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Pawbly | 8 years ago
What’s Your Opinion On The “slow Kill” Method Of Heartworms? My Friend Is Treating The…

What’s your opinion on the “slow kill” method of heartworms? My friend is treating the dog she rescued from the pound for heartworms and opted for this method, as she said she felt it was a better choice than getting injections. She feels it is the safer method. Is it fool-proof? What are some signs that the slow kill method is NOT working? Are there any recent peer-reviewed content covering this topic?

1 Response


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cats Were Purebred (in My Home), They’re A Persian+Turkish Angora Mix And Are Already…

My cats were purebred (in my home), they’re a Persian+Turkish Angora mix and are already 3 years old, I haven’t given them any medications (except when they’re sick). I’ve never checked them for any hookworms, ringworms, heartworms or any other parasites/worms so are there any risks?

5 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Because I am a stickler for accuracy in language: If they’re a mix, then they aren’t purebred.  The word “purebred” means an animal bred from parents of the same breed or variety.  Because you have two different breeds involved, they are a mix.

    That said…do they go outside?  Have you taken a fecal sample to the vet annually?  I give heartworm preventative 4x a year – my old man cat doesn’t go outside, and I get annual fecal and blood testing done for him.  Get fecals and blood panels done, at the very least, to make sure everything’s good.  Without a full picture of your cats’ health, you cannot make an educated decision on how to handle medications and the like.

  2. Zaid Kilani

    I’m really sorry for the mistake, so they’re not purebred (my cousin told me that that’s how purebred cats are and I believed him), anyways, I’m not an expert in cats nor am I accurate in language. My cats go indoors and outdoors whenever they want and I’ve never taken them to any fecal or blood tests but I do have a vet coming to my house every month for a checkup on my cats’ overall health.

  3. Anonymous

    If they go outside, then yes, they should be on heartworm preventative. I would also have them on an external parasite preventative/flea and tick preventative, as well.

  4. Andrea Cox

    Have they ever seen a vet?  Vaccines? If not and they are outside then you have more to worry about then worms. You need to get them checked out properly by a vet and you need to consider them to be indoor cats. Outdoors cats have a short life so and of around 5 years or less. I door cats can live up to 20. You say they have been sick before, most likely because they caught something outside. I would take to a vet and let them administer the medicines and preventatives.  It’s not that much money to have this done. 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He Is Up-to-date On All His Shots Takes Heartworm And Tick Preventative Medication …

He is up-to-date on all his shots takes heartworm and tick preventative medication . When we pick him up from boarding he had a oatmeal bath for the first time. We live in North Carolina but is spending the summer in New Hampshire we don’t have a vet in New Hampshire. We did ask where we boarded him if anything happened they said no

1 Response


  1. PK Dennis

    Find a vet and get him to them as soon as possible.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is 12 1/2 And Had A Seizure. I Took Her To The Vet…

My dog is 12 1/2 and had a seizure. I took her to the vet and they said she has heartworms. Started her on the medication and the next day she had another seizure. I rushed her in again and they did X-rays to find out she has cancer(I’m not sure what kind) but it is on or near her lungs. They put her on seizure meds and it doesn’t seem to be helping. She rests most of the day and when I get her up to go to the bathroom or get home from work, she has a seizure. And now she seems to be a bit unsteady on her feet while walking. I took her for a short walk and she walked good. She has lost some weight, I can feel her spine very easily, but her stomach seems to be a bit bulgy. I want to know if this is all from the cancer or could she have possibly at something toxic or something that could block her to cause these symptoms? And is this most likely the end or is there other things like diet and vitamins I can give her that would help?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    this might sound like a copout answer, but you really need to ask the vet about this.  i would be worried about the weight loss, yes, but a bulging stomach would have me very concerned.

    if your vet is worth their license, they’ll be frank with you.  please, open a dialog with them.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Pug / Boston Terrier Mix Occasionally Chuffs And Huffs Like A Horse With The…

My pug / boston terrier mix occasionally chuffs and huffs like a horse with the heaves. What could be the cause of this? My old Yellow Lab used to do the same thing. Could it be heartworms? He’s 5 yr. old not neutered male in good health

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    If he is not on Heartworm preventative then your dog could have heartworms.  Why is he not on preventative?  It sounds like it could be a heart problem and he should go to the vet.  A vet is the only one who can diagnose Heartworms or another heart problem.