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Michelle | 11 months ago
This Question Is For Dr. Magnifico. I Looked For Your Video On Herpes In Your Cat…

This question is for Dr. Magnifico.

I looked for your video on herpes in your cat’s eye to get the medication you use for your cat so I can ask my personal vet for it. I can’t find it. Can you please let me know as soon as possible? Koneko is having a pretty bad flare up again.

Thanks Michelle Polansky

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Patricia | 2 years ago
Bio Hello My Cat Is 15 1/2 Years Old And Has A Heart Condition And The Herpes Virus. …

Hello my cat is 15 1/2 years old and has a heart condition and the herpes virus. He has a nose polyp. It was extracted twice from his left nostril. Now he is not eating . I have been putting a ointment in his ear so he will eat. He does eat but only purée foods. He wants to eat his dry cat food but it seems like he can’t. I brought him to the vet they sent me to a specialist who wants a lot of money to find the polyp and remove.

I watch the YouTube video of you removing a polyp from a cat and the cost and that is so much more reasonable. Do you know anyone in the ny area that would perform the same procedure at close to what you charged? Where are you located? Would you do it?

I just want so much to help my cat.

Thank you,

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    At rhis age I am most concerned about infection and cancer. I think it is best for a full blood work and X-ray as the place to start. I think a polyp is very unlikely in your cats case. I hope this helps.

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Amy | 3 years ago
We Have A Very Sassy Beautiful 12 Year Old Orange Female Tabby Named Nala. She Has Been …

We have a very sassy beautiful 12 year old orange female tabby named Nala. She has been perfectly healthy until about a year ago when she started to sneeze a lot (that rapid-fire sneezing that cats do) and she started to make a snoring sound when she breathes. We initially thought it was just allergies but it didn’t get any better after several months. We took her to the vet and he diagnosed her with herpes and prescribed Chlorpheniramine 4mg crushed in her food. I’ve been giving her this for at least 6 months now and she has not improved. The sneezing has decreased, but the “snoring” has not improved at all. Searching online, we found a video of Dr. Magnifico performing surgery on a cat that had a nasal polyp and we are wondering if this may be what she has. The symptoms all seem to be the same as what she has been dealing with. So we’ve been searching for a vet in our area that performs this type of exam and surgery, and we have found this to be very expensive ($2000-$5000). She is otherwise a very healthy girl, she eats, drinks, uses litterbox and plays and snuggles all like normal. She has lost weight, but now seems to be putting it back on slowly. Dr. Magnifico’s office is only about an hour away and we would absolutely drive down to be able to have her exam Nala and if it is a reasonable price, have her remove the polyp if this was the diagnosis.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry for the delay. If you would like a consult I would be happy to meet you and discuss options. Please call the clinic and ask for an appointment. It is the best place to start.

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Christopher | 3 years ago
I Have An 11-year Old Female Domestic Shorthair Cat (Nala) Who Has Been Very Healthy Until …

I have an 11-year old female domestic shorthair cat (Nala) who has been very healthy until around springtime last year when she started to develop a snorty sound when breathing and rapid sneezing fits. We figured it was maybe allergies at the time, as ours were really bad too. But it kept lingering and we finally asked our vet and he was reluctant to do a full exam on her because of the expense, and he also diagnosed her as having herpes, and prescribed Chlorpheniramine 4mg and Duralactin paste 2.5ml for her. I give her a 1/4 of the pill crushed in her canned food once a day, but the paste makes her sick. I have been giving her the pill for about 3 months now with zero improvement. I have been doing a lot of research, and the closest thing I could find that matches what she is dealing with is a video I found of Dr. Magnifico performing surgery on a cat for a nasal polyp. The description she gave completely matches what Nala sounds like with the snoring sounds when breathing and the constant sounds of trying to clear her throat. She has lost a lot of weight because I think it’s difficult for her to eat a lot but otherwise she acts like nothing is wrong, she is very playful, and also eats (best she can) and drinks normally, and litterbox habits are still great. My question is if this diagnosis sound like it could be correct, and if so, is this something that could possibly be fixed without breaking budget?

2 Responses


  1. Autumn

    Polyps in our kitty friends are quite common. I am a surgery technician that assists Dr.Magnifico and we have seen and removed more than a handful!

