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Melinda | 1 week ago
About 2 Months Ago My 11-Year-Old English Chocolate Lab Started Developing A Cough. It Started Off Mild …

About 2 months ago my 11-Year-Old English chocolate Lab started developing a cough. It started off mild at first with a couple coughing fits here and there. I got her to the vet as soon as I could get an appointment. She was ruled out for kennel cough because she’s up to date on shots, she never is boarded and she never goes to dog parks. They started a round of antibiotics, and cough suppressants. It didn’t seem to work so we went back. They did a lot of tests which of course was a lot of money. She’s diabetic so congestive heart failure was a concern but through testing and an X-ray they said they don’t believe it has to do with her heart & there didn’t seem to be fluid around her lungs either.. She was then put on steroids because they thought it might be inflammation. It didn’t seem to help any & her cough has only gotten progressively worse. We went back again and now they put her on a different round of antibiotics & another script that I have to fill at a human pharmacy for Codeine I believe. She has coughing fits almost every 20 to 30 minutes and sometimes with rubbing of her neck it helps calm them down. Her coughing spasms generally produce a lot of phlegmy spit up. I’ve spent more money than I have to try to get her help but we haven’t been able to get any answers. I was told it could possibly be Laryngeal Paralysis but the only way to truly confirm was to take her to a specialist and spend a lot more money to put my 11-year-old senior diabetic dog under sedation for an invasive procedure to diagnose. I’m not even sure what the fix for that would be if there is one and I’m sure it’s thousands more $$$ for a girl who may not make it through all that. It’s heartbreaking watching her struggle., I don’t really know what to think or do, just at a devastating loss watching my poor girl suffer. Within the last week, my once always hungry Labrador who never turned down any type of food down has stopped eating her normal food and treats that she used to love. She now only accepts wet food and soft meaty treats. I’m not really sure where to go. I don’t think the ER is the best answer here and again I’ve spent way more money than I even have to try to find an answer. Just trying to find any guidance/advice/assistance/suggestions and/or answers that I possibly can. Thank you in advance.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry that you are having so much difficulty finding the cause to this.
    There is no way around the fact that some patients come to us with more difficult conditions than others. When we struggle for the answer the best way to get to the bottom of the problem is to get a second opinion and a new set of eyes. I don’t think there is anyway around seeing a new vet and probably spending more money to rerun some of the tests.
    The other option is to see if your vet can send the X-rays to a radiologist for review and ask for a vet consult via the lab work provider they use. For cases like this I can lean on a specialist to help me with the difficult cases I see. I use ANTECH and Idexx for my lab services and they both offer online consults for vets. They also both offer radiologists to review my X-rays The phone consult is free and the radiologist review is often about $150. It might help.
    Otherwise you are stuck with just trying additional medication to see if they help.
    X-rays also have limitations and a CT scab might be needed to see the area of the throat or chest causing the issue. I’m sorry I wish I could help more.

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Jaime | 4 months ago
Hi. I Have An Almost 6 Year Old Lab Who Keeps Vomiting When She Eats Or Drinks. …

Hi. I have an almost 6 year old lab who keeps vomiting when she eats or drinks. She is otherwise happy and doesn’t appear to be in any pain but does appear to be losing weight (she’s a heavier build). She wants to keep eating and drinking though and not having any other problems. Is there something I can give her to resolve the stomach issue or could it be something more serious?

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    This sounds like it could be a partial obstruction in her gut. That’s something I’d consider emergent. Please get her to the vet.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I agree with Laura. I also worry about pancreatitis and Addisons. Although there are other possibilities. Please see a vet.

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Carla | 6 months ago
A Question For Krista Magnifico: Hello! Hoping To Get Some Advice On Recommended Next Steps For …

A question for Krista Magnifico:

Hello! Hoping to get some advice on recommended next steps for my cat, Sammie, who is being evaluated for IBD vs. small cell lymphoma.

Sammie is 17 years old and is overall quite healthy! Throughout the time I’ve had her, she’s had a history of vomiting a ~once per week or two (sometimes more frequently). Vomit is usually clear, foamy. No other GI issues or health issues otherwise. She is active and energetic, and has not had any health issues until ~1 month ago when I noticed she stopped eating as much as she previously did. She stopped eating her dry food altogether, and seemed to become quite picky with her wet food. I initially thought her teeth may be bothering her because of the avoidance of dry food, so I brought her to the vet.

