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Francesca | 7 months ago
Intermitent Limp Hello, One Of My Dog Has A Limp On Her Hind Right Leg That …

Intermitent Limp

Hello, one of my dog has a limp on her hind right leg that only occurs minutes after she gets up after lying down for a long period of time.
When she gets up her leg won’t touch the ground while standing up or walking.
In just a few minutes, she’ll touch the ground again, run, and jump with no sign of pain, but every time she gets up it’s the same thing, several times a day.
I’ve squeezed her leg all the way, and moved it around and she shows no pain or injuries,

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Any degree of limping that lasts for more than a few days should be seen by a veterinarian. The only exceptions to this is a dislocated hip which should be seen immediately to try to put it “back in the socket”. Infection is the other thing I worry about. There is usually wound and most often pets are quiet and not eating well.

    The most common knee injury we see that causes limping is a cruciate rupture. You will need a vets help to diagnose this.

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Michele | 10 months ago
My Dog Was Fine All Day Yesterday And Last Night Until Bedtime. He Suddenly Acted As …

My dog was fine all day yesterday and last night until bedtime. He suddenly acted as if he could not jump up on the bed ( where he always sleeps ) but finally did so for a treat. Sometime later in the night he moved to the floor and slept the rest of the night there. He has NEVER slept on the floor since we’ve had him. This morning, he does not want to move – very lethargic. He will take a treat but very slowly ( he is extremely, extremely food motivated and excited by any/all food ). He did finally walk down the stairs at an extremely slow pace. He does not want to be picked up and just really wants to lay there. I’m going to see if he wants to eat breakfast ( it’s typically the NUMBER ONE thing on his mind as soon as we come downstairs but he is just laying on the rug sleeping. Should I see how breakfast goes and assess from there ? See how the day goes? My vet is open from 1-3 today but I’m not sure that’s for appointments for sick pets. I can always go to the ER if he doesn’t improve or call JVET first thing in the morning if there is no improvement ??? Any advice?

3 Responses


  1. Laura

    This seems acute. I sure hope you got him in when your vet opened today.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry didn’t see this sooner. How are things going now? Did I see you today during walkins? I am at the clinic all day tomorrow if needed.

  3. Michele Post author

    @Krista – thank you for the response. His appetite is great and his personality improved somewhat through the day. He can walk fine but he still won’t jump, do stairs or stand just on his back legs. He does have luxating patella so maybe he injured himself on his last potty last night. I’ve never seen his knees bother him in any way, so I was very thrown off by his somberness and unwillingness to come to me. Either way, I have an appointment with I think Dr. Ahrens on Tuesday to have him checked out.

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Heather | 12 months ago
My Pup Was Fine All Day The. Out Of The Blue Started Yelping When He Had …

My pup was fine all day the. Out of the blue started yelping when he had to jump or tried to run or be active I can’t touch it’s back his legs his hips everything and he is fine can not pick him up with out him yelping screaming he can not jump up or down with out yelping

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your puppy. I strongly recommend that you place him in a small carrier or cage and get to a vets office. Do not allow him to walk or jump or over exert himself or he can cause more damage or worsen whatever is going on. The vet need to do an examination and maybe take an Xray.
    Keep him calm and quiet and do not give any medications without speaking to a vet first.

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Ed | 12 months ago
I’m Looking For A Harness To Help Move My 75 # Shepard On And Off A Boat. …

I’m looking for a harness to help move my 75 # Shepard on and off a boat. She has moderate to severe hip dysplasia and is not able to jump or support herself on her hind quarters for more than 2 seconds.

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Frederick | 1 year ago
This Post Is Specifically For Dr. Krista Magnifico, However Anyone Is Welcome To Chime In If …

This post is specifically for Dr. Krista Magnifico, however anyone is welcome to chime in if you feel you can contribute.

On the evening of Monday, 11/20, our strictly indoor 8yo cat Louie had an accident at home. We aren’t entirely sure what happened, but we observed him jump down from the couch and race across the room, knocking his water bowl over in the process in a way that suggested he was spooked or startled, possibly by an outside noise.

That night he loafed a bit more than usual, but we didn’t think anything of it.

The next day (Tuesday) we noticed he had a noticeable limp in one of his hind legs. He had a slight sprain about six months prior in one of his front legs, and all he was prescribed was rest, so we figured this required the same since he bounced back from that sprain in under a week.

By Tuesday night it was noticeably worse and now both legs were effected, and he was extremely lethargic and kept hiding. We made sure he was comfortable and made plans to take him to a vet the following morning. The next day he was MUCH worse, now dragging his entire body by his front legs with hardly any rear leg movement, and his tail was partially limp as well. Both still had movement, but something was clearly very wrong.

