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Carol | 2 years ago
I Think My 2 Month Old Foster Kitten Has A Nasal Polyp. I’m Working With A …

I think my 2 month old foster kitten may have a nasal polyp. I’m working with a vet who doesn’t think she has a polyp because he says she’s too young to have one. We’ve tried a couple of antibiotics and nothing has worked yet. Her breathing is getting louder and she breathes with her mouth open while holding her head up when she sleeps. I had 2 other kittens last year that had polyps with the same symptoms. After 5 months of trying to treat the congestion with antibiotics, during spay surgery, both were found to have very large polyps. I don’t want to wait that long with this little one.
Do you think it is possible for a 2 month old kitten to have a polyp? If so, what is the earliest age for exploratory/removal of the polyp? Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I don’t think being too young is a reason to not look for one. I know many rescues and shelters who spay and neuter this young.

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Tammy | 2 years ago
I Recently Found A Stray Kitten, Approximately 13 Weeks Old. He Appears To Have An Avulsion Of …

I recently found a stray kitten, approximately 13 weeks old. He appears to have an avulsion of his lower lip which exposes his mandible. Are there any concerns, complications, or fixes for this ?

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Hi Tammy – I assume you plan to take him to the vet ASAP for this. I would make a point to do so, for this and for a general checkup, and to check his status for FeLV/FIV as well as get him UTD on vaccines.

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Naomi | 2 years ago
Hello! I Am About To Rescue 2 Kittens And As A New Pet Owner I’m Looking …

Hello! I am about to rescue 2 kittens and as a new pet owner I’m looking for some advice! We think the kittens are about 5-8 weeks. They haven’t gotten any shots or medication—they were found on the side of the road. I believe they have fleas and am not sure how to move forward. I know I need to take them in for shots but I’m not sure when. Advice would be appreciated!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Thank you for helping these kittens. I always advise new pets be seen within 7 days of adoption or acquisition. Call your vet asap and have them seen. Things like intestinal parasites need to be addressed asap. Vaccines too. They can help.

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Picta | 3 years ago
6 Week Old Kitten Fell Off The Bed And Hurt Its Back Left Leg. He Can’t …

6 week old kitten fell off the bed and hurt its back left leg. He can’t walk on it. He cries when it gets bumped. He can pull the leg against his body and lays on it, but when he stretched his leg out the top of his foot was facing out instead of forward. I’m worried he may have broken or dislocated something. How can I tell and what do I do? And what can we give him for pain?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Please go to the vet asap for an X-ray. They may be able to splint it to help it heal. Kittens heal fast and almost every fracture and dislocation will heal if you get there quickly. Also kittens are dare devils so try to keep them in a large crate or carrier for a few more weeks.

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Kaelee | 3 years ago
I Found A Kitten, Male. I First Thought He Had A Cyst In His Wrist But …

I found a kitten, male. I first thought he had a cyst in his wrist but when I examined closer it popped through the other side and made crunches in the wrist. I now think that it’s broken and wondering if a splint would help him.

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Joshua | 3 years ago
My Kitten 5 Weeks Old Got Her Foot Slammed In Window She Was Playing And The Window …

My kitten 5 weeks old got her foot slammed in window she was playing and the window fell some hoe her foot is swollen should I take her to vet or can I splint it or wrap it at home

1 Response


  1. Laura

    She needs to be seen by your vet. I know this was posted two days ago, but please get her to the pet ER NOW.

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Sarah | 4 years ago
Hi Pawbly Friends! We Are In WV – Beautiful Place To Rejuvenate The Spirit. One Of …

Hi Pawbly friends! We are in WV – beautiful place to rejuvenate the spirit. One of our vacation neighbors takes in strays, and has a vet coming Tuesday to check on a few. One kitten that she recently rescued is only 6 weeks old by the vets estimate. She was having trouble with bowel movements and her hind end was covered in maggots. They cleaned her up and she is on day 5 of an antibiotics, however with each strain to go to the bathroom, maggots still appear. The fear is that even though she is being cleaned each time, that there are many more than she can stand. Nearest emergency vet is 2 hours away in Virginia and not really a feasible option. Any advice on how best to help this baby until the vet can get out here on Tuesday?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah Post author

    Hi again Pawbly friends-
    Sad to say that kitty did not make it. We tried best we could- very sad lesson to have the kids learn.????

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Haejin | 4 years ago
Hi, I Have A Kitten Named Luna. She Is Less One Years Old And We Recently …

I have a kitten named Luna. She is less one years old and we recently discovered she has a nasal polyp. She has the “snoring” symptom while she is awake and has difficulty breathing through her nose. We took her to our local vet and she told us she was able to get the tip removed, but that we needed to see a specialist to get it completely removed. She told us the procedure would likely cost $1500-$2000. We happened to come across your video removing a cats polyp and was hoping we might be able to bring our cat to your clinic. How would we go about making an appointment with you and how much would we expect to pay?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I’m also sorry but we are not a referral practice. Therefore it is difficult to set up an appointment for people who are not local. I also cannot give a price for a procedure I have not seen the patient t for. If you are local you can call the clinic and I will call you back to discuss.

