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Pawbly | 9 years ago
The Vet I Took Bella To Concluded That She’d Endured A Stroke, Began Her On…

the vet i took bella to concluded that she’d endured a stroke, began her on antibiotics (amoxicillin) and prednisone to treat her symptoms and restore her strength, after a day on fluids, symptoms were overall lethargy, weakness, excessive drooling, occasional nausea, pacing and disorientation. she was doing amazing, i was so thankful. she was acting normal again. until today, the only thing we can attribute the change to (speculation), is that her round of antibiotics was completed yesterday at 6pm. she was acting relatively well until about 12-1:00pm today. we are at a loss, we have no money for the vet for a week or so and i love my bella with all my heart. please help, please, any advice or ideas would be amazing. i just want her to be well and out of pain.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Know That He Underwent Neutering On 7/7 So 5 Days Ago, He Seemed To…

I know that he underwent neutering on 7/7 so 5 days ago, he seemed to have some discharge coming from his incision site. I asked the woman at the desk about it and she said it was ok but he seems lethargic and its still leaking, he doesn’t lick or bite it since he is always sleeping. I’ve kept him with me from the moment I got him because I’m worried for him.

5 Responses


  1. Ashley Messer

    Does anybody have any advice?

  2. Anonymous

    Has he been to your vet yet?  If not – all new dogs and cats NEED to be seen by YOUR vet for an introductory visit.  Get that done before the end of the week and ask that vet.

  3. Ashley Messer

    I plan to take him to the vet asap. I had just adopted him yesterday and I was so worried but this morning he is active and trying to explore. He seems to be doing better. He isn’t leaking anymore and he was definitely interested in his water again. I called my closest emergency vet last night and they gave me some peace of mind and told me the only real red flag is his disinterest in food but that could be the change in environment since his discharge was clear and he Seems to have no problem in the potty department.

  4. Anonymous

    Ahh, I understand your worry. 🙂 I’m sure he’s fine.

  5. Ashley Messer

    Thank Yu, its always Nice to get other furbabies parents opinions since I’m aware I’m am over worrier lol

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is About To Have Puppies I Think She Is Lethargic And Won’t Eat…

My dog is about to have puppies I think she is lethargic and won’t eat what do I do

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I’m guessing you’re inexperienced with regards to breeding and lack a breed mentor to help you…that means you need to call the vet who has monitored the dam throughout her pregnancy.

  2. Lisa Pfab

    Please go see a vet. I know money is sometimes an issue, but try to apply for care credit, or something to get your dog looked at. Is she eating? Is she Drinking? Are her gums nice and pink or white looking? can she walk?

    Please call a vet!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Puppy Went On A Short, Hot Hike Yesterday. Today He Is Very Lethargic And…

My puppy went on a short, hot hike yesterday. Today he is very lethargic and lays or sits down every chance he gets. There is no vomit, diarrhea, discolored tongue/gums, and he is eating and drinking. Should I worry about the lethargy?

3 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    Yes, I would worry – give your vet a call, explain your concerns and see if they can get you in to see the doctor for a few moments.

  2. Eric Paulsen

    Thanks. I did call my vet, but based on the normalcy of everything else he wasn’t concerned and figured he was exhausted from the hike. Better safe than sorry!

  3. PK Dennis

    It is good that you had the conversation – you are right about safe/sorry!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Was Breathing Really Hard When I Got Home, Expresses Pain Towards Her Rear…

My dog was breathing really hard when I got home, expresses pain towards her rear end, won’t let me touch her tail, is gassy, threw up earlier and it had a quarter of an unchewed rawhide bone in it, now she’s very lethargic, walking around in pain, her breathing is shallow and is having spasms on her bed, she’s an otherwise healthy 3 and a half year old catahoula American bulldog mix…..

