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martha | 5 years ago
Has Anyone’s Kitten Been Diagnosed With Entropian? If So, Did You Have The Surgery Performed?

Has anyone’s kitten been diagnosed with entropian? If so, did you have the surgery performed?

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    As a veterinarian I know I am biased BUT I see lots of these and I always recommend fixing them. Ideally at the time of spay/neuter as they are already under general anesthesia. For me most of these are fairly quick, cheap and easy. I have a few blogs and I think even a storyline here I can share. I also think this is a surgery almost all general practitioners can do. The long term affects of NOT doing it far outweigh the downside to doing it. I find if you don’t do the surgery the eyelashes rubbing against the cornea causes chronic squinting (due to pain!), tearing (due to corneal trauma) and eventually it can cause vision impairment. I would love to see a picture of your kitties eyes. And I would love to hear the surgery estimate the vet gave you.


    1. martha Post author

      They referred me to an animal eye care center and they have not called me yet. Her eye is so swollen now she can barely open it.

  2. Shiria

    I would recommend to do the surgery. If you have an eye care center thats even better. Otherwise you could ask the vet if they have done this kind of surgery before.
    I work in a shelter and have seen a few cats with an entropian. All of them had the surgery and I think they felt better afterwards. Before they were always squinting, some hat swollen eyes or infections. After the surgery and everything healed that was gone.

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Darcy | 5 years ago
Having Difficulty With Our New Pup And Cat. About Two Months Ago I Introduced A New …

Having difficulty with our new pup and cat.
About two months ago I introduced a new puppy to our family. We have an 8 month old kitten, and a 2 year old German Shepherd, and the new guy, 6 month old Chance, an American Bully.
We rescued Chance from an abusive situation, and he is just a sweet and snuggly boy with us and our German Shepherd. The problem we face now is that we’re worried about our cat. They have been separated by a baby gate. He doesn’t bark or growl at her, but rather whines and stares at her. He does chase her, but we’ve always nabbed him. When she is on the other side of a regular door, she’ll put her paw under as any cat would to play. He hasn’t attacked it at this point. He just gets very still and quiet and just stares at her paw and begins to tremble/shake. He has broken a bar on the baby gate to be near her.
She is unenthused to meet him, after he’s chased her, which makes her run, which makes him chase. We aren’t really sure what to make of all of this behavior or what to do. I feel over saturated in information.
Our german Shepherd was happy to be with her within a week or two. He chases her once in awhile, but all in all they co-exist and like each other. I don’t know if I need to find a new home for bully puppy.
Please help

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning???? Don’t give up. Dogs thrive on schedule and repetition. Continue to praise the positive behavior towards your cat that you puppy displays. If he is treat driven, even better. If he sits quietly near her for a short time, treat reward. Gradually increase the time. When you are not busy- perhaps in the evening watching the news or a show, have kitty on your lap or in your sight and puppy in the same room. Quiet may only last a minute or so at first, but that is ok. It will gradually increase. We have a house with three GSD and 1 cat. We make sure that the dogs know kitty is above them in the pack order. She gets fed first, she is allowed on furniture (dogs are not) she is allowed certain places the dogs are not… all of these “other” rules help establish pack order. It takes time and patience, but can definitely be done. Thanks so much for rescuing!!! Don’t give up- it will work out. Best of luck!! ????????

  2. Laura

    Keep the pup on leash when he and the cat might interact. IMMEDIATE “Leave It” correction any time he so much as looks at the cat to chase. Reward appropriate behavior to ensure there’s direction in what you want.

    Not kidding on leaving a leash on him, by the way. It’s the best way to enforce an immediate correction.

Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
David’s Feline Neuter Surgery
Treatment Cost (USD): $100.00
David is a 6 month old kitten who was brought to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center for ongoing veterinary care and to be neutered.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Natty The Rescued Stray Kitten’s Neuter Surgery
Treatment Cost (USD): $100.00
Natty is an 8 month old domestic shorthair kitten who was rescued as a stray. His owner brought him to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center for ongoing veterinary care as well as neuter surgery.
0 Responses
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Inky’s Story: Feline Neuter In A Rescued Feral Kitten With A Suspected Oronasalpharyngeal Polyp
Treatment Cost (USD): $385.00
Inky is a rescued feral kitten who originally came to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center because he had what was thought to be a recurrent upper respiratory infection, which turned out to be a suspected oronasalpharyngeal polyp behind his soft palate. Inky was scheduled for an oral cavity exploratory surgery in which the treating veterinarian would attempt to remove the polyp. Since Inky was going to be under general anesthesia for this procedure, it was determined that he should be neutered at the same time.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Oliver’s Feline Neuter
Treatment Cost (USD): $113.00
Oliver is an 8 month old domestic shorthair kitten who was recently rescued by his owner. He underwent feline neuter (castration) surgery at Jarrettsville Veterinary Center.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Feline Neuter For Nicholas, 7 Month Old Domestic Shorthair
Treatment Cost (USD): $115.00
Nicholas is a recently adopted 7 month old kitten who was brought to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center to be neutered.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Feline Neuter Surgery For Butters
Treatment Cost (USD): $108.00
Butters is a 7 month old Domestic shorthair kitten who was brought in for neuter surgery.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Feline Neuter: Bartholomew, Rescued From A Feral Colony
Treatment Cost (USD): $115.00
Bartholomew is a 5 month old orange tabby kitten who was rescued from a feral colony. His owner brought him to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center to be neutered.
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Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Ollie’s Feline Neuter
Treatment Cost (USD): $100.00
Ollie is a barn kitten who was rescued by his current owner. He now lives indoors and gets regular veterinary care. When Ollie was about 6 months old his owner brought him to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center to be neutered.
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