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Pawbly | 7 years ago
My Bengal Cat Was Diagnosed With Pyrometra And I Was Unable To Afford The Surgery…

My Bengal cat was diagnosed with pyrometra and I was unable to afford the surgery 1000-1400 I took her home and treated her with antibiotics and now she is no longer sick. Is the infection just cleared up and she still has the desease or will it come back when she goes into heat? Will she be able to have kittens again?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Now that the infection has cleared up, I would plan to spay. Directly from a publicly available vet hospital website: “The rate of recurrence of the disease in a treated cat is generally thought to be as high as 50-75%.”

    I honestly wouldn’t risk the queen.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My 8 Month Female Cat Has Been Pooping Almost Anywhere When She Has Been In…

My 8 month female cat has been pooping almost anywhere when she has been in heat. I have not experienced her doing so when she is out of heat. Why would she be doing that?

1 Response


  1. Casey Hoover

    She is getting fixed this Friday. I’m just getting upset because it’s not confined to one area. It’s like she can’t control it. It’s frustrating that it’s all over and upsetting because I don’t want anything to be wrong health wise. It just seems to be mainly when she is in heat. I would have put that she was getting fixed within my question but there was not enough room to fit it all.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
So Ten Weeks Ago My Cat Escaped While She Was In Heat. And Now She…

So ten weeks ago my cat escaped while she was in heat. And now she gained weight and her nipples are swollen. She’s been eating alot lately.She’s a young cat and i read that a pregnant cat vomits during the beginning of her pregnancy but my cat hasn’t. Now I don’t know if she’s just bloated or pregnant. Can you help me please ?

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    The best way to tell if your cat is pregnant is to take her to a vet for an exam.  However, if you are correct about the ten weeks then she should have had the kittens by now.  I recommend taking her to a vet for an exam and to get her spayed.

    Good Luck

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Have A Ten Yold Morkie She Has Never Been Fixed Nor Has Ever Been…

I have a ten yold morkie she has never been fixed nor has ever been impregnated the last few days she has been spotting blood from her area is this normal or is she going thru a heat stage or what

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Is she acting strangely?  Has she had regular heats up to this point?  I think I’d be rushing her to the vet NOW about this, to be honest.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Previous Heat Cycles Were Normal And She Was Mated Fr 13 Days Onwards. Last…

Previous heat cycles were normal and she was mated fr 13 days onwards. Last January 20 she also had this long season but i did not mate her.

1 Response


  1. Zach Go

    Thank you very much for the immediate reply. She is very active and eats well so far. I intend to ask our vet to do CBC

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Dog Lucky Is Having Her Heat Soon But We Are Having Her Spayed On…

My dog Lucky is having her heat soon but we are having her spayed on Tuesday what do we do?

2 Responses


  1. Kelly


    I’d talk with your vet, many vets won’t spay a dog in heat, but if she’s just close to it should not be a problem. Good luck! 


  2. Anonymous

    I agree with Kelly. Communicate this with your vet.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Took My 6 Year Old Saluki Lurcher To A Drop In Clinic Today As…

I took my 6 year old saluki lurcher to a drop in clinic today as I had noticed a small raised lump which suddenly appeared next to her vulva. Upon brief examination, the vet suspected a histiocytoma and said that because of the area it was located should be removed as soon as possible. She was spayed in 2013 but has since continued to come on full heat with bleeding and he said that at the same time as she is having the histiocytoma removed, he would like to “open her up” and check to see if part of her uterus has been left in. I am concerned because the last vet that I consulted about this said there could be such a small amount of tissue left in there that it would be impossible to see/remove with surgery and that, provided she was healthy it would be best just to leave alone. I want to do the best for my dogs health but do not want her to undergo unnecessary and potentially dangerous surgery. It will surely be bad enough for her having surgery to remove the lump so close to her vulva without undergoing a spaying operation for the second time, especially now she is getting older? If anyone has any opinion or advice, I would appreciate it very much. Thank you.

2 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Ok I do not agree with either vet entirely.  She should be spayed again and it should be done when she comes into heat.  It is a remnant of ovary not necessarily uterus, although there is some uterus left to get bleeding.  

    Not having her spayed she is at a higher chance of breast cancer and can also get an infection in the uteral stump.

    Good Luck

    Dr Dawn

  2. Tara Burton

    Thank you for your reply. I feel reassured that it is in her best interest to get her spayed again. Why should she be spayed when she comes into heat? The vet asked me when she was last on heat, which was almost two months ago, and wanted to go ahead with surgery on Wednesday.

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| 8 years ago
Hello,my 3 Years Old Female German Sheperd Had 2 Days Ago Her Heat Cycle Started…

hello,my 3 years old female german sheperd had 2 days ago her heat cycle started i know it cause of bleed. the thing is that since 2 days ago she hasn’t bleed again, why ?

1 Response


  1. debra yuhasz

    Dogs bleed during only the beginning of the heat cycle. Usually longer than 2 days. She may be keeping herself so clean you don’t notice the blood. All my dogs do this.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I’ve Had Him For 8 Days And He Is Only 8 Days Old. Growing Everyday…

I’ve had him for 8 days and he is only 8 days old. Growing everyday, eating, burping, and pottying normally. Im keeping him warm on half heating pad with blanket and stuffed animal to cuddle in a draft free dark area. And I clean him several times a day. I know with newborn human babies unless something happens you can usually relax after about a few days. Are kittens the same way?

