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Cheyenne | 5 years ago
I Have A Kitten. She Was A Stray So I’m Assuming She Is About 11 Months …

I have a kitten. She was a stray so I’m assuming she is about 11 months old. She recently has stopped eating, drinking, and can hardly move. Within the past few hours we have noticed there’s a knot that’s came up on this inside of her on her side. Please help. She has an appointment in the morning with the vet but I’m worried sick!

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    I am so glad you already have an appointment scheduled for her. The vet will most likely do a thorough examination and possibly xrays to see what the “knot” you describe might be. You did not specify where on her the knot was- could it possibly be a blockage? That might account for the sudden change in eating behavior. In any case- she needs to be seen ASAP so it is very good that you have an appointment. She may need surgery- so try to prepare yourself for that possible reality. Good luck to you. I hope she is ok!!!

    1. Cheyenne Post author

      Thank you! I got her to the vet this morning and he said that had a virus. He gave her some medicine and she seems to be doing a lot better now! ????

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry. This sounds like an emergency and we aren’t staffed or able to manage emergencies online. I how she is ok

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Vicky Lowdermilk | 5 years ago
I Have A 5 Month Old Kitten. And My Nephew Pulled Hurt His Tail It Comes Out …

I have a 5 month old kitten. And my nephew pulled hurt his tail it comes out a little bit then it goes limp what should I do if it’s only been two days

4 Responses


  1. Vicky Lowdermilk Post author

    I have a 5 month old kitten my nephew pulled his tail and it comes out a little bit at the base of the at the base but and goes limp after a little while

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Please have your kitten seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible. I suspect an X-ray is indicated to assess the tail. I also think that at this age your kitten should be vaccinated (if it isn’t already) . So even if the tail is not able to be treated your kitten needs vaccines, preventatives.
    Usually with tails I let them try to heal on their own as long as they are waking, urinating and defecating normally AND they are not self traumatizing it. It can be monitored for a while to assess healing.

  3. Laura

    In addition to what Dr. Magnifico said, keep your nephew away from your cat.

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Alyvia | 5 years ago
My Cat Has Herpes & Has Had Worms In The Past. She Has Had 3 Litters Of …

My cat has herpes & has had worms in the past. She has had 3 litters of kittens before. The first litter was 3 stillborns. The second litter was only 2 babies (one of them being boo of course.) The third happened recently about 4 weeks ago & there was 3 of them (we’re not sure if it was the same father as the last two.) The kittens seemed very healthy but with having other outdoor cats we had to often give them flea baths & even then the fleas would still be there & climb up to their faces but obviously we were hesitant getting their faces. Their mother fed them very well (I could even say maybe over fed them) & they got plenty of rest. The only concern I would say I noticed is how one of them only seemed to use three of her legs, but I didn’t think much about it because I assumed she was young & just still learning how to walk. Then all of a sudden a few hours before she passed she kind of just really wanted nothing to do with anything & just keep sleeping. When I saw she was dead later I noticed brown squiggly things on her, I figured it was either flea eggs or some type of worm. It couldn’t have been the same worms her mother used to have because those were white. We obviously took her away from the others, and then their mother seemed to not want much to do with the two ones still alive. She’s done this in the past when she had her stillborns, she was depressed for a while. I figured it could either be that or my mother read online that it could be because she knows they’re sick & she doesn’t want anything to do with it. So me & my family purchased kitten formula, a bottle, & turkey wet food made specifically for kittens. We’ve made an effort to feed them 15 ml of the formula every 4 hours. We also provided them with warm blankets and shelter since they are lacking their mothers body heat. One of them was acting like the kitten that had just passed, just really not up for doing anything. The next morning we saw them & they seemed fine, then we check on them about 15 minutes later & that same kitten was from before was dead. We’re now making an effort to really keep an eye on this one & do everything we can. He was doing so well this morning, & we’ve been holding him to our chest for more intense warmth & continued to feed him 15 ml of formula every 4 hours. Now for the past 4 hours or so he’s starting to look really lazy like the other two. We’re scared he’s not going to make it very long

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning. My advice would be to get to a vet. I would also advise spaying this cat in an effort to prevent this same event from repeating itself as this is the third time you’re going through this. Best of luck.