    We have noticed not many vet offices check for polyps and typically it’s what we end up finding. (Not always the case as some cats are chronic upper respiratory forever)
    This surgery is typically not a budget breaker. Please reach out and never be afraid to ask many questions to your veterinarian!, That’s what they are here for ,

  2. Autumn

    We always recommend reaching out to your vet or local shelters and asking about polyps. It is possible to have them removed, however we do see then reoccur in some cases(not all!!) With your cat being 11, your vet may want to dig a little further and see if there is anymore going on.

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Jessica | 4 years ago
I Have Two Cats – Vinny Born 2/2020 And Adopted 4/2020. In 3/2021, We Adopted Our Second Cat, Duke, …

I have two cats – Vinny born 2/2020 and adopted 4/2020. In 3/2021, we adopted our second cat, Duke, who was born 9/2020

Vinny has been very healthy until recently. Not long after adopting Duke, Vinny lost his voice, started coughing, deep breathing – we took him to the vet and they treated him for a URI.

He’s been off the antibiotics for about a week and his voice started becoming hoarse on 4/8, which slight coughing starting 4/9.

Duke has apparently always had a thing with sneezing. Usually 1-2 times daily, very random times. The foster care chalked it up to stress. His FELV came back negative when they tested him.

Both cats are set up with vet appointments – Vinny as a sick visit and Duke to get a general check up (new vet for us due to a recent move) and to address the sneezing concern. Both cats are completely up to date on all vaccinations and both neutered. 100% indoor cats.

I’m considering asking the vet to test them both for Feline Herpes Virus and do a retest for FELV.

Anything else that it could be?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    There are literally dozens if not more possible causes. I think it would be neat to contact your vet for help. It might be time to repeat diagnostics or add blood work or imaging. In some cases it is even appropriate to talk about obtaining samples for pathology or culture. It might also help to find a feline specialist. Good luck.

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zeta rose id | 5 years ago
Hi There, I’ve Been Feeding Some Stray Cats Near My Work Place And Recently I …

Hi there, I’ve been feeding some stray cats near my work place and recently I noticed one of the male cats has crusty lesions on several places of its body like on the nose, the cheeks, the balls. I googled some pics online and his condition seems to match feline herpes virus. I tried to trap him for a vet visit but he just won’t let me. I asked some vets in my area but they insist on me to bring in the cat. So I think that option is pretty much impossible. Is there any kind of human antibiotics or supplements I can give to the cat? Something I can sneak inside his food? Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Have you reached out to any of the local rescues around you? There are really few medications that cats can get and fewer that are for humans. So it isn’t really safe to do that. Also I would think this cat will need more care like rabies vaccine? Spay/neuter. Etc. Also some dermatology conditions can be treated with a topical or injectable option which is far better and safer for these cats. Please call and ask for help. In our area there are multiple cat rescues who will help with trapping and caring for ferals. I hope there is someone near you.

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Alyvia | 6 years ago
My Cat Has Herpes & Has Had Worms In The Past. She Has Had 3 Litters Of …

My cat has herpes & has had worms in the past. She has had 3 litters of kittens before. The first litter was 3 stillborns. The second litter was only 2 babies (one of them being boo of course.) The third happened recently about 4 weeks ago & there was 3 of them (we’re not sure if it was the same father as the last two.) The kittens seemed very healthy but with having other outdoor cats we had to often give them flea baths & even then the fleas would still be there & climb up to their faces but obviously we were hesitant getting their faces. Their mother fed them very well (I could even say maybe over fed them) & they got plenty of rest. The only concern I would say I noticed is how one of them only seemed to use three of her legs, but I didn’t think much about it because I assumed she was young & just still learning how to walk. Then all of a sudden a few hours before she passed she kind of just really wanted nothing to do with anything & just keep sleeping. When I saw she was dead later I noticed brown squiggly things on her, I figured it was either flea eggs or some type of worm. It couldn’t have been the same worms her mother used to have because those were white. We obviously took her away from the others, and then their mother seemed to not want much to do with the two ones still alive. She’s done this in the past when she had her stillborns, she was depressed for a while. I figured it could either be that or my mother read online that it could be because she knows they’re sick & she doesn’t want anything to do with it. So me & my family purchased kitten formula, a bottle, & turkey wet food made specifically for kittens. We’ve made an effort to feed them 15 ml of the formula every 4 hours. We also provided them with warm blankets and shelter since they are lacking their mothers body heat. One of them was acting like the kitten that had just passed, just really not up for doing anything. The next morning we saw them & they seemed fine, then we check on them about 15 minutes later & that same kitten was from before was dead. We’re now making an effort to really keep an eye on this one & do everything we can. He was doing so well this morning, & we’ve been holding him to our chest for more intense warmth & continued to feed him 15 ml of formula every 4 hours. Now for the past 4 hours or so he’s starting to look really lazy like the other two. We’re scared he’s not going to make it very long

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning. My advice would be to get to a vet. I would also advise spaying this cat in an effort to prevent this same event from repeating itself as this is the third time you’re going through this. Best of luck.