We found a vet who did a quick half assed exam and wouldn’t take x-rays even though we asked for them. She did labwork and prescribed pain meds and said it was likely just a bad fall and he just needed to rest. She told us to follow up with her when we felt it was necessary.

By the next day, Thursday, his rear legs and tail showed absolutely no movement, and he was completely dragging himself with his front legs. And since it was Thanksgiving, everyone was closed, and we don’t have the means to pay for a 24hr emergency facility.

We called the vet back as soon as they opened Friday morning and scheduled the follow-up the same day. We waited in a small room while they took him into another room for a second exam, and when she came back she said his blood work was fine but she recommended putting him down asap because he had developed some sort of neurological issue, likely a slipped disc with his spine. I inquired about treatment options but apparently I didn’t look rich enough, because she just dismissed it as “probably too expensive” and suggested taking him home for some goodbye time, followed by making arrangements.

On Wednesday it was “probably a sprain, just let him rest” and 48 hours later she’s telling us to kill him. Economic Euthanasia in action. Are there treatments? Yes. Can you afford them? No. So fuck you and fuck your cat.

I immediately reached out to another facility for a second opinion. The prognosis was poor, but I was told that there was a chance he could recover with enough rest, attention, love and patience. As long as his appetite remained and he still wanted water, I could let him rest, do physical therapy, pursue acupuncture, etc….and just give him time. He said it could be 50/50 but gave no guarantees. What mattered was he didn’t take away our hope. We were told he wasn’t necessarily in pain, so it wasn’t inhumane to give him a fighting chance. So that’s what we did. The biggest problem was the paralysis meant he couldn’t use his box, so he had to be manually expressed for all his bathroom needs. I could NOT get the hang of it and was incredibly worried about a rupture or blockage. But he had developed incontinence, so even though I wasn’t able to remove his waste myself, it would come out on its own over time. I had to clean a lot of messes as well as clean his backside often, but at least it was coming out one way or another.

Still, he wasn’t examined to my satisfaction, and I wanted to find a vet who took his case more seriously and could actually provide some sort of treatment. After a little research I found one, and they did a FULL neurological exam, asked for his whole story, listened, didn’t rush, and told me how to proceed and what to expect. The did a complimentary ultrasound, two full x-ray sessions and only charged me for one because they did the second just to rule something out, and all in all were angels on earth. They said red light / laser therapy might help, but again couldn’t offer any guarantees. They unit they had on hand was a “Class IV” which is apparently really powerful and efficient, so we began treatment with that immediately, twice weekly.

That was two weeks ago, and as of today it’s now the start of week four. It’s been three full weeks since this all started. Over the last couple weeks, he started showing signs of movement in his right leg. Then his left. Bit by bit. As of today, HE CAN WALK, but only on his “hocks”. His front paws / legs are still fine, and he’s capable of making his way around the house on his own. However he’s still incontinent, and he still isn’t using his box. I’ve been doing my best to clean up after him with warm water and wet wipes (for cats), but he’s starting to develop sores by his anus due to constant over grooming. Apparently I haven’t been doing a well enough job keeping him clean.

We were prescribed a medication called Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium on 12/11 which we were told to give twice daily, 12 hours apart. So we gave him his first dose that night, and twice the next day. He didn’t take well to it and developed horrible diarrhea and vomited a few times as well. Despite this, he still has his appetite and he’s still drinking water. He’s not hiding or showing signs of pain or distress. He still purrs and wants attention, and even wants to play. He just walks on his hocks and can’t use his box. He was also prescribed another medication for nerve pain which was mixed with (I believe) Almond Oil? But he immediately began drooling profusely and had an incredibly adverse reaction to it, and he hated me for the next two days and even became fearful, which was difficult to deal with. Apparently there’s a similar option available in pill / powder form, but our vet won’t prescribe it because apparently it’s too strong for his size.

What all can we do from here on out to help him regain his independence on the bathroom front? What treatments / medications / additional measures would you recommend?

We were told if he were to make a recovery it would take anywhere from 4, 8, or even 12 weeks or more. It’s been three full weeks and he IS walking again (on his hocks), but the bathroom issue is our biggest concern. We’ve laid towels down everywhere but we can’t live like this forever….but at the same time we don’t consider this issue alone to be sufficient reason to end his life. We love him, and he’s family. We’re in it for the long haul.

We were told an MRI to pinpoint the exact spot of his injury would be upwards of 4k and corrective surgery, if it’s a slipped disc, would be 8k – 11k.

