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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi, I Have A 16 Year-old Female Chihuahua/Lhasa-Apso Who Has Been Prone To Seizures For…

Hi, I have a 16 year-old female Chihuahua/Lhasa-Apso who has been prone to seizures for several months and has been taking medication to prevent this. However; several days ago she had a convulsion – and since then, she has had an increase in jitters, seems mostly unresponsive to petting, has lost appetite, her tail is nearly always limp, and she appears lethargic.

On top of this, she also sounds as though she has fluid/mucus in her lungs, as she takes raspy deep-breaths every now and then. Since this morning, she has begun coughing up clear/bubbly + thick fluid every so-often, is refusing to drink/eat/ take seizure medication.

Her last check-in with the vet indicated that cancer was not present (At least, in her organs) and her blood did not indicate high cholesterol or diabetes.

Given the symptoms listed, what do you believe my dog is suffering from, and is there any medication/preventative measures I can treat my dog with to combat this illness?

Thanks 🙂

1 Response


  1. Brayden Poole

    Dog has almost made a full recovery over the last few day. After discussing with my vet, this can occur if she doesn’t take her medication or vomits it up, as well as if she had eaten food that is high in protein. I think that she must have vomited her pill up, and as such we’ve been increasing her dosage until we’re certain she’s completely well again. On top of that, we’ve changed her diet slightly by removing kangaroo meat from her food and only using white meat. The food we give her is always home-made and has been approved by the vet. Sadly, due to my dog’s conditions and already prescribed medication, if this were to occur again, the best they could prescribe is either antibiotics or, if it gets very bad, we may have to have her put down.
    However, like I said earlier, she is back to her normal and happy self, demanding food and is playing madly with our other dog. Thanks for your comment 🙂

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Checked His Feet, Nails, Webbing, Joints, Etc. Nothing Is Swollen And He Does Not…

I checked his feet, nails, webbing, joints, etc. nothing is swollen and he does not pull away or whimper when I touch of maneuver his leg. It has been two hours since running. He slept for awhile, but once he got up he was still limping, and it almost seemed a little worse. He is still happy (he got up for a treat).

5 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I would be willing to guess he pulled or strained something.  How old is he?  I’d have him on reduced exercise for 24-48 hours, and if he doesn’t improve, then I’d get him to the vet.

  2. Elizabeth Mae

    Thank you! He is a 2 year old golden retriever, and still really goofy when he runs (he doesn’t stop in time, runs into things, etc.) I’m hoping he just pulled something. My vet is closed until Monday, so I can’t call for any advice.

  3. Anonymous

    Put him on crate rest until then. That means no exercise, and all outside trips should be on leash.

  4. Elizabeth Mae

    Thank you. He seems a little reluctant to get up, and he has trouble getting up the stairs. I just took him outside on a leash to go to the bathroom, and he was putting weight on it outside (still limping though), but holding it up again when we got inside. Is it possible that it is just a pulled muscle?

  5. Elizabeth Mae

    Thank you for your help! After looking at it a few more times, his ankle is slightly swollen, and that seems to be the area bothering him, so I’m thinking its a sprained ankle. I appreciate your help!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Came Home From Work Tonight And My Puppy Started Limping On Her Back Leg. But…

Came home from work tonight and my puppy started limping on her back leg. But she was still playing and running like it didn’t seem to bother her, so i thought it might just be a sprain. She has a small bump on the bottom of her foot ?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    unfortunately, the photo didn’t work.  i would keep an eye on her, regarding the limp.  if it persists more than a day or two, take her to the vet, and in the mean time, keep her on reduced activity.  no jumping on things, no running.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Today Out Of The Blue My 7 Year Old Female Collie Starting Limping And It…

Today out of the blue my 7 year old female Collie starting limping and it has gotten worse throughout the day.

She isnt in pain or distress and is not off her food, just unable to put weight on her front left paw.

Its been about 8 hours now and shes gone from being able to put a little weight on it to walking on only 3 legs.

Im thinking it could possibly be a bee sting but was looking for advice????