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    This sounds like a potential blockage.  Please get your dog to the vet NOW…DO NOT wait on this.  Blockages and obstructions are usually fatal if not handled quickly.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
MY Cat Has Been Sick For 5 Days With A Fever. No Vomiting No Diarrhea…

MY cat has been sick for 5 days with a fever. No vomiting no diarrhea except for a little on the second day. He has a fever, he’s drinking a lot, lethargic, not grooming. I took him to a vet who gave him something for the fever and an antibiotic shot. He’s eating and drinking which is good but the fever is not going down. The vet prescribed Fevadol which has paracetamol in it. We are in a country with no good vets and no real access to pet medication, but everything I have read says that paracetamol is poisonous to cats. I would give anything for him to get better, but there are no vets that I trust here and I am so confused on what to do. He’s obviously fighting an infection but the vet said he doesn’t seem to have a URI, he has no signs in his chest and no discharge from eyes or nose. I just don’t know what to do and it’s breaking my heart watching him in pain. please help.
He’s a 4 year old male.

3 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Normally I would tell you to follow the doctor’s instructions but it seems paracetamol  is acetometaphin which is very toxic to cats!!! However, without examining your cat it is impossible for me to really give you any advice.  My recommendation is to try and find a vet you trust because your cat needs treatment.

    Good luck

    Dr D

  2. D A

    Thank you for your response. I know he needs treatment, I am very scared for him, but as I said there are no reliable vets here. Is there something over the counter that could bring down his fever?

  3. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    No there really isn’t.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi, I Have A 16 Year-old Female Chihuahua/Lhasa-Apso Who Has Been Prone To Seizures For…

Hi, I have a 16 year-old female Chihuahua/Lhasa-Apso who has been prone to seizures for several months and has been taking medication to prevent this. However; several days ago she had a convulsion – and since then, she has had an increase in jitters, seems mostly unresponsive to petting, has lost appetite, her tail is nearly always limp, and she appears lethargic.

On top of this, she also sounds as though she has fluid/mucus in her lungs, as she takes raspy deep-breaths every now and then. Since this morning, she has begun coughing up clear/bubbly + thick fluid every so-often, is refusing to drink/eat/ take seizure medication.

Her last check-in with the vet indicated that cancer was not present (At least, in her organs) and her blood did not indicate high cholesterol or diabetes.

Given the symptoms listed, what do you believe my dog is suffering from, and is there any medication/preventative measures I can treat my dog with to combat this illness?

Thanks 🙂

1 Response


  1. Brayden Poole

    Dog has almost made a full recovery over the last few day. After discussing with my vet, this can occur if she doesn’t take her medication or vomits it up, as well as if she had eaten food that is high in protein. I think that she must have vomited her pill up, and as such we’ve been increasing her dosage until we’re certain she’s completely well again. On top of that, we’ve changed her diet slightly by removing kangaroo meat from her food and only using white meat. The food we give her is always home-made and has been approved by the vet. Sadly, due to my dog’s conditions and already prescribed medication, if this were to occur again, the best they could prescribe is either antibiotics or, if it gets very bad, we may have to have her put down.
    However, like I said earlier, she is back to her normal and happy self, demanding food and is playing madly with our other dog. Thanks for your comment 🙂

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Our 13 Week Old Puppy Threw Up For The First Time Today And Is Feeling…

our 13 week old puppy threw up for the first time today and is feeling very lethargic now. It looked like only dog food. He was excited after meeting some girls. is this normal?

3 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Lethargy is not normal!  He needs a vet.

  2. Kelli Ellis

    I’d keep an eye on him, if he’s lethargic for more than a few hours or other symptoms appear, definitely get him to a vet.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Female Puppy Keeps Throwing Up. Lethargic,no Appetite. Was Fine Yesterday. Has Her 1st Round…

my female puppy keeps throwing up. lethargic,no appetite. was fine yesterday. has her 1st round of shots already.suggestions???

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Any puppy showing these signs needs to see a vet immediately!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Her Eyes Are Watering, Excess Snot, Sometimes It’s Mixed With Blood, Excess Sneezing, Lethargic…

Her eyes are watering, excess snot, sometimes it’s mixed with blood, excess sneezing, lethargic, her appetite is down. Shes been having trouble breathing and coughing. Sometimes her breathing sounds “wet”. My vet said there’s a chance something could be stuck in her nose or could be cancer. I’m very short on money but if theres a really good chance she could have something stuck in her nose I’ll find the funds to get the tests done.

2 Responses


  1. Alexis Renee Wood

    Also I forgot to add she is a 12 year old German shepherd/lab mix

  2. Anonymous

    honestly, if my dog were obviously miserable, i’d do anything and everything i could to figure out the cause and a treatment plan.