We can’t fucking afford any of that, and its safe to say MOST people can’t. What an absolutely predatory situation to be in.

Any advice on how best to proceed from here would be sincerely appreciated. We’re open to anything which has ever shown proven results. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Being concise isn’t among my strong suites.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about all of the issues you have had with your cat and the ability to find meaningful help. I know how hard it can be.
    I think that a few things need to be discussed.
    1. I feel it is really important that you talk to the vets who failed you and your cat. Here’s why. You and your cat are still alive and I fear too many others would not have had the same fate. If you don’t tell that to these vets they will keep on writing off pets and breaking their humans hearts. I honestly don’t know why we just don’t help people and stop killing pets we refuse to help.
    2. Keep practicing palapating your cat so you can monitor urine and fecal output.
    3. It sounds like this might be Ivdd in your cat. Which would also mean it can improve and your cat might regain function. For these cases I recommend cage rest and at home physical therapy. Try to keep massaging the legs and work on strengthening and supporting the body.
    4. Keep your cat in a safe place. No jumping or falling. That’s why we call it strict cage rest.
    5. I do think that these guys do have enough quality of life to stay with their family. If they can eat, drink, urinate and defecate and you can provide them a happy life then it’s ok they aren’t perfect.

    PS if he’s struggling with the box put a small amount of litter on a puppy pad. That might help.

  2. Frederick Post author

    1. I have absolutely already been planning on doing so with at least the first initial office which was so quick to suggest euthanasia. She really was SO QUICK to give up on us. I’ve had the thought of sharpening his claws once he’s fully healed, going back there and just throwing him at her face.

    2. I’m doing my best to stay on top of it. He’s not plugged up on either end, that’s for sure. He’s fully incontinent. I just hope he regains his independence at some point, because this is so frustrating. Keeping him and our home clean feels like a full time job in itself at this point.

    3. Is Ivdd different from a slipped disc? I’ve googled it but there’s so much information, some of which is a little conflicting. Initially I was told surgery would be 8-11k (on top of a 4k MRI), but a quick search online suggests surgery for Ivdd runs anywhere from $1500 to 4k. We can’t swing 4k, but we could scrounge up a grand and a half if it meant giving him his best chance at a full recovery. If you have any recommendations for a spot in California we could turn to, we’re open to it.

    We haven’t been keeping him in a cage, as he doesn’t take to it well at all. It stresses him out a great deal, and the third vet that actually bothered treating him said that reducing his stress would play a substantial role in his chances of recovering. But we don’t have any stairs and he’s not able to jump. He can make his way onto the bed using his front lets, and we put pillows and comforters all around the base of the bed so when he heads down, he lands on something soft even though it’s only about two feet high.

    I’ve been massaging his legs a bit and doing bicycle riding motions from time to time for as long as he’ll put up with it (which isn’t long). I also purchased this from Amazon and have been using it along his spine and the base of his tail.

    If you would recommend a different variant which you’re more familiar with, please let me know and I can return the above and buy your recommendation. Louie is also currently receiving a much more powerful version of this twice weekly with a class IV unit.

    4. He’s not able to independently get onto anything high. The most would be the bed, and we’ve made sure he can get back down comfortably.

    5. His appetite and interest in water have yet to waver. Any recommendations on the puppy pad front? Perhaps something with pheromones or other such attractant? You’re suggesting the pad and litter combination will help re-associate him with the idea of peeing where there’s litter, which might encourage him to start using the box again after a few successful puppy pad uses?

    Lastly, he was prescribed gabapentin about two weeks ago for potential nerve pain, but he had an incredibly adverse reaction with severe drooling and agitation. It was in liquid form in some sort of almond oil, which he HATES. It’s not something I’m comfortable giving him regularly based on the severity of his reaction. I was told there is a pill form, but our vet won’t prescribe it because it’s too much for Louie’s size, and apparently California law has some kind of regulations about allowing the pills to be opened with readjusted doses, so I can’t just half the powder from each pill. If you have any advice for alternatives on this front or how best to proceed, any suggestions at all, that would be extremely helpful.

    They’re also reluctant to give him any anti-inflammatory medication because it’s apparently terrible for the kidneys. I believe it was called an “NSAID”.

    He doesn’t seem to be in any obvious pain or distress, but he’s also a cat and they’re notorious for hiding their discomfort, as you full well know.

