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rat | 5 years ago
So I Have A Kitten, He Is Presumably 3-4 Weeks Old Found In A Walmart Parking …

So i have a kitten, he is presumably 3-4 weeks old found in a walmart parking lot, and he has lice, taking him to the vet as soon as possible, but im wondering what the best way to get rid of them at his age is? we are currently trying diatomaceous earth and coconut oil?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Thank you for rescuing this kitten. I think your best bet is a visit to the vet. At this young an age, I would t want to assume anything- so a through exam and advice from them will get you going in the right direction. Thank you for loving this kitty????????

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Daria Locher | 9 years ago
We Got A Rescue Dog, And She Has Many Health Problems That We Are Dealing…

We got a rescue dog, and she has many health problems that we are dealing with (including an ear infection, lice, etc.) and something that concerns me is her left eye that is red and bulging. What possibly could it be? How should I help he? I cannot find it online. Thanks!

1 Response


  1. Daria Locher Post author

    Thank you so much for your help! I was concerned because when I looked up cherry eyes they looked different, but we ended up going to the vet and they said the same thing! Thanks again for your help!!