Hello Ann,
Thanks for the question, and for caring for the kitten.
Seizures and inability to defecate are not normal and likely signify a serious health problem.
I would advise that you seek professional assistance from a veterinarian or a cat rescue, or animal rescue group who are experienced in caring for newborns.
In general kittens need to be kept warm, be fed about every 3-4 hours, and be stimulated to urinate and defecate.
But seizures are indicative of a sugar imbalance (you need to be using a high quality kitten formula and not a grocery store product), or a central nervous system disorder, infectious disease, and unfortunately even rabies, (which is fatal to everyone it touches, you are at risk also).
I’m sorry that your kitten is sick, but it is time to seek some professional and in person help.
I wish you the best of luck,
Krista Magnifico, DVM
Owner Jarrettsville Veterinary Center
Jarrettsville, MD
I will call you as soon as I get to work.
In general if cats can’t smell then they don’t eat well. I would guess his nose is stuffed up. He really needs to be seen ASAP. Can you bring him in now?
He should have his temperature checked, listen to his lungs and probably be put on a stringer antibiotic. Also we will give him subq fluids to keep him hydrated.
The over the counter product called Little Noses helps to unclog the nose. one drop in each nostril twice a day.
But I cannot over express how important a recheck is. Those young kittens can get very sick quickly and need hospitalization. I am at the clinic in 30 minutes