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G | 4 years ago
Hi All Hopefully Someone Can Help Us. Shemp Is 16 Years Old Is A Black DSH Cat. …

Hi all hopefully someone can help us. Shemp is 16 years old is a black DSH cat. I’ve had him since he was a kitten. Always with a hearty appetite and chubby started to lose weight. I took him to a Vet, she did blood tests and said his kidneys might not be at 100% and it was normal at his age. Oh, in February, 2020 he suddenly went blind but everything else seemed normal. She never said he might have (CKD) and never advised getting him on Sub Q. IV’s and a Hill Prescription K/D diet, he was still eating and drinking water but started to get very picky. He became dehydrated losing more weight, i took him to a vet and said we need to get him on IV’s which we did, i am administrating the Sub Q fluids myself to try and jumpstart his kidneys again in my van that we live in 50ML 3 times a day and he has improved and is stable. Issue is he’s stopped eating and i feed him the K/D through a syringe and he’s stopped going “poopie” so ive started giving him enemas and it did help get rid of some backup. He’s now bloated and not peeing as much as he should. Should I stop the IV’s as he must have a blockage in maybe both urinary and bowels as he’s not passing anything on his own, just a little pee. The vets here in Clovis, nm dont seem capable of treating this and super overcharge. Ive had Shemp since he was a kitten and i really believe its treatable. Please help, i live in a dodge caravan and can drive anywhere to get help for him. Thanks

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds a like it might be kidney disease, hypertension and maybe even hyperthyroidism. It also sounds like you might be better served by a cat specialist. If they are available. I am afraid that your cat might have such an advanced case of these that it might be difficult to turn around. The prolonged accumulation of these can cause severe muscle wasting and make everything else hard to manage.

    1. G Post author

      Thank you for your reply. I dont know of any cat specialist. I do realize he’s very ill and im trying to make him as comfortable as possible despite us living in a vehicle. My question is should i continue to give him his IV’s and feed him through the syringe to make sure he’s getting his fluids and nourishment and enemas i am still worried about his bloated belly/bladder.

      I dont want to rupture something. In addition, when i said I realize he is very ill it was meant if i dont do something quickly to help him. Costs, money and someone willing to help him are the biggest factors here. Thanks

    2. G Post author

      Hi, Shemp just passed away after having a violent seizure and couldn’t breath because of a blockage, he died in my van in my arms. I called 3 vets earlier in the day and they all turned me away. I told them he was bloated and had a blockage and needed x-rays and blood work and that it was an emergency and i was denied service. Shemp was 16 years 1 month and 3 weeks old when he passed and was the best friend/companion and family member I had. I will forever miss my Buddy. He died at 1am on May 22nd, 2021. Now i have to try and find a place to have him cremated. ????????

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Elizabeth | 4 years ago
Good Evening! I Am A Client At Jarrettsville Veterinary Center And The Front Desk Ladies Very …

Good evening! I am a client at Jarrettsville Veterinary Center and the front desk ladies very helpfully advised me to post here saying I was a client to ask my question. =) We are in a bit of a kitten conundrum.

Our neighbors’ barn cat had kittens, and they are living under our garden shed. The kittens are about 7 weeks old or so, according to my neighbors, and they are extremely friendly, outgoing, adventurous, playful, etc. We are assisting the neighbors in trying to find them homes, and we are trying to figure out when it is appropriate to separate the kittens from their mother. We have read/heard 12-14 weeks, however we (my husband and I) are concerned for the kittens’ safety. There are foxes and hawks that live around our house, and the mother cat is staying away from the kittens for longer and longer. The kittens are starting to venture out further and further away from the safety of our shed (where they are just…exposed in our yard), and we are uncomfortable with the idea of leaving them outside for 6 more weeks (though they have managed this far okay).

Additionally, the mother cat has already moved the kittens twice, according to the neighbors, and they didn’t know she was over here until we found the kittens and told them. We are worried that she might move them again and we might not be able to find them if she does so. We are willing to bring them into our house for their safety, but the mother bolts, and we are worried about hurting the kittens’ development during this young stage of their lives and causing mama cat undue stress. We also don’t want them to get eaten by foxes or hawks. =\ Any advice would be super helpful!

Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Thank you for helping them. If they are eating on their own it is safe to take them inside and separate them from mom. But please have mom spayed and vaccinated. The kittens can be vaccinated at about 6 weeks and rehomed at 8 weeks. Mom should be safely caught in a live trap and transported to the vet in it. We don’t want anyone to be bitten as they are not vaccinated for rabies. We at Jvc are happy to help. We can also help with putting you in touch with rescue groups who can assist with this