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michelle | 5 years ago
Hello, I Have A Kitty Cheesey Poof Who Is On Methimazole For Hyperthyroidism. My Question Is …

Hello, I have a kitty Cheesey poof who is on methimazole for hyperthyroidism. My question is has anyone used herbs or homeopathy for this condition instead? And what has worked succesfully? Thanks

1 Response


  1. Laura

    I would find a holistic vet to help you with this – they would need to be familiar with your cat, specifically, to proceed. Anything we could recommend would put your cat at risk.

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Julie Brader | 8 years ago
Question For Krista Hi…wondered If You Could Give Me Some Advice? As You Know I’ve Had…

Question for Krista
Hi…wondered if you could give me some advice? As you know I’ve had Blue with Anal Sac Carcinoma and his mum Rio with Thrombocytopenia. My gut feeling is to keep all chemicals away from them both. I’ve been using a Homeopathic Essential Oil Flea spray and putting Rose Geranium on their collars as fleas and ticks hate the smell.
Not seen a flea all Summer till yesterday when a big one crawled off Blue and onto my arm. YUK! It was pretty slow, I caught it easily. It obviously didn’t like the spray on Blue’s coat otherwise it would have burrowed in not crawled off. No blood in it so hadn’t bitten him. However one flea and there’s probably more fleas. I wondered if you think Frontline Spot on would be safe to use on them both? It just sits in the hair follicles and doesn’t go into the bloodstream like some of them do. Thanks Krista hope all is well with you xxx

3 Responses


  1. Julie Brader Post author

    RESPONSE FROM KRISTA VIA EMAIL..she suggested I put this on the site as it may well help others.
    “Hello! I always recommend my patients will be ok with a flea and tick preventative. Even with concurrent health issues. If you don’t use one you will get fleas. I don’t know of a safer product that has worked better. I know many of the Holistic Vets try other things but I just haven’t seen them be effective.
    Regards Krista

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
9 Year Bichon Poodle Who Had Low Platelets In May 37.5. Prednisone For 10…

9 year bichon poodle who had low platelets in May 37.5. prednisone for 10 days platelets went up to 170. Off the medication for 2 weeks levels 143. We did not keep her on prednisone. Does homeopathic medicine affect platelets? Yesterdy blood test was at 90. Will she have to be on predinisone everyday for the rest of her life? She is acting normally other than that.

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