Vet found that she had lost a couple of pounds, unintentionally. Based on presenting symptoms, vet thought she might have a GI pathology so ordered an abdominal U/S:

Ultrasound, Abdominal Study Outcome:
Kidneys: overall normal size but mild reduction in detail and small mineral foci. Trace pylectasia noted w/out ureteral disension.
GI: Avg SI thickness normal. Mild corrugation is noted in some regions and some ileus (luminal fluid distension up to 4 mm w/ reduced
peristalsis) noted w/out obstruction. No discrete abnormalities appreciated throughout the small intestines.
Caudal abdominal nodes are prominent to mildly enlarged and rounded w/ smooth texture. One irregular cystic structure noted near right
kidney. The mesentery around the ileus segments is mildly hyperechoic.
Intestines most consistent w/ enteritis
Nodes: r/o reactive vs other
Cystic strucure: r/o benign mesenteric vs inflamed node
Kidneys have evidence of chronic disease.

Here are her prior labs:

7/15/24: Wt loss 0.28 lb; PCV: 40/7.6; Chem18: BUN 41, creat 1.7, K+ 4.3, phos 4.2
U/A: USG 1.019, pH 6.0, rare wbc/rbc; no bact/cryst; cobalamin: 437; folate: 11.2

2/13/24: Wt loss 0.8 lb; CBCcomp: hct 44, diff wnl (clots in sample; rec. resubmit)
Chem25: BUN 40, creat 1.3; T4: 2.8; SDMA <10
U/A: USG 1.025, pH 6.0, rare wbc, no rbc/bact/cryst, rare fine gran casts.

1/19/23: Wt loss 0.4 lb; CBC: (hct 40, diff wnl); Chem25: (BUN 32, creat 1.3)
T4: 1.8; U/A: USG 1.051, pH 6.5, 1+ prot, rare wbc, no rbc/bact/cryst

11/19/21: CBC: (hct 46, diff wnl); Chem: (BUN 34, creat 1.5); T4. 1.9; DGGR lipase 9
U/A: USG 1.053, pH 7.5, rare amorph. crystals, no wbc, no rbc

6/17/22 Wt loss 0.16 (as desired); USG 1.040; SDMA: 11

Most recent A&P:
1) Intestines most consistent w/ enteritis (IBD vs SCLSA); ileus likely cause of decreased appetite.
2) Nodes: r/o reactive vs other
3) Cystic strucure: r/o benign mesenteric vs inflamed node
4) Kidneys have evidence of chronic disease ; in keeping w/ previous lab findings.
1) Rx: metoclopramide 5 mg: 1/4 tab po every 8-12 hrs.
2) Continue vit B12 as Rxed.
3) picked up Mirataz but hasn't started it yet. Rec. give. metoclopramide for 2-3 days and then if not improved appt, start Mirataz.
4) to consider presumptive pred tx vs ex-lap for biopsies.

Sammie is seeming to eat better with the metoclopramide.

My question:
Is pusuing an ex-lap for biopsy recommended vs. empiric tx for IBD with steroids vs. empiric tx for SCL with steroids + chlorambucil.

Thank you!!!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Well let’s all take a collective moment to applaud the work up!! I say this because that’s a breath of fresh air!! I think that a couple things warrant a little further discussion.

    First it sounds like your GP has done a very thorough job,,, but,, done it all in house. Which in some cases is the best we can do. But. Have you been offered a referral to an internal medicine feline practitioner? If you can find someone who is BOTH great. If not go to whoever you can get in with.
    Next have rads been done? And assessed by a radiologist? At least for thorax?
    I know it might sound crazy but also check anal glands. Some of these older cats are so uncomfortable they stop eating
    Add an appetite stimulant. There are numerous options.

    Ask for an internal medicine consult via your lab services. It’s a phone call and It’s free. It has been helpful in some cases. Ask them about budesonide vs. prednisolone if you are going to start treating for INS. Which to be honest I would do over a biopsy for a cat this age with these potential differential diagnoses.
    I also add vitamin B12 and cobalaquin and immuquin to these guys. The other medication I like is cerenia and learning how to give SQ fluids at home for the kidneys. You also need a phosphate binder ( I think?, please inquire), we use naraquin. Maybe ask about azodyl too.

    … and I know it sounds like I am spouting out a lot of meds… but I gave my older cat solensia when she was a nightmare of unhappiness and it really helped.

    And let’s not forget pain meds. Every (EVERY!!! ) single patient deserves them. I like gabapentin 50-80 mg as needed.

    Please keep m posted. Very best of luck.

  2. Carla Post author

    Dear Krista,

    Thank you very much for your response!

    Sammie is eating much better since starting metoclopramide. She is finishing all the wet food we give her, and chases after me when I am preparing it for her! She’s also having bigger sized BMs. We also have her on a weekly injection of B12 for her borderline low levels.

    One point to clarify – we are lucky that Sammie’s vet is a feline-only practitioner. Based on discussions with her, she seems to recommend proceeding with the ex-lap for the biopsy and that cats “bounce back” quite quickly after the procedure. We are hesitant, however, given it seems quite invasive.

