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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi Krista.. 3 Puppies From This Litter Of 4 Died.. The Only One Left Is…

Hi krista.. 3 puppies from this litter of 4 died.. the only one left is too afraid and doesn’t eat at all. What can we possibly do?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
-history, My Ex Husband And I Got Her At 7 Weeks Old. He Already Had…

-history, my ex husband and I got her at 7 weeks old. He already had a lab (approx 8 months old). We separated and I was able to keep my girl, he kept the boy. She has had 2 litters. The first, 11 puppies all healthy- the second, all passed away. (The litters were in no way planned) Not directly after the second litter but within a year she started getting severe ear infections. She was fixed and treated for yeast infections for the ears- she never full relief. After a couple rounds of antibiotics my vet recommended getting blood work done as well as allergy testing. Turns out she is allergic to 21 different things and is in the early stages of kidney failure.

I am taking complete care if her medical issues and spend a good amount of time with her. We go on morning walks, I come home at lunch and take her out, we go on evening walks, and she sleeps in my bed with me.

She is the sweetest pup I’ve ever known, but she is overly clingy. At first it was cute but now anytime I move, she moves. I walk into a different room, she follows. I go to use the bathroom and she sits at my feet. Literally, if she could, she would crawl inside me. Again, I love my pup, I’m just concerned this is not healthy.

Any advice??

1 Response


  1. Brittany Aileen

    Thank you for the feedback. I will look into local trainers to help!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
For Example, After Coming In From A Walk, Their Feet Are Wet And Dirty. So…

For example, after coming in from a walk, their feet are wet and dirty. So I put them in their crates a bit to dry off. And after a little while, I take them to the bathroom and wipe them with moistened towels with baby wash and also dry towels, but that isn’t perfect because I have to walk them from the living room to the kitchen to the bathroom. And the cat litterbox is by the bathroom doorway, so they feet track the litter too.
I know that washing couch blankets, dog bedding, vaccuming and sweeping a lot and general home maintenance is good, but I’m looking for ideas to make it easier, and quicker, and would allow my dogs to be happier.
(I have 3 cats, 2 dogs and a small house with no mud room, basement, hallways, seperating doors, or dog or cat proof room. Yes, I know it wasn’t very good planning on my part. I am married and my husband goes to work, while I stay home.)

3 Responses


  1. Annie Yang-Shaffer

    Keeping more litterboxes is a really great idea. I think of part of they kick a lot of litter out of the litterbox may be a territorial thing, since the young female cats don’t like the old male cat and vice versa. So since they’re essentially forced to use the same litterbox, maybe that causes problems? I’m not sure… But I don’t want to confuse my cats, since the I’ve been using the same spot ever since I moved in. (My husband set up that spot back when there was just 2 cats and 1 dog.)
    Here’s the layout of my home for some context: The front door opens up into the living room, and to the right side of you when you walk in are the dogs’ crates. Bones has a wire crate and Coffee has a travel crate. There’s an armchair and 3 cushioned couch to the left, and on the wall parallel to the side where the dogs are is a window that the cats like to look through. Directly forward, a doorway leads into the dining room, and immediately there is a small dining table and chair set to the left of you. A little forward, and a doorway leads into a small kitchen. To the left hand side is the stove and cooking area, a window which allows sunlight onto the stove that the cats like, and the cat waterer, and to the right hand side is the garbage can, sink area, litterbox, and the bathroom. The bathroom does have a door, and it has a sink, a washer, dryer, and a medium sized shower, big enough to possibly bathe two of my small dog (she is 23 pounds) but not two of my big dog. Back to the dining room and past the dining table, there are some stairs that lead into a room that has the pets’ food closet, a sewing machine table and a dresser shaped record player that the cats like to be on, and a mattress. Directly past that is a room with a door that has a more expensive mattress, the computer area, and the clothes closet. The dogs aren’t allowed in this area because of pee accidents.
    My point of mentioning all of this is that I don’t really have many other places to place 2 or more litterboxes. While I could possibly do so anyway, I would like to have my dogs roam around one day, and having a litterbox in almost every area of the room could possibly be way too enticing…
    I’m in no way shutting you down or anything, a lot of people tend to think so.. Thanks again for your help!

  2. Annie Yang-Shaffer

    Keeping both moist and dry towels by the door does help! 🙂 It really saves a trip to the bathroom and prevents the dogs from tracking the cat litter if they don’t even go there in the first place.

