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Jan | 4 years ago
My 5 Month Old Kitten Has Become Sick. Not Eating But Still Drinking And Very Tired Is …

My 5 month old kitten Has become sick. Not eating but still drinking and very tired is there anything I can do

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Without knowing a whole bunch more information all I can safely recommend is that you seek immediate veterinary help. If you cannot do this, or cannot Afros to do this please call a rescue or shelter and ask for assistance. There are many Facebook groups that might also be able to provide direction. At this age and based on this description please consider it an emergency. I hope things work out ok. Best of luck to you both.

  2. Sarah

    I would say this is an emergency since the kitten is so young and things can turn dire very quickly with young ones. Please get to the vet ASAP.

  3. Jan Post author

    Now a second kitten from the same litter is also sick . is there anyone that could help or knows What this could be

  4. Shiria

    I just can repeat what Krista already said.
    You need to get them to a Vet, and if you can’t afford that try to get help from shelters or similar.
    There is no way for us to know the reason why your kitten is sick, a vet has to take a look at it. Especially if now a second one is sick you should get them checked.
    Not eating and being tired can be the first signs of cat flu, of gardia (altough here they usually have diarreha first), kitens with FIP can show those signs too – but all of those are just examples, there can be much more reasons and they usually are accompanied by other symtoms.

    And all of them need to be seen by a vet, they can cause severe damage, even if they manage to heal on their own or can even lead to death (except FIP, which sadly is always deadly…).

    Please get them to a vet, only they can help the kittens.

    Best luck to you!

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Catherine | 4 years ago
I Have A 8 Week Year Old Kitten He’s Very Active Until Today My Daughter Accidentally …

I have a 8 week year old kitten he’s very active until today my daughter accidentally jumped on his back right leg he’s been limping and crying when touched but still walks on it without meowing he’s still playful and eats he will lay down more then usual and sleeps more often then usual as well should I make a splint for him or go to the hospital does it seem broken

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Being that he is only 8 weeks old, I’m assuming you have a vet appointment already booked for regular visit? I would call and ask if they can see him sooner and explain what happened. Hopefully he is fine????But an X-ray will help confirm anything.

  2. Catherine Post author

    Took my baby to the vet it’s a sprain he has a splint on and he’s resting but still his lovable self thank u guys

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Ashley | 5 years ago
Is My Kitten A Bengal Mix

Is my kitten a Bengal mix

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    It’s impossible to tell, particularly with a very dark photo. Unless you bought this kitten from a Bengal breeder, or can confirm one of the parents was a Bengal, there’s literally no way to know.

    Enjoy your kitten! And as Dr. M said, get it to the vet asap to get on a good care routine.

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Raychelle | 5 years ago
I Have A 2 Week Old Orphan That Has Upper Respiratory Infection And Low Weight. It Is …

I have a 2 week old orphan that has upper respiratory infection and low weight. It is suffering with anorexia as well. The kitten is also tube feeding. Today is day 5 and the kitten has started showing lathargic behaviors again and has not had a bowel movment in 24 hours.

I am wondering if this is normal or if I should take it to the er.?

1 Response


  1. Gloria

    I would definitely take her to the vet or ER. This baby is too small and weak to overcome all these problems on its own. This is an emergency, in my opinion.

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Megan | 5 years ago
Kittens And Coccidiosis – Race Against Time

Hello. A few days ago, I found a litter of five abandoned kittens. They have been determined to be between four- and five-weeks old. There are three females and two males, and they are all very social. They are eating and drinking well, and we are currently in the process of weening them from formula and kitten pate to moistened kitten kibble.

Unfortunately, on Sunday afternoon, one of the female kittens (who is named Princess Butterscotch) started to show signs of Coccidiosis. Being in the country like I am, I am very familiar with the signs of the parasite. I rushed her to the emergency vet on Sunday evening, where she was diagnosed with Coccidiosis. She was put on a starter dose of both Panacur and Albon for all parasites. I was also given enough treatment to treat the other four kittens at home, because common sense dictated that they were also infected, even if not showing signs. The four whom were healthy before are still doing well. They all get .25ML of both the Panacur and Albon every evening. The last dose of Panacur will be this evening, whereas the Albon was given in an eight-day dosage.