    At this point, we are deciding if the is worth it, or just to empirically treat her with steroids for presumed IBS (vs. SCL). Based on your input, it seems you would err on the side of not doing a biopsy in a cat of her age?


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Kaylie | 7 months ago
My 1 Year Old Dog (1/2 Lab, 1/4 German Shepherd, 1/4 Boxer) Has A Large, Perfectly Round Red Bump On …

My 1 year old dog (1/2 lab, 1/4 German shepherd, 1/4 boxer) has a large, perfectly round red bump on her face. I have researched and see potential answers but we are currently out of town and cannot take her to the vet yet. She is very important to me so of course I am concerned, but I would like opinions on whether I should be panicking as much as I am according to the photos I provide. Some articles say cancer, others say histiocytoma.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The only way we can accurately diagnose any kind of mass is with submitting a piece of the tissue for biopsy or histopathology. If the mass is small and not bothering your dog you probably have a little time to monitor it and don’t have to rush to the vet. If it isn’t going away or if it is getting larger I would see a vet. In a dog this age I often talk about whether it might be a histiocytoma. These are usually benign and go away over a few weeks.

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Ethan | 12 months ago
Sudden Change In Dogs Behavior

Good evening. Before reaching out and scheduling an appointment with vet in the morning. I will ask here.

We have a 9 year old Sharpei-Hound mix named Emma, that has had a significant change in personality with-in the last 3-4 days. Overall her “Normal” behavior is what you would imagine with a blood hound; laid back and basically lazy. But when she’s outside her Sharpei side shows; playful but a little more on the aggressive side.

We have a fenced in property, and ability to closely monitor her and our other dog; a 12 year Chocolate Lab. With that said, 1 week ago February 25th we were going through our bedtime routine. Both dogs went out. Our Lab came back in rather quickly, but Emma stayed out a little longer before making her way back to the door.

When she came inside, she was shaking very much and appeared traumatized. My wife and I attempted multiple times to check her over and give her some love. But very unlike herself she did not want any part of it. She had No signs of cuts or abrasions or any type of trauma. But the only thing was when we touched the top of her head more over her left side she would yelp and whimper.

The next day she was back to her normal self. Only with in the last 3-4 days we are noticing some rather concerning things with her. That has never been previously observed.

1.Today she has developed a lump about the size of an acorn on the top of her head and still cries out when touched.

2. Appetite has not diminished, but she has had an increase in amount of water drinking.

3. She seems to be having trouble hearing.

4. Significant “Spotting” the last 3 days. This has never occurred before. And yes she is spayed.

5. Tonight when letting the dogs out after supper, I found Emma sleeping on her bed but with her eyes wide open and shallow breathing. I initially thought she had passed away suddenly, but after jolting her she awoke and came to in this rather “dazed and confused” state.

6. I would say that she is a slightly lethargic, she still wanted to go out and play but was more stand off-ish when around other dog and kids.

As stated we found no signs of being bitten by another animal, and until within the last day or so she has been her normal self. She has no underlying health problems, and is very active for being 9 years old.

We will be setting up an appointment, but in the meantime looking for help or assistance of others who have experienced this with their dog.

1 Response


  1. Laura

    I can’t fathom what this might be, though a toxicity comes to mind. Definitely get her to the vet.

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wendy | 1 year ago
Seeking Diagnosis/Treatment For Possible Nasopharyngeal Polyp In Cat Our 5#, 18 Mo Old Cat Has Been Having …

Seeking Diagnosis/Treatment for Possible Nasopharyngeal Polyp in Cat

Our 5#, 18 mo old cat has been having breathing difficulty for about 6 months. We’ve been to two “regular” vets and one specialty vet. The “regular” vets have done chest x-rays and bloodwork trying to diagnose. We’ve been on multiple rounds of antibiotics, several steroid shots, and a few breathing treatments. The first vet suspected asthma, but none of the meds worked. The second vet suspected lung infection, but again, none of the meds caused any improvement. The cat is acting fine, eating and eliminating normally. No nasal discharge. Sounds like she’s snoring all the time.

We saw a specialist today. She determined that the cat isn’t able to breathe thru her nose much, if at all. We are waiting on lab results for a fungal infection. The next step she suggested would be for CT scan and rhinoscopy to check for foreign body, polyp, or other physical abnormality. I’m ok with sedated imaging, but their estimated cost for that is $4,000. I called MS State University Vet Clinic, and their estimate was also in that range. We’ve already spent hundreds trying to diagnose and treat this. I’m ok with spending more but not $4,000.

Can anyone suggest a vet in the Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi region that we can try?

