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Kari White | 6 years ago
We Have (2) 1year Old Cats. One Loves The CET Toothpaste And The Other Has…

We have (2) 1year old cats. One loves the CET toothpaste and the other has no interest to even lick it off my finger.. We have tried the seafood and poultry flavor. Any alternatives you would recommend? I seen they also make the CET chews in fish or poultry flavor. Curious if they are just as effective. Thanks

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If the toothpaste is the problem in permitting brushing omit it and use a moistened toothbrush or even a piece of gauze (I use our hospital 4 inch square gauze wrapper around my finger). I have a YouTube video on how I do it.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
Hi, My 8mo Old Long Haired German Shepherd Was Spayed 5d Ago And Developed What Her…

My 8mo old long haired German Shepherd was spayed 5d ago and developed what her regular Vets tell me is a seroma. Nobody has examined her post op, all phone consults.
I am an Rn. They knew she was hyper & I requested postop sedation- they opted for Trazodone 100mg 2x/day & Rimadyl for pain. This did nothing, she continued to jump up/romp a bit inside as she did when i picked her up. So they doubled the dose to 200mg bid, 3rd day adding Benadryl 50mg 2x/day which helps a little. Said short walks ok Saturday (3d post op)
I kept her as confined as possible in crate or pen. It’s about the size of a plum? I hope it’s not intestinal bleeding. She had laser surgery with internal sutures & skin glue closure. They advised heat. Today she started to have serosanguanous leaking from the incision so now it’s riskier for infection. She’s not had great appetite but otherwise acting normally- pooping less also. Should I insist on an exam or just keep monitoring for signs infection, etc?
She’s not licking area as wearing cone/collar. Is this common post spay? Vet is very experienced IF she’s the one who actually performed it…i presume she did. It’s not a teaching hospital. Very $$ 800!!
Thanks! Deb

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am sorry to hear about your pup. YES! you should insist upon an exam. I consider it unethical that you have to ask, they should have offered on the first call of your concern. Ask as many questions as you feel necessary. Ask for your bill, the doctor who performed the surgery should be listed on that. You can even request her medical records. It is our practice to not charge for exams post op follow ups. It conveys an air of confidence on both sides and helps reassure everyone that we have our pets care at the forefront and hope to be building and maintaining long standing relationships built around confidence. Be the advocate your dog needs you to be, You are their only voice. Let us know what happens. Good luck!

  2. Debbie Hagerty

    Hello Dr Magnifico
    I think I will book an exam as suggested since it’s more firm than what I’ve read it should be this early on-
    folks say should feel more like a water balloon & hers doesn’t. I don’t understand why it’s so hard to get a strong sedative when you know you have an enthusiastic puppy…i emphasized si didn’t want her like a zombie- but one can’t anticipate her initial “inside jumps”…

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
My Dog Has Melanoma Cancer And He Licks My Lips And Face Is There Any…

My dog has Melanoma cancer and he licks my lips and face is there any possible chance of me getting cancer too?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning? I don’t believe cancer is contagious. I’m sorry you and your dog are going through that. Please enjoy each other’s time together as long as you can.

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Vivienne Barnes | 7 years ago
Hi. My Dog Will Not Leave Her Forelegs Alone. She Is Nibbling, Licking…

Hi. My dog will not leave her forelegs alone. She is nibbling, licking and almost sounds as though she is trying to take them off!! The vet cannot find anything though we have tried cortisone cream which she licks off(not good) and steroids but to no avail. She did have two lines in some weeks ago as she was unwell. HELP

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning? I am so sorry that your dog is having such issues. Has your vet done a skin scrape to test for parasites? That may help you find a remedy that will work. Also, is there anything in your yard or along your daily walk that your dog may walk through that could cause such a reaction that you are aware of? While it is nearly impossible to avoid certain plants and foliage outside, again if you can pinpoint which thing might be causing it, it will be easier to find a medication to help more. Your vet may also be able to refer you to a specialist. Best of luck.