Princess Butterscotch still has diarrhea. It is to the point where she was “poopy butt” (as we so elegantly call it), and she does not always know she is going to the bathroom. She is still eating, drinking, playing, purring, and doing all things that kittens do; however, I am distraught, because as I said, I have seen Coccidiosis in kittens before and know how quickly it can take a turn for the worst.

In all my experiences and my family’s experiences, Albon DOES NOT WORK on Coccidiosis. And even if it temporarily stops the symptoms of Coccidiosis, they reappear within 24 hours of the last dose of Albon. However, it was all the emergency vet carried. I called my regular vet this afternoon for an appointment and to discuss Ponazuril as a possible treatment, as it is the only medication we have ever found to definitely treat a kitten with Coccidia. My vet could not see me due to having no appointments. I called another vet in the area, and they also cannot see me due to having no appointments. The emergency vet I took Princess Butterscotch to on Sunday evening is not open today.

My fear is that I am going to lose this kitten. I know Albon generally takes one to two days in order to really start showing signs of improvement; however, it seems she’s getting worse and not better. I am wiping up all of her little spots on the bathroom floor with bleach cleaner, and I am making sure their litter box stays clean. However, this will all be for naught if she does not make it. I am currently treating her with some Pedialyte in order to ensure she stays hydrated until someone can see her and possibly provide her and her littermates with more effective treatments against Coccidiosis.

Any advice in the meantime would be greatly appreciated. I have not had this litter of kittens long, but it is difficult not to get attached to such wonderful, loving creatures, and I would hate to lose one because I did not do all that I could to save her life.

Because I know this will be brought forth in mind, none of the kittens are showing ANY signs of Fading Kitten Syndrome. They are all very loving, active, and social. All of them, save for Princess Buttercup, are using the litter box regularly, and they are all eating very well.

Thank you for any and all advice,
One very worried pseudo-foster mother

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there- thanks for rescuing these kittens!!!!???????? Is there no way that your regular vet can squeeze you in? Or at least get you on a list in case of cancellation? And can they recommend anything else to do in The meantime while you wait for your appointment?

    1. Megan Post author

      I wish. I even talked to the veterinarian this morning and she told me she couldn’t get me in; that I need to feed her some Pedialyte and hope for the best. This afternoon it’s clear that she now weighs a lot less than her littermates. However, the seeping diarrhea seems to have cleared up a bit. I haven’t found any on the bathroom floor, only small droplets on the their blanket, which of course I’ve gotten into the washer immediately. Unfortunately, it looks like I can do nothing until Thursday when either of my vets in the area have an appointment. Either that or the animal hospital again, but they don’t open until 8PM tonight. It’s a really tough spot to be in. No vet availability and no vet around here, despite Coccidiosis being a real issue in these parts, willing to do anything but Albon. I hate to sound like an “internet vet”, but experience and vet articles published online tell me that Albon simply does not work on Coccidiosis.

    2. Gloria

      Thank you for caring for these babies. According to, the most common treatment for coccidiosis is sulfadimethoxine, and that is what Albon is.


      Good luck! Keep her going on the pedialyte in any case.

      1. Gloria

        I tried to copy the paragraph from, but it dropped it. Anyway, that’s what it says to use.

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rat | 5 years ago
So I Have A Kitten, He Is Presumably 3-4 Weeks Old Found In A Walmart Parking …

So i have a kitten, he is presumably 3-4 weeks old found in a walmart parking lot, and he has lice, taking him to the vet as soon as possible, but im wondering what the best way to get rid of them at his age is? we are currently trying diatomaceous earth and coconut oil?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Thank you for rescuing this kitten. I think your best bet is a visit to the vet. At this young an age, I would t want to assume anything- so a through exam and advice from them will get you going in the right direction. Thank you for loving this kitty????????

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Karen Hesch | 5 years ago
HELP I Put Sentry Flea Medicine On My Cat’s Last Night I Woke Up This …

HELP I put sentry flea medicine on my cat’s last night I woke up this morning and my my smaller cat not a kitten she’s just small is like drooling really bad and panting I called Jarrettsville vet but they can’t get me in because I’m not a patient and I don’t have the money for the pet ER it’s too expensive even to walk in I’m desperate can I give her Benadryl what can I do to try to help her any answers will be greatly appreciate it thank you very much…

10 Responses


  1. Sarah

    If you cannot afford the vet ER, please call your regular vet right away and explain to them what you think has happened. Is this an OTC preventative? Or one suggested by your vet?