0 Responses
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Sandee | 1 year ago
Anyone Have Thoughts, Suggestions And/or Recipes For Homemade Dog Food That Provides Complete Nutrition For …

Anyone have thoughts, suggestions and/or recipes for homemade dog food that provides complete nutrition for large breed dogs, specifically lab mixes. I am interested in exploring what feeding homemade food would look like from both an ingredient and time commitment perspective. Thank you in advance.

1 Response


  1. Laura

    I would say get your vet involved, and/or a veterinary dietician if there’s one near you. There’s a lot more leeway with dogs than with cats, but I’d be very careful about making sure they get the right balance of nutrition without overdosing them on anything.

    Oh, avoid legumes. There’s a link between heavy legume inclusion and dilated cardiomyopathy, which is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

    Lots of folks go with a raw diet. This seems to be somewhat controversial in vet circles (Dr. Magnifico will weigh in on this when she sees it), but it’s another feeding method that requires a lot of research first.

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Kionna | 1 year ago
Dog Having Seizures And All Her Lab Results Came Back Normal. He Always Go Back To …

Dog having seizures and all her lab results came back normal. He always go back to normal after. She is eating, playing, barking.
Just don’t know what to do.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I have lots of information on seizures on my blog. Please go to and from there search seizures. Depending on how many your dog has had you might need a medication like keepra for this

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Cynthia | 1 year ago
My Little Dog Angel (14 Yo Shin Tzu/ Lhasa Apso Mix) Went To The Vet On November 28 …

My little dog Angel (14 yo shin tzu/ Lhasa Apso mix) went to the vet on November 28 due to stumbling , possible blood in stool, and weight loss. The vet said she had no blood in her stool and was diagnosed with intestinal parasites. She was prescribed metronidazole, Regan, and Pepcid. Prior to her starting the medication she was walking but slipping on her hind legs. Also prior to the medication she was eating and drinking water. As the days went by she started dragging her hind legs. I did research and found your videos on the beagel with IVDD. So yesterday December 3rd we took her to a second vet and explained everything that was going on with Angel as well as showing the vet the medications Angel was taking. According to the vet from yesterday the dose was too large for her 7.4 lb frame that she could have developed some neurotoxicity. However the vet said since she was having some difficulty walking prior to the medication then it was more likely IVDD. We were told she was too far along and would require surgery. I ask about oral medications to treat her IVDD and then we were told she was in renal failure. So due to her renal insufficiency and possible upper GI bleed they are unable to give prednisone to help with the inflammation. Angel’s lab work showed an elevated BUN/Creat and she is acidotic. I ask about IV fluids to resolve the renal insufficiency and the vet said we could do IV fluids for 24-48 hours which may only give her a 50/50 chance of renal improvement. The vet then went on to say even if we corrected her renal function she would still have the issue of IVDD and with her dark stools Angel would still not be able to take the prednisone. The final option the vet suggested was euthanasia.

She said we could take Angel home with gabapentin, sucralfate, mirtazapine, and cerenia. Just spend time with her and love on her with an life expectancy of about 2 days.

At this point I’m at a loss because it seemed everything snowballed very quickly.

Today December 4 my adult kids are coming to see her and my husband said we need to take her in for euthanasia on Tuesday December 5th. I feel like I’m giving up on her. The vet said her prognosis is poor and even with surgery she may never have a good quality of life.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. For Ivdd suspected cases I tell people to cage rest, give pain meds , and give them 3 weeks before giving up. Just my advise from being in practice. Most get better. They need time.

    1. Cynthia Post author

      Thank you so much for your response. I wish I would have seen this prior to everyone including the vet telling me she needs to be euthanized. My heart and my gut was telling me not to give up but everyone else told me this is the most humane option. Yesterday afternoon we buried her on my Mom’s farm and today has been so very difficult. I feel like I failed her in so many ways.

      Again thank you for your response.

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Jessica | 2 years ago
Recently Every Time My 7 Year Old Black Lab Retriever Jumps Into The Car He Holds His …

Recently every time my 7 year old black lab retriever jumps into the car he holds his back leg and whines a little or acts funny then lays down and is okay. He’s out running and seems fine any other time just does this when jumping up into the car. Any thoughts? Im going to purchase steps to help him into the car. Maybe just a sprain

1 Response


  1. Laura

    I tend to be conservative with things like this – I will put a dog with a sore limb on crate rest for a week to see if it resolves. If it doesn’t, we head to the vet. This means on leash when in the yard for toilet, no jumping in the car, no jumping on furniture. Just crate or on a cushy bed on the floor.

    Things to do: check paw pads, check nails (most people keep dog nails WAY too long, so if you can hear them clicking, it’s time for a nail trim…and then do them twice a week until they’re short, and weekly to maintain). I also move the limb and gently massage to see if there’s any sort of soft tissue soreness.