  3. Annie Yang-Shaffer

    Both of my dogs are short coated, but I agree that it would be a good tip for having a longer haired dog.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
We Live Next Door To Another Dog And She Hasn’t Been Spayed Because We Own…

We live next door to another dog and she hasn’t been spayed because we own 2 female indoor dogs and they’re rarely outside unattended. She’s also very lean by nature so it’s possible I wouldn’t have noticed but her nipples are a bit saggy and there’s a hard layer in her stomach I recognize (I’ve helped other people’s dogs have puppies) but she also just came out of her heat cycle and I know it’s a possibility. But where we live, we will be kicked out immediately if we have our 2 dogs and a litter of puppies and I don’t want to lose my dog but I know she can’t be separated from the puppies and I have no idea what to do. There is no one who would take her in the meantime, as I live away from my family and just moved to a new area. I have no idea what to do.

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    you can get an emergency spay done.

  2. Ryahhna McDowell

    Where do you live? Try contacting local rescues to take her and the puppies in until they are weaned. If you do that type up a contract, have it notarized, and have the rescue owners sign it. The contract should state that as soon as the pups are weaned your dog will be released back into your care. 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
We Have 2 Male And Neutered Cats, And One Female Spayed Dog. One Of The…

We have 2 male and neutered cats, and one female spayed dog. One of the cats (we aren’t 100% certain which, but are setting up video cameras to determine which) is peeing on the dog beds. It started a year ago and would happen for a couple of weeks, then stop for a few months, start over again, repeat repeat. It happens mostly on the dog’s various beds, but has also happened on plastic shopping bags full of clothes. Comfy, soft things.

We took both cats to the vet when it first started and they didn’t find anything wrong… Just a few tiny crystals that most likely formed because they had to wait 2 days between the samples being taken and being tested, so all three of the vets said they were normal. We are taking them both to the vet again next week to do more testing (or just these guilty one, once we discover which one is doing it).

We have multiple CLEAN litter boxes, both open and closed top. One is even self cleaning after use, and my husband empties the others very frequently and cleans/washes them evey week. They have various bathroom and liter options, so I’m sure that’s not the problem.

We have tried cleaning the dog beds with all the appropriate cat urine cleaning solutions, but the second time we threw them all out and bought new ones. We did that the third time too. Now our poor dog has no beds until we solve the problem.

The dog is not a fan of the cats. She growls at them a lot, and is very protective of her food, “spaces,” toys, and bed. The cats don’t seem to mind at all, and act as though she’s not there, although I know sometimes cats don’t show when they are stressed. We know this is an issue, but she has been this way her while life. We not getting rid of the dog to solve the problem, not an option.

We of course will do all the tests at the vet (and do any surgery, take any medicine, or perform any procedure he needs), but we are worried that the poor cat is doing this due to a behavioral or dominance problem. If this is the case, does anyone have any recommendations about how to change his behavior? We will not be putting him in a shelter, we will not be re-homing him (unless we discover that he needs to be in a single pet home, in which case I will be heart broken but we will find him the perfect family), and no way in hell will we be putting him down. We will keep him even if he pees on my favorite rug or couch or carpet every 2 days. But I would obviously prefer if that weren’t the case… We have a baby coming in 6 months and I am hoping we have the issue mostly dealt with by then (although I realize long term behavior may take longer than that to change completely). Please help if you can. I feel like I am losing my very hormonal mind.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I’m Pregnant And Currently Out Of Work I Have No Money For The Vets…

I’m pregnant and currently out of work I have no money for the vets right now.. We tried Benadryl doesn’t help.. We have tried over the counter hot spot sprays no help.. We switched his food to a wheat grain and soy free food and I was so happy because he started going away and looking so much better and then it came right back.. He was the runt of his litter non of his other 9 siblings have this I’ve kept in touch with all the owners. (I rescued a pit who was pregnant) I don’t know what to do I feel so bad for him but I’m so broke right now being out of work I’ve had to file bankruptcy. I need help.

1 Response


  1. Brittany Schuey

    Thank you so much for your advise.. I found someone who can get him the help he needs.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Am Looking After A Cat Who Is Not Eating After Being Treated For A…

I am looking after a cat who is not eating after being treated for a bladder infection on 10/31. He returned home on 11/3 after being under vet supervision, and although he was somewhat active, he was still being lethargic and then slowly started to decline again (not eating, although drinking and using the litterbox). He was taken back to the vet on 11/7 I was told that he is depressed and misses his owner. I returned to the vet today and was told again that he is “starving himself from depression”. He has since stopped drinking and using the litter box. Any advice on what to do?