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Kirby | 2 years ago
My Brother-in-Law’s Cat, Bandit, Was Missing For 8 Weeks. When He Was Returned, He Was Walking …

My Brother-in-Law’s cat, Bandit, was missing for 8 weeks. When he was returned, he was walking with a periodic stumble. Our Vet took X-rays and determined he had a broken hip, which would cost $3k to $7k to have a surgeon evaluate and repair. Bandit does not seem to be in pain, and is able to walk, run, and jump without much difficulty. Once in awhile he stumbles. Would cage rest be enough for it to heal. We do not want to put him through the pain and risks of an operation if he doesn’t need it. Cost is also a factor, but we want to do what’s best for Bandit. X-rays are attached.

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Badly healed breaks can cause lifelong mobility issues. He might be fine now, but what about in a year? 5 years?

    Cats are pretty stoic. I’ll bet he’s in pain and just not showing you.

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Kayla Jo | 2 years ago
Hey Everyone. My Sweet Baby Girl Ellie May Is 11 Going On 12 And Has IVDD With Back …

Hey everyone. My sweet baby girl Ellie May is 11 going on 12 and has IVDD with back leg paralysis. The funny thing is that overtime she has been able to sometimes memory walk which resembles a raccoon on our carpet and can even kick her back feet when you carry her. She’s unable to urinate on her own so I do that for her and have for years. She has a wheelchair, her own playpen and even her own stroller because she is my diva child.

Last weekend little miss decided to jump from her stroller because she was too impatient to see what I was cooking in the kitchen. She didn’t help or anything and has even done this before and it doesn’t phase her but about gives me a stroke. Last Sunday morning I was getting her out of bed and she yelped and when I gently sat her on the floor to get her morning drink before tinkle time she flopped out on her left side. Since then she has weakness In the front and she knuckles the foot but can still put pressure but is hard to get around and will cry in pain and breathes heavier. She’s a dachshund so we all know their attitude and behaviors.

I called my veterinarian and it has been a back and forth battle the ENTIRE week and I haven’t actually spoken to the vet just desk people who apparently don’t like to pass messages or do anything really. I totally understand how busy a farm vet practice is but some communication would be nice. Thankfully I had some gabapentin left from her sister Miley’s dental and have been doing that twice a day but the dose is in half as she weighs less than Miley. When they did call me back they said yes what I was doing was fine as I’m also doing crate rest. I’ve done this dance before with my girl so we know what to do. From the start she wasn’t a candidate for surgery they said since she had already lost function In her legs. But with my love and care she bounced back within 2 weeks and then slipped again a few weeks later and has been without full use since.

I expressed my concern she could have slipped a front, they don’t seem all too worried,really????? Now my hubby and I have a game plan that as long as Ellie has the will to fight and live then so do we but the second she is truly suffering we will not allow her to deal with that. I’ve had so many folks wonder why we have a special girl and didn’t just put her down, I respond with would you shoot your own child if he broke his leg and couldn’t play sports again? You don’t give up on your dogs. If anything she has more attitude being my handy girl. We call her the sheriff of tiny town. I called my vet yet again yesterday to try and get in for a steroid injection and some nsaids and they just don’t seem to pass the message. So tomorrow I’m calling as their hours are 8a-12pm and if they can’t get me in then praying that at least doc can call the meds in for her. As a mama of an IVDD baby I’m familiar with the drill. Thank you for letting me vent.

We are ordering a secondary pop up playpen for her for when we are upstairs and when we are downstairs . Also ordering a raised bowl set so she isn’t angling her head down, I’ve rolled up blankets into the open areas in her playhouse so she is more secure and comfortable. Are there any other IVDD parents out there? Any and all tips would be greatly appreciated

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    Congratulations on doing so well with managing your pups disease. It really is a total investment in love.
    I know a lot of people like Dodgers list Facebook page. If you aren’t a part of that community go there.
    If you have specific questions I will do my best to help. I have a really exhaustive library of information on my YouTube channel and blog. Maybe they can help? Search Ivdd on the YouTube channel or blog at kmdvm.blogspot.Com.

    Good luck.

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Jemy | 4 years ago
Hi My 4 Y Old Cat Had Pyometraand Hystrectomy And Ovarian Removal Done 40 Days Ago . After The …

My 4 y old cat had pyometraand hystrectomy and ovarian removal done 40 days ago . After the surgery, I noticed that she became less active and cannot jump as she used to do before.
Before she was used to jump easily and directly to get on the bed but now she climbs onto an adjacent arm chair and then walks to the bed Also before she was able to scratch her ear by her leg , but now she is not able to do that.
She’s trying but can’t raise her leg to her ear.

Is it possible that her legs become weaker as a complication of the surgery?
Is it normal for a cat to be less active for this long time after a pyometra surgery ?
What should I do to help her regain her normal movement ?
I really appreciate what you are doing , many thanks.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    I think you really need to contact your vet that did the surgery about this.