  2. Anonymous

    She isn’t comfortable. This is either an allergic reaction to something or her way of managing pain. Cortisone won’t work…ask your vet for something like Betagen. It’s a bad tasting topical spray that can help healing and will deter licking. I would also increase her mental work to distract her from the itchies and pain. This means training! Do things that work her mind.

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Vivienne Barnes | 7 years ago
My 8 Yr Old Cocker Spaniel Has Been Favouring One Of Her Toes By Licking…

My 8 yr old Cocker Spaniel has been favouring one of her toes by licking and licking. I see a little hard nodule. Should I see the vet?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I would. This won’t get better without some intervention, and the vet can tell you exactly what it is and what treatment is best.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
I Noticed My Dog (Jack Russell Terrier/Chihuahua Mix Born Feb 28, 2016 15lbs) Licking His…

I noticed my dog (Jack Russell Terrier/Chihuahua mix born Feb 28, 2016 15lbs) licking his penis. So I examined it and I noticed that the hair on the tip of his penis is turning black and hardening at the base of the hair and the hairs falling out. I also noticed that he has a lump on the right side of the tip of his penis. I’m just very concerned because I just now examined him to find the lump but have notice the hair problem for about a week or 2. Please help!

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I agree- the sooner you get to the vet, the better. If you let it wait, it may become costly if it is in fact infected. Good luck!

  2. Julie Brader

    Please take your dog to.a Vet as soon as you can. Something is obviously wrong. He could have an infection needing treatment or something else. All lumps need checking too. This is bothering him a great deal if he’s constantly licking the area and whatever it is needs to be diagnosed and treated. Hope he’s better soon.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Have A 5 Year Young Border Collie Lab And She Has These Episodes Where…

I have a 5 year young border collie lab and she has these episodes where she starts licking/salivating, sometimes lip smacking occurs. Episodes last about 1-2 hours. Her heart rateia normal 69-80 bpm. Her breath doesn’t stink. I brush her teeth daily. Pupils are responsive (no epilepsy or seizures, she doesn’t lick the air just her mouth) She has had a general blood test done. Her kidney/liver function, electrolytes, thyroid, hormones, and her Red and White blood cell count were all normal. Test results were all normal.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would discuss conditions like megaesophagus, reflux, seizures, and neurological issues. This is a condition that very likely needs a vets assistance to diagnose.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Hello My Dog Got Surgery On His Leg On Friday And He Had A Cone…

Hello my dog got surgery on his leg on Friday and he had a cone to prevent him from licking the stitches but tonight the cone actually wrapped around his neck very tight to the point he couldn’t breath so we had to cut it off of him and now the cone is broken is there a way I can prevent him from licking the stitches just until tomorrow

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Just try to keep an eye on him, and when he starts to go for his surgery sight, redirect him as best you can.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I have seen people make a cone by cutting a hole in the bottom of a bucket to put their pets head through. Or you can put a big sock over the leg. Or Elizabethan collars are available at most pet stores

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Have A 5 Months Cane Corso Which Has Lately Formed A Lump On His…

i have a 5 months cane corso which has lately formed a lump on his left limb which i believe is caleed histiocytoma and now he is licking it to the point that it bleeds. does anyone know how to make it go away without surgery? also if it goes away will hair still grow in that area?

3 Responses


  1. Jennifer Taylor

    I would contact your Veterinarian or if your Vet is recommending surgery don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion. I happened to find a wonderful Vetrinarian whom I trust very much when surgery was recommended for a condition that my dog had. Best of luck!

  2. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    I would recommend seeing your vet, they should be able to give you all options available for this mass. If you are not happy with your vets options get late second opinion.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
What Does It Mean If My Cat Excessively Licks Herself?

What does it mean if my cat excessively licks herself?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It can mean allergies, infection or most commonly fleas. I suggest using a flea comb to look really well (even if you don’t think it’s that) I have a great YouTube video on it, search Dr. Magnifico and fleas. Please talk to your vet about this first so you can rule out a medical based issue. Please keep us posted!