  2. Laura

    I agree with Sarah. You need a vet for the litter as well as for your queen – spay her, speuter the kittens when they’re ready for their new homes. Stop the cycle of producing sick cats.

  3. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your kittens. There are so many things that this could be. It’s really almost impossible for me to even speculate. I think it would be really helpful to provide basic medical care. Like parasite control and treatment and vaccines. And yes of course spaying and neutering to prevent future litters and the high mortality associated with them. I would guess that it is probably a few simple things. Parasites, disease, exposure are the big killers for cats and kittens. I applaud your compassion but I think it’s time to start providing more medical intervention. If it helps it was a story much like yours that compelled me to become a veterinarian. I was determined to never watch another pet die without being able to intervene and do all I could to save them. I wish you all well.

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Shoug | 6 years ago
2 Months Old Male Kitten With First Vaccination Only, One Scaly Patch Near Take.

2 months old male kitten with first vaccination only, one scaly patch near take.

1 Response


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Jasmine | 6 years ago
SO I Noticed My Kitten Has A UTI And I Couldn’t Afford To Do A …

SO I noticed my kitten has a UTI and I couldn’t afford to do a bladder express surgery so I brought him home and I came across a video of sometimes you can express the penis to see if the calculi comes out and if it does you don’t need a catheter. So I gave it try at home and some white stuff came out like salt and he peed so much! What a relief but then this morning he was straining again and I helped him again and more white stuff came out (they look like white salts) I am trying to figure what is this white stuff and I am thinking it’s the magnisum that I am giving him since he can’t walk due to Bengal polyneuropathy. How can we flush him out ? Does he need surgery to remove these white specs? What antibiotics should we get to help him with pain? I need help please

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    It looks like that is crystals. I would advise you getting to the vet and talking to them. Until then, I would make sure he is hydrated and drinking LOTS and possibly continue expressing and hopefully more will continues to come out. Even if he starts urinating on his own, I would get a visit to the vet. Let us know how Hong’s are going.

  2. Jasmine Post author

    What kind of medication should I get ? If he is able to expel them would he be okay? He is able to pee but he keeps straining I believe trying to expel them out ? if he is expelling these crystals can it do harm to his penis?

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Christina | 6 years ago
Rectal Prolapse… I’ve Taken In A Little Kitten That Kept On Visiting Us About Two …

Rectal prolapse…
I’ve taken in a little kitten that kept on visiting us about two weeks ago.. He’s about 15 weeks old. Took him to vet for first visit on July 5. He’s always has a slightly protruding rectum. Vet said probably from straining because of parasites. Gave him Profender – purge dewormer- and Revolution Plus. Could still see tapeworm segments even two/three days ago. Rectum looks good in the morning and then once he has a bowel movement his rectum prolapses – looks like a red Cheerio (for size visualization). He has a vet appointment next Friday. Should he go sooner to the vet? What can I do in the meantime? Saline rinse? Sugar water soak? Vaseline? Or nothing? Thanks!!!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    As long as it is going back into the rectum I would just keep monitoring. It usually prolapses a little after a bowel movement. If it comes out and stays out, like long and tubular versus donut or cheerio, then hopefully it will resolve with time and appropriate diet and anthelmintic (anti parasite) treatment. I recommend a very good age appropriate diet and recheck fecal exams. If it comes out keep it lubricated and we your vet ASAP.

    1. Christina Post author

      Thanks for the response! He had a bowel movement a bit ago…and there was another tapeworm? segment on his anus 🙁 And it seems that his prolapse is looking redder, but not sure. My other concern is that I’m supposed to go out of town tomorrow and wonder if he should possibly go to after hours clinic.