3 Responses


  1. Carolyn Hedlund

    Also, the owner is out of the country until June! I am the long-term caretaker.

  2. Kate McKelvie

    Hi Carolyn,
    There are steps your vet can take if he has stopped drinking as well as eating- give fluids subcutaneously, prescribe an appetite stimulant, etc. Did they run bloodwork? You can tempt his appetite, possibly, by offering Fancy Feast, or Gerber’s turkey or chicken baby food. Sometimes they’ll try tuna, or rabbit (vet sells.) You can syringe feed him with Hill’s AD(add water.) Worst case scenario- they can hospitalize him and/or place a feeding tube. They need to do something to turn him around.
    If you can post a head shot here, I could send him Reiki long-distance.

  3. Carolyn Hedlund

    Thank you, Krista. I appreciate your advice. The vet only suggested taking him to an emergency vet and said that they would run tests that would cost 3-5K, with no mention of a feeding tube or any other suggestions for sparking his appetite. Although he did give us nutritional gel, he was not interested in that and we have had to force feed it to him to at least get him some nourishment. It seems as though he should be taken to another vet! Thanks again. Best,

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Was The Last Born Of A Litter Of 7 With A Short Tail. I…

She was the last born of a litter of 7 with a short tail. I took her to the vet at 3 days old and she stated that she could potentially live a normal as long as we are careful in keeping her clean because she’s prone to infection. I noticed today that her anus is now opening … What does this mean ???Please help, the other option was putting her down.

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    i really think this is best handled by the vet that examined her initially, as that vet is most familiar with her birth defect.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Got This 1.5 Months Old Persian Female Kitten Yesterday.
1- She Only Took Cows…

I got this 1.5 months old persian female kitten yesterday.
1- She only took cows milk for the first time during day and did vomit at night.
2- Today she took nothing, except water (only small quantity) and did not go to litter box whole day.
3- She is very slow and almost sleeping whole day.
4- I tried to force feed her milk and cat food, she immediately did vomit.
What should i do now? Its public holiday next 3 days no vet is open.

2 Responses


  1. Lilly Bounds

    I hate to be the one to tell you this, but cow’s milk is REALLY BAD for cats of all ages. Most cats are lactose intolerant, and I’d say the same for your kitten. Don’t try to force feed her, take her to the vet ASAP. I really hope she feels better, though.

  2. julie brader

    You need to take her to an emergency Vet without delay, your kitten sounds to be very ill. Cows milk is not good for kittens of this age she needs kitten milk. Shes also too young at 1.5 months to be away from her mum. Please stop force feeding her cows milk and food it may be that causing her to be ill….take her to an emergency Vet. 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
How Do I Stop My Cat Peeing And Pooping Outside The Box?! I Have Tried…

How do I stop my cat peeing and pooping outside the box?! I have tried everything! enzyme cleaners, scents he doesnt like, different litters, moving boxes, no medical conditions! He used to use the littler when younger but now wont! help!!!

4 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    are you absolutely sure this isn’t a medical issue?  when was his last checkup at the vet?

  2. Glynis Sakowicz

    In my experience, that usually means one of two things. I have a very ‘neat’ cat. If the litter isn’t totally clean, he would register his complaint by pooping just in front of the box as if to say, “I refuse to use an unclean box!”

    I have also seen cats who are in multiple cat, or cat and dog homes to feel ‘trapped’ in their box and very nervous about using it. In that situation, I moved the box to a more open area, and made sure the cat had an area where the dogs couldn’t reach him. Once he had an area all his own, and he felt safe using the box, the problem disappeared, but as you know, each cat has their own temperament, and their own personality, so your cat could simply be driving you nuts because it wants to!

    Cats however, are very clean animals, and once given a ‘better choice,’ will often take that choice, good luck!

  3. Sonya Payr

    He was at the vet not more than a month ago, we had him desexed at that time and he had a full check up! He’s been doing it since before the vet as well. Asking the vet, they only suggested the things we’ve tried. Moving the boxes, Urine off, different litters, different placement :C he doesnt like minty smells or lavender so we put that scent on the places he likes to go.

    No UTI’s or any unusual stresses for him…

    Hes such a lovely cat otherwise, very loving and playful

  4. Sonya Payr

    Thanks for all the help guys!

    Ill keep trying :c I hope its nothing serious. We’ve scheduled another vet appointment and Ill try changing his diet! I just assumed the food was good because he loved it!

    Ill let everyone know how it goes 🙂