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Lori | 4 years ago
My Small 12 Pound Terrier/chihuahua Mix Has Suddenly (in The Past 24 Horus) Stopped Jumping Up On …

My small 12 pound terrier/chihuahua mix has suddenly (in the past 24 hours) stopped jumping up on things – couch, chair, etc – which is very unusual because she prefers to be on the furniture. She will stand and stare at the couch and seem like she’s going to jump, she even starts to a bit, but then she won’t follow through. If I pick her up and put her on the couch, she will not hesitate at all to jump down when she’s ready. She will let me touch and move all of her legs and has not vocalized in pain. She walks and runs normally and will come up and down the stairs with no problem. I assume she has injured something. Is there an injury to a specific place that would cause her reluctance to jump up but not affect other behavior? (I should note that she is very independent and doesn’t like to be picked up, so it’s not that she’s preferring to be lifted up)

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Well I would start by saying that I wouldn’t encourage jumping on or off of the couch. I would get her a ramp and train her to use this. My concern is that someday she will land wrong and either strain/sprain/fracture a leg or injure her back. Next the best way to try to understand what’s going on now is to have your vet examine her. I can’t tell you what is going on here without an exam.

    1. Lori Post author

      Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I called the vet but she seems to be back to normal now. I will still keep her from jumping for a while just to be sure.

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Cath | 5 years ago
I Have A Question About Our 13 Yo Dog Who Likely Has A Bulging Disc. He Is …

I have a question about our 13 yo dog who likely has a bulging disc. He is a mutt (probably part Border Collie, part Shepherd). Soon after a small slip on our stairs, he had lameness in his one back leg; this went away after one day, he limped for a few days after, and he quickly recovered from those things.  Though he was walking fine fairly quickly, he showed stiffness, showed hesitation going up stairs unless we gave him a treat (we have only stairs to the outside), and his tail was down and only wagged from the tip of it. We had him quickly on an anti-inflammatory (Novox) and a pain med (started on Gabapentin but had to discontinue). He was fine on a walk; we went on short walks and he always craved for much more than we allowed. We prevented jumping, aerobic exercise, stopped him from using stairs by having a ramp to the outside, etc. We continued the Novox. His symptoms continued, then got better, and then seemed to regress when he started showing signs of pain (panting even when lying down and even when it was cool outside and some anxiety); the pain thing was probably because of taking him off Gabapentin. We took him to the Neurology Dept at a local, large vet hospital and a physical exam indicated that he “likely” has a bulging disc. When they inspected his back, he showed signs of pain and anxiety and his back legs bent and his rear went down. We don’t think we want to do surgery due to his age. He has not had an MRI as the regular vet and my husband and I thought that the treatment would be the same if we did not do surgery — treatment being restricting movement, continuing anti-inflammatory and pain meds, and looking into possible physical rehab. A switch to the pain med Amantidine helps a lot and the panting and anxiety are gone. He now continues to crave longer walks and, at the rare times we forget to block off the couch, he will try to jump up on it. We have been continuing to restricting movement but we just don’t know what to do about activity restrictions and have not had a lot of advice from neurology. He has always craved movement and exercise and when we take him around the block his stiffness seems to go away a bit and he seems energized and maybe even more comfortable. He has always craved a lot of exercise and movement. His spirits are lowered a lot if we keep in him in a small space — it almost seems like he wants to move around. He is eating and drinking, can do #2 (though he struggles some if doing it a long time). If allowed to do some movement, he is mostly happy and getting around with walking. Questions are: Should we restrict his movement altogether despite all this? Should he we do no walks at all? Is it bad if he is free to walk around the first floor or should he stay only in a very small area? I feel we are so confused as to what to do and how to know how to prevent regression. We’d love the input of any veterinarians or other owners with the same experience!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your pup. I think that I have to defer these questions to your vet. My inkling is to say strict cage rest except for short walks outside on flat grassy ground. My concern is that he will keep exacerbating the injury if you don’t. I have lots of information on my blog and YouTube channel under IVDD please go there for advice and case based examples. Best of luck

    1. Cath Post author

      Thank you so much for your reply! Do some dogs who have been restricted with movement get to the point that they “recover” or is this always a progressive situation? We don’t know if, after the 4 weeks of restricting him, if he will can to return to walks or anything if he is showing that he improved enough. Do you have thoughts on this? Also, is there anything we can do for him at home (like light massage or heat on the back)? Thank you so very much! You are so very helpful! 🙂 -Catherine