2 Responses


  1. Jana

    Firstly, I would beg to differ about the pain; there is a limp because there is a pain. Now, a limp in a front leg can be for a long list of reasons, sting could be one of them. Foreign body in the foot, infection in the foot … is there any swelling? But there could be an injury anywhere else on the leg and there even could be a neck issue resulting in a front leg limp (Jasmine had that).

    If you’re comfortable doing that I’d start with a thorough inspection of the foot, toes, nails, looking for any swellings, lesions, nail injuries, foreign bodies … If you don’t find anything on the foot, it could still be the foot (Cookie had a piece of a purcipine quill embedded between the toes which was totally invisible until finally it got pushed out with pus. But it also could be something else all together.

    My recommendation is if you don’t find anything obvious, see a vet. If you do find something obvious, you still may need to see a vet.

  2. debra yuhasz

    Dogs express pain very differently than people do and they are not usually big babies about it. If not walking on that foot eases the pain she may have no symptom other than not walking on that foot. Since it’s been getting worse over the past eight hours I suggest you see a vet. Even if you examine her and find the problem it’s very likely she’ll require some kind of treatment even if it’s just antibiotics or antihistamines.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
It Has Happened For The Past 2 Days. He’s Fine Most Of The Day And…

It has happened for the past 2 days. He’s fine most of the day and after a nap in the afternoon he wakes up limping and won’t use his back right leg. What can I do?

1 Response


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is Walking Fine But Was Limping Earlier. We Think She May Have Jumped…

My dog is walking fine but was limping earlier. We think she may have jumped off the bed and landed wrong. Like I said she was limping earlier but works fine now, but when she’s standing still she keeps the injured paw up… Thoughts?

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    She may have injured a muscle or tendon.  If she continues to favor it while standing still a vet visit is in order.  However, she may have  landed wrong and it could have stung hence the limp, but the initial pain is gone and it is getting better like if you stubbed your toe.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Doesn’t Seem To Care At All Except For The Limp. Isn’t Laying Around More…

She doesn’t seem to care at all except for the limp. Isn’t laying around more than normal and can still jump up on bed and couch. But the limp is uncomfortable looking:(

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dogs Left Front Paw Towards Where Your Wrist Would Be On A Person And…

My dogs left front paw towards where your wrist would be on a person and the arm part as well it is very stiff and the swelling has been there for 3 weeks about every other day she has been limping very bad putting ice on it does not help

7 Responses


  1. Eboni Wright

    maybe you should get the dog a check up becouse if the ice didnt work it could be something seriouse .

  2. Eboni Wright

    try giving him treat the to the best of my knowledge , this should get him to stop laying around he could problay excersize it out like therepy , he might be just mimicking someone .

  3. Betheny Davis

    She does get up and walk on it she even plays on it

  4. PK Dennis

    I seriously doubt this dog with a swollen joint is mimicking anything.  She could have a broken bone, or torn ligaments.  If rest has not solved the problem it is time to take her to see a vet.  Many vets offer Care Credit that allows you to make payments over time.  Some vets will allow you to work off payments.  Call the vets and rescue organizations in your area and tell them your problems – someone out there will help you and your dog get that medical treatment she deserves.  She is probably in terrible pain – dogs are very good at hiding how much pain they are in!  Do the right thing, get her help.

  5. Eboni Wright

    i guss so i was just thinking positive know one want to think so sickly about this creature . animals to mimic even dogs .

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Very Active Pomchi (pomeranian/chihuahua Mix), He Was Playing Fine Then I…

I have a very active Pomchi (pomeranian/chihuahua mix), he was playing fine then I noticed him limping. Front left foot. He is not whimpering and I can move his paw back and forth. Do you think it is a slight sprain? What can I do?

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    It could be a slight sprain, but it’s more likely he stepped on something.  I would check the paw carefully for injuries or something lodged between his toes.

    Other than that I would watch him for a few days and try to keep him resting and if he is still painful on Monday I would take him to your local vet.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Dog Limping Without Pain

Dog limping without pain

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