1 Response


  1. Jennifer Sacks

    As long as eating well and you are pottying him, he should be ok. Kittens are always at risk for fading but all you can do is the best you can. Make sure she is warm but also make sure he or she can get away from the heating source if he or she is too warm. Thanks for helping this baby.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Took In A Newborn Orphan Kitten Going On 6 Days Ago.. Assuming He’s Only…

I took in a newborn orphan kitten going on 6 days ago.. assuming he’s only about 6 days old, 7 tops. He has been doing amazing! His ears were fully opened yesterday, he lost his umbilical cord on day 3, and his colors started coming in today. (He was an off white.. but now his nose and ears have added black coloring to his mix) he has been gaining weight normally. He eats every two hours, three tops. Hes been finishing 5cc since day one.. now he’s finishinh anywhere between 5cc and 10. I burp him after every bottle as well as stimulate him to use the bathroom. (He pees every time and has been pooping between once and twice a day) I even keep him clean and dry in the event of an accident. He sleeps in a box with half heat pad on low and a blanket covering it, as well as a stuffed teddy for snuggling and comfort. Its my first time doing anything even close to this but his mom dropped him off on my porch only hours old and never returned, when it got dark cold and rainy I had to bring him in. Hes eating KRM I bought from the vet. I also bought a bottle and syringe. Not having much luck with the bottle but doing amazing with the syringe. Noticed his belly being kinda hard and that he hadn’t had his usual poop about 4 hours ago. His bottom is red and raw so im trying to be easy but still try and stimulate him every feeding. I know hand raising newborn kittens is a 50/50 shot especially his mom being a stray but he’s doing perfect other than that. Hes purring and eating and peeing and even wondering around a bit.. just a little fussy over the last two feedings. Im also burping him. Is there anything I can do to help his bottom or get him to poop to relieve the belly bulge? I will take him to the vet if needed. Im just seeing what I can do in the mean time. How long is too long for a kitten to be constipated or not poop if everything else seems normal? *I’ve also been adding a little extra water over his last two feedings hoping that may loosen him up. HELP 🙁

11 Responses


  1. Monica Santos

    try with a warm wet towel rub your kittens anal. softly. mothers lick their kittens to be able to go pee or poop. hope it helps(:

  2. Cherish Yuppa

    That’s been how I get him to pee after every feeding. But he usually has at least one poop by now.. his little bottom is so red and sore and his belly is so bloated. All I can think is he’s constipated bc its like he tries just can’t. :/

  3. Anonymous

    i’d call the vet first thing, to be honest.

  4. Cherish Yuppa

    I called and they said not to be worried that his belly is just adjusting and if he isn’t better in a day or so then to bring him in

  5. Anonymous

    i hope he starts doing alright tomorrow. you’ve certainly got your hands full with such a teeny baby! may he grow up healthy and strong. 🙂

  6. Cherish Yuppa

    Update: called several vets over the last 24 hours… so far I’ve got a lot of contradictions. To limit feedings to not limit feedings. To water down, to not. To use suppository and/or water enema, to not use. To soak bottom, to not soak bottom. To do an early dewormer, to not. To only stimulate bottom every third feeding, to do it every feeding. To use oil, to not. To use tube/Vaseline, to not. Never the less I’m doing what I can and trying a little off everything. Was able to get a poop today just not the consistency I would like or the amount but it’s something. He’s still eating, peeing, and sleeping normally. Just has a hard belly, hard poop, and a raw bottom. Guess I’ll just try and see if anything works or doesn’t and if he gets worse or doesn’t improve in a few days ill take him somewhere hopefully that specializes in this kinda thing or has personal experience bc this crap is confusing. “Do it… don’t… do it..” OMG!! *DAY SIX. -Signed one exhausted mommy!

  7. Anonymous

    sounds like the parent of a newborn anything. you’re doing well! you’re staying on top of things.

    you. can. do. it. 🙂

  8. Cherish Yuppa

    Thank you! He’s a handful for sure. I have no idea how mommy kitty’s do this with more than one lol. He is much more of a handful than my 3 & 1 year old human boys ever were.. even put together lol

  9. Anonymous

    well, it’s not like they have to worry about going to work or cleaning or anything like that. 😉

  10. Kelly Furgason

    Cherish–I have fostered hundreds of kittens. Usually thinnning out the KMR works well. DO not get the stage 2 KMR, stick with the stage one KMR for all feedings,even as the kitten gets older. Warm up a cotton ball and gently hold it to the anus, barely move the soaked cotton ball around . Try for several minutes. Sometimes it takes awhile to get a bowel movement. Usually thinning the food will get a BM…make sure that you are keeping the kitten warm also with a warm water bottle or heat pad (just don’t put the heat pad directly on the kitten) .GOOD LUCK!!!

  11. Cherish Yuppa

    UPDATE: we are on day 8.. problem seems to have resolved. Thank you so much for everyone’s help!