Whenever I’m asked about litter box issues I always have people start with this great write up Dr. Magnifico … “Peeing Outside the Box? The 20 Minute Cure!” … It’s fantastic!
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What is the side effect of a distemper shot in a kitten?
My kitten Gracie has been acting up. She has randomly started peeing on the beds in my house. She still used the liter box sometimes but still pees on the beds. This all started after a vacation we went on about a month ago.
Whenever I’m asked about litter box issues I always have people start with this great write up Dr. Magnifico … “Peeing Outside the Box? The 20 Minute Cure!” … It’s fantastic!
I have 3 kittens
thay are familiy(brother/sister)
3 mounth old
he have the surgery in a month(dislocated back leg)
he`s axtermly limping
can barley get on stuff or play
but find a way to get on stuff..
Both of my cats have been experiencing diarrhea. The older one has yellow diarrhea and the kitten has trouble getting to the bathroom on time. I’m not sure if it’s because of the food or because they are in contact with other outside cats.
They are also still very active and show no signs of being sick. I feed and water them when ever I see that there bowl is running low
are your cats outside cats?
My cats were strays so they used to be outside. I just rescued my kitten recently so my cat might have gotten something from him. I don’t think I’ll be able to afford a vet because I don’t have a job. But I’ll try to feed them healthier cat food and if that doesn’t help all I can do is try to find them a home that can provide for them.
I have a three week old kitten who hasn’t had a bowel movement since Wednesday. My friend told me to give him a dewormer since he was an outside cat and it will induce a bowel movement. Is it safe for him? Are there any alternative ways?
He’s active and eating two tablespoons every three hours. He just learned how to run and he tries to chase our adult cats.
He just had a bowel movement and it was super solid for a 3 week old. No one induced it. But he had a hard time it took two people to hold him.
my kitten is just under 2 weeks old, has very swollen genitals and producing discharge ( smelly) only settled when feeding but walking around crying out
Your vet should take a look at this for it could be very serious. Three thing I would initially be concerned about is cancer, infection and testicular contortion. Contortion is where they cross over and the blood supply is cut off. All of these can produce pain and your cat needs to see a vet.
A kitten that is under two weeks old still needs to be stimulated to produce urine and a bowel movement. Is this happening? Is the kitten with the mom cat? If you are bottle feeding are you using a warm damp cotton ball or wipe to gently wipe the area to encourage a bowel movement/urination? Sometimes when kittens have parasites they can have very soft stool that can get impacted around the area and smell….definately take the kitten to a vet. At this age they can go downhill very quickly if not kept healthy.
Good luck!
G’day guys wanting to know how long a cat is pregnant for, and can she be wormed,also will the kittens have to be weaned or not?
Tx! Of the litters that turned out to be -, did you mean after being retested at 6 mths? I’m aware of causes of false+, but was wondering what the stats are on kittens who initially test -, then turn out to be + when retested at 6 mths.
Because of the stigmas and misunderstanding related to FIV, even if the litter is negative initially, we always test again at 6 months just to be sure although it’s most likely not necessary.
I’ve personally never heard from anyone in rescue about a litter initially testing negative and then testing positive later and I’ve never read any literature describing that scenario either.
I think that false positives are the overwhelming issue.
I’d be 100% comfortable adopting a kitten that tested negative from a FIV
positive mom … but for what it’s worth, I’d also be comfortable
adopting an FIV positive kitten or adult as well. 🙂
Thanks for your helpful reply….and for whatever it’s worth, we adopted a kitten last year with FeLV ,which I know is quicker to kill) who died 10mths later-it was my 9 and 6 yr old’s first pet, and while we’re glad to have given her a happy, albeit short life, it ripped our hearts out to have to put her down 2 days before her first birthday and that’s just not a scenario I am willing to replicate for my family. Thanks so much for your help-this is a great service!
How likely is FIV to be transmitted from mother’s milk to kittens? If a mother cat is pos for FIV and all 4 of her 8wk old kittens tested neg for FIV, what is the likelihood of the results actually being a false neg?
Hi Carolyn,
I don’t know if it’s technically impossible, but certainly not a common scenario in my personal experience. Over the last 4 years my rescue has taken in 3 cats (with litters) that have tested positive for FIV. All of the litters of kittens turned out to be negative. Our policy with FIV+ mom’s is to test the kittens on intake and then again in 6 months to verify results.
We did have one litter that tested positive initially and then tested negative 6 months later (a second test was given at 6 months just to double check).
Here’s some additional information from Best Friends Animal Society http://bestfriends.org/Resources/Pet-Care/Cats/Health-And-Care/FAQs-About-FIV/Hope
Hope this helps,
Thanks for your reply!
She hid after we got home then about thirty minutes later she came out when I put food out and ate. She played with our older cat for a little bit and then a couple of her cat toys. I recently lost three of my dogs that I’ve had for years and I am paranoid, It sounds like she’s having a side effect.