    1. Karen Hesch Post author

      We just moved back to md n haven’t been to one… n with being out of work n haven’t gotten unemployment yet im ABSOLUTELY broke… pet er is like a 100 to walk they the door ???????????????? it was an otc needs smh…

  2. Krista Magnifico

    You can call the product manufacturer and ask for help. Or call pet poison but I am worried that you need an ER for hospitalization. You can call all of the rescues and animal rescue in new Freedom pa. Also call best friends in harford county. Start calling all of your friends and family for help

  3. Krista Magnifico

    I would also bathe her throughly. Repeated washings with a small amount of dish detergent. Oh have to get the product off.

      1. Krista Magnifico

        Wash the product off immediately. Call the product manufacturers phone line for advice and call the rescues to see if they have a vet in staff to help. If your cat declines you can reply and I can see if one of the rescues can help. It is $50 for an exam at the clinic. But we have no openings today.

      2. Krista Magnifico

        Hello. I just spoke to dr Ahrens at jarrettsville vet. If you can go there now she will help you. You May have to drop off for the day so they can take care of your kitty. We can talk about your bill later. I am expecting that you will help with some part of it and that we can help you in the futur with better flea and tick options. Please go now. Tell them I okd it and dr Ahrens is seeing your cat. Call the clinic when you arrive. 419-692-6171

        1. Karen Hesch Post author

          Yes i will be able to pay something today my mom said she could help a little… n will definitely pay off the rest asap… thank you sooooo very much… ????????????

        2. Karen Hesch Post author

          Hey again… so i finally talked with someone at sentry.. they said the foaming n drooling is from licking it n it having a bitter taste… n that’s its common for them to act like that.. too save you all more stress i think in going to take her home n bath her n watch her carefully… thank you sooooo very much for your willingness to help… i will be seeing you soon. you guys are amazing n i thank you from the bottom of my heart… tytyty…

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Giselle | 5 years ago
I Have Kitten That Is 10 Weeks Old. Just Recently I Noticed Him Limping On His Left …

I have kitten that is 10 weeks old. Just recently I noticed him limping on his left front arm, and a swollen ball on his neck It has now gotten big and swollen. What should I do, let me know ASAP plz .

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This kitten should be seen but a vet ASAP. I am worried about a fracture and abscess. These should be treated immediately in a kitten this young.

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Justine | 5 years ago
Is It Normal That The Vet Wants To Amputate The Leg Due To 2 Small Fractures

Is it normal that the vets want me to amputate my kittens hind left leg due to a small fracture in the hip and a fracture above the knee. I had to take him late at night so it was to an emergency pet clinic and they were so very discouraging about me finding someone to repair his leg. I also never saw the X-ray of the one above the hip and when I asked for the X-rays they did not give them to me told me I had to wait for the vet to release them to me and they sent me the report without the X-rays in the report.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Please go to your normal vet, or make an appointment with a vet that your friends and family recommend and if you still aren’t comfortable wirh the answer ask for a referral to a surgeon. Depending on age and the fracture I usually tell every client wirh a young growing otherwise healthy pet to try strict cage rest (they are kept in the cage 24/7 for 4 weeks to see if the fracture will heal. Also make sure they get their routine pet care and are spayed as soon as they are healed. I never amputate without giving them a chance to heal as long as it is safe to do so.

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William | 5 years ago
Hi There, I Wanted To Ask If Polyps In The Throat Can Be Felt. My Kitten …

Hi there, I wanted to ask if polyps in the throat can be felt. My kitten that can’t meow I suspect of having polyps. The vet tested for Leukemia and FIV negative, xrays negative, and lung worm negative. Now I notice both sides of her neck has lump, one side bigger. My other kittens do not have these lumps. My vet said she doesn’t think it’s polyps because that’s uncommon in kittens, so $500 in tests later and I have no answers. Shouldn’t they have noticed these lumps? They are the size of a small marble.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have only been able to feel a polyp a few times. Every so often I can do a quick enough oral exam to feel them in the back of the mouth. But even with these I needed to do a sedated exam to be sure. Kittens can get hyperthyroidism which can cause palpable enlargement of the glands on the outside throat area. This is diagnosed and confirmed with a blood test. Please call your vet to discuss these. If finances are a concern call the shelters and rescues to see if there are low cost pet care options available.