybody!
Well my pup is going on five months now, he’s been desexed and had all his needles ect. and he’s a healthy happy boy. However, he has always been an inside dog due to the fact when he was a little guy he was very unwell. We are now moving to a bigger house with a large yard (he’s a cattle dog) and we are hoping for him to become an outside dog. However the problem is we’re having trouble convincing him to be an outside dog 😉
Hes currently being put in the garage with his bed, toys and clothing of ours, we have a clock in there and he has his own radio to keep him company. However, for the last two weeks he will not stop crying, whining, howling, batting at the door loudly and barking. Fortunately, he cries a bit when we put him in at night, and mainly sleeps through the night but as soon as he hears the birds which is like (3 am or 4 am) he won’t stop carrying on from then.
Its driving us crazy, we aren’t getting any sleep and neither is he. It makes us much less approachable in the morning when we get him out. We have started leaving him in there when we go to university and the shops during the day and he continues to do the same thing. We have tried everything, we have ignored him and turned to some smacks on the bottom but nothing is working!
Please if you have any advice, we are willing to try anything!

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    honestly, he wants to be with his family…unless you have some pressing NEED for him to be outside, let him stay in.  in fact, i’d crate him away from windows and give him some sort of radio in the room so he doesn’t hear the birds.

    as for the rest of his carrying on…he sounds BORED.  what do you do with him when you’re home?  are you actively training him?  if not, you need to start.  

  2. Linda Bradley

    Laura and Dr Krista are correct – he wants to be with his family!  A 5-month old puppy cannot entertain himself and neither can an adult dog without a job.  Show him that outside is a wonderful, fun place to be by being out there with him and playing games.  End the game before he is bored with it and then go inside.  Once he is an adult, will he have cattle to herd?  If not, he can get into all sorts of trouble outside alone out of boredom.  

    Please stop smacking him!  He won’t understand why you are hitting him.  He needs to be shown how you want him to behave and it will take  dedicated work on your part.  Find out how long he can stay in his kennel without starting to whine, even if it is just 30 seconds.  Put him in his kennel, go out of sight and return before he starts to whine.  They praise, praise, praise!  Have a party – what a good, smart boy you are!  Continue to do this, gradually extending the separation time. 

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Jana | 11 years ago
Cookie Just Jumped Off A Snow Bank And “fell”? To The Sidewalk; I Could Hear…

Cookie just jumped off a snow bank and “fell”? to the sidewalk; I could hear the clunk but couldn’t really see what she hit in how fast it happened … assuming head … ? She seems fine, do I freak out?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 12 years ago
Hey Krista,
I Am Struggling To Find A Good Quality Food For The "kids". I…

Hey Krista,
I am struggling to find a good quality food for the "kids". I was using Iams senior for Murray and Iams adult for Minimoo. The started turning their noses up and we not thrilled with it. I switched to Iams premium protection which they loved but it is very hard to find. I tried beneful and they liked it but now am hearing scary things about that brand. HELP!
I do not have to have a senior plan for Murray but would like to keep his fat content at 10 % if possible. Thanks for your HELP!!!!!! You are awesome!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello Cybil,

    I hear you! I am continually playing the same game at my house.

    The puppies (my two three year olds) seem to go through periods of food boredom. They will go over to the well researched, expensive, high quality, commercially available, age and breed appropriate dog food, that I special order, deliver to their home, carefully measure, prepare with time, attention and love and then deliver by hand on their set structured time, and they will sniff the bowl, grunt in disgust and walk away.

    It’s frustrating!

    But, like every good mommy, and my mommy did for me, I will force them to sit there, nose to stainless steel bowl and watch it. They, just like the stubborn, fitful, ungracious child that I was, will sit until the adult, me, caves. Brats! I will then proceed to buckling and open a can of cat food to cover the offensive dog food smell, in as limited amounts as is possible, until they decide it is now prehension-worthy, and scarfe it up.

    This has led me to do just what you are doing. I search for variety to try to coerce them. I am now mixing Iams Premium Protection (available at the clinic) with Chef Micheals, and a 1/4 of a can of Iams, Science Diet, or Purina low residue canned food.

    I usually recommend that cients add some canned food to the dry. I tell them to add a little bit of water to turn the canned food into a sort of gravy to coat the dry food. I think it smells more interesting and appears to be more palatable to our pups. It also allows us to keep the dry food more consistent while we can vary the flavors of canned food.

    I also tried the Iams gravy. I even tried every flavor. It is now being used as a condiment coverage/frosting in Strawberry’s (my pig) lunch.

    So, my official, non-hypocritical advice is..stick to a good quality commericially available, readily available and consistently affordable dog food. And then offer variety (it is the spice of life) in the way of canned food. If you are still being met with reluctancy add a small amount of their version of Lucky Charms.

    I talk about pet food like kids cereal. If it has fnky colors, cartoon characters on the box, or a prize inside and if it is available at every local grocery store then it is NOT a high quality pet food. You get what you pay for and you are what you eat. Ask any kid what kind of cereal they want and it is colored marshmellow sugar-laden leprechaun schlepping Lucky Charms. Dogs aren’t any different. They want sugar, smelly, junk food. How to convince them to eat healthy stuff? That’s the dilemma of every good parent.

    Life’s all about compromise. Try to keep them as close to the optimal dog food in the highest amount as possible and then add ‘sprinkles’ to make the ‘salad’ seem not so boring.

    As with everything else, you do the best you can, and then you try to coerce, cajole, and compromise without the other side knowing that you are letting them get their way. Wait is that my dog food advice or marriage? Gosh it gets to hard to distinguish the difference these days.

    Oh, one last thing, I think that all of the foods you have been on are good. Be very very careful who you listen to for food advice. Very few are unbiased. I have a large number fo clients seeking a good quality food at a local boutiquish pet food store being told some outright litigious unfounded, uneducated, incorrect things. IF you aren’t getting advice from a veterinary nutritionist or your vet you are getting biased advice from what I consider to be a uncredentialed layperson. (Stepping off soapbox now).

    I’m at the clinic tonight, and Tuesday nights. So you can always stop by and we can dig through dog food labels together. Or call and ask for Melissa. She’s my resident food expert.

    Hugs annd Kisses to you, Roy, Minnie and Murray!


    Krista Magnifico, DVM
    Owner Jarrettsville Veterinary Center
    Jarrettsville, MD