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Jessica | 6 years ago
I Have An 18 Month Old Male Cat, Chubbs :) – He Was A Stray That We Took …

I have an 18 month old male cat, Chubbs 🙂 – he was a stray that we took in from the neighborhood as a kitten, vaccinated and neutered and we just adore him. On Monday this week, I noticed he was having urinary issues – lots of in and out of box and no action. Our vet was full so we drove about 30 minutes to another town to take him to an emergency vet. Vet told me that he did not have a urinary blockage, but his urinalysis showed evidence of infection and crystals. A chicken and the egg situation he said. They gave him subQ fluids, antinausea med, anti-inflammatory med and send us home with a supply of pain meds and antibiotics. He was low key the next day, but seems back to normal as of yesterday. However, still lots of urinary urgency and frequency attempts with dribbles here and there, but is producing actual normal appearing size voids 3-5 times a day. No blood, no howling. Bowel movements seem a little looser, assuming from antibiotics but no diarrhea. Is this expected behavior? Can male cats have partial blockages that wax and wane like this? Will this continue on for 1-2 weeks while treating the UTI component? Emergency vet told me to follow-up with our vet in ~2 weeks for repeat urine.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    I would call your vet and see if you can schedule an appointment before the two weeks just to get your own vet up to speed and see if there are any changes in diagnosis. Err on the side of caution. I can tell you from experience- getting these things taken care of sooner rather than later and staying ahead of the game, is a LOT less expensive in the long run. Best of luck.

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Payton | 6 years ago
Is It Normal For A Kitten To Lick Ears???

Is it normal for a kitten to lick ears???

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Your kitten is licking your ears? I’m not sure its normal but I’m also not sure that it isn’t. We have a clinic cat who is also obsessed with licking our ears when we hold her. So far it’s been a decade doing this at a vets clinic and I wouldn’t call her normal. But she’s not medically impaired. She’s just a little ear weird. But we love her anyway. As always if you are concerned please mention it to your vet.

  2. Sarah

    Good morning????
    We had 2 kittens years ago when I was still in elementary school that did this. Our vet at the time said that it might be because they left their mother too soon. (These kittens we hand raised because their mom was run over down the road from our house) they would cuddle up into the crook of our neck, under our hair and try to lick behind our ears. I know it sounds gross and strange, but they were babies. The male grew out of it, the female never did- so anyone on our sofa with long hair was fair game in her eyes.

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Miranda | 6 years ago
My Cat Just Had A Litter Of Kittens And I’ve Never Seen This Before But …

My cat just had a litter of kittens and I’ve never seen this before but all of the kittens were born with their eyes wide open, I couldn’t find anything recent on the internet about this, just wondering if anyone knows what could be going on.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Yes it is normal to be born with the eyes closed. But. Like everything kitten related we can’t do anything to change this so we should just make sure mom is kept happy, well fed, and in a quiet peaceful and safe place so she can take the best care of her kittens.

    1. Miranda Post author

      Thanks, Momma is very happy and the kittens seem to be healthy 6 kittens, 5 born with their eyes open, but all alive and healthy momma is taking good care of them, I just wasn’t sure if I should take them to the vet or not

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Marina | 6 years ago
Hello, 1 Of Our 2 Orphaned Newborn Kittens (6 Days Old Of Age) Started Eating Less The Last 12 Hours. …

1 of our 2 orphaned newborn kittens (6 days old of age) started eating less the last 12 hours. Before 3 hours I noticed his right front leg was swollen and took him to vet immediatelly. The vet said it might be broken bone or soft tissue injury but she cant tell or do anything before the kitten reaches 3 weeks. I keep the routine of feeding, cleaning + toilet. Is there anything more I should do?
Thank you

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning. I would call the vet right away and let them know about the change in appetite. I would also ask if there is anything at all that you should be doing… rest, for example. I would definitely watch her closely, and make note of any changes at all and call your vet right away if you notice anything.

    1. Marina Post author

      Thank you, Sarah, for your reply. I had taken him to a vet near me 5 hours ago and the vet said cant do nothing but wait until the kitty gets older to fix his (perhaps) broken leg… Because I see this poor kitty in pain I booked an appointment to another vet for a second opinion 3 hours from now.