  2. Laura

    I agree with Sarah. You need a vet for the litter as well as for your queen – spay her, speuter the kittens when they’re ready for their new homes. Stop the cycle of producing sick cats.

  3. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your kittens. There are so many things that this could be. It’s really almost impossible for me to even speculate. I think it would be really helpful to provide basic medical care. Like parasite control and treatment and vaccines. And yes of course spaying and neutering to prevent future litters and the high mortality associated with them. I would guess that it is probably a few simple things. Parasites, disease, exposure are the big killers for cats and kittens. I applaud your compassion but I think it’s time to start providing more medical intervention. If it helps it was a story much like yours that compelled me to become a veterinarian. I was determined to never watch another pet die without being able to intervene and do all I could to save them. I wish you all well.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Ate A Used Tampon And The Person Who Used The Tampon Has Herpes…

My dog ate a used tampon and the person who used the tampon has herpes, is it possible for my dog to get herpes??

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    No – the human version of the herpes virus is not transmissible to dogs.  I would be more worried about obstruction, depending on the size of your dog.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Younger 3 Year Old Cat Chunk Has Been Having Eye Discharge For A Few…

My younger 3 year old cat Chunk has been having eye discharge for a few months. He uses the bathroom just fine, eats just fine, seems to be playful and very aware. The discharge is predominantly in one eye although it happens in the other too. It is a brown / rusty red color that seeps from the inner tear ducts. His eye looks okay when you look up close but Im no DVM. (He has been tested for FIV as well as Herpes in prior checkups years ago and tested negative). He doesn’t sneeze, although he does breathe some what heavy but that could also be attributed to his Chunky frame (working on it). I’ve read several possibilities including herpes, conjunctivitis, and respiratory infection. I am hoping this is something that can be resolved through an ointment like terramycin? Any recommendations / suggestions / advice? Thank you!

*Also may be beneficial to note my other rescue Captain Hook has one eye. The non working eye is flipped backward and does not function. As a result that one eye has always had blackish discharge (not the same color as chunks nor does it come out in the same way as chunks). Our vet said this is normal for his eye condition, but just wanted to mention because perhaps could be related? Or no?

Disclaimer *My cats are indoor cats on a strict wet food diet. Chunk is 3 and Captain Hook is 7. I take them to the vet when needed. Their last general checkups were two years ago. I realize they need to go every year, but my cat Captain Hook had many many medical problems (bowel disorders) so thousands of dollars in care credit we try not to take them unless needed, especially since they are indoor.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
2 Periods – No Mating, 3rd Period Natural Mating, After 48 Days – Dark Green…

2 periods – no mating, 3rd period natural mating, after 48 days – dark green discharge – probably abortion. About 10 days before lot water drinking – beside that the bitch felt ok – eating normal, behaving and acting -ok.Brucelosa test -negative.E.coli found in vaginal secret test. – she received some antibiotics.We missed 1 period than naturaly mated. I think it was too early and for sure there was no pregnancy, but again – around 35th day after mating – lot of water drinking, discharge from vulva – dark bloody secret, no smell, after that turns in clear blood and gone. The dog was ok – no sign of illness. Now she is mated on 9.07., 11.07. and 13.07. – natural mating. Vaginal test – E.coli. Treatment 10 days with Nuroclav 250 mg once a day. Vaginal test positive for e.coli. Starting Amoxiclav – 500 mg on 12h dosage – 10 days treatment, testing and again is positive for e.coli .If she is pregnant now should be the implantation and body development – what is better to do – to stop the antibiotic, to continue or to change is with something else and what else – Zinnat for examle?This time she had a Herpes virus vaccine just in case that she have virus which is the reason for aborion, but i think the problem is in e.coli. I am testing the progesterone levels. Today was 68 ng/ml – normal levels for 3 weeks after mating

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