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Pawbly | 9 years ago
How Do I Stop My Cat Peeing And Pooping Outside The Box?! I Have Tried…

How do I stop my cat peeing and pooping outside the box?! I have tried everything! enzyme cleaners, scents he doesnt like, different litters, moving boxes, no medical conditions! He used to use the littler when younger but now wont! help!!!

4 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    are you absolutely sure this isn’t a medical issue?  when was his last checkup at the vet?

  2. Glynis Sakowicz

    In my experience, that usually means one of two things. I have a very ‘neat’ cat. If the litter isn’t totally clean, he would register his complaint by pooping just in front of the box as if to say, “I refuse to use an unclean box!”

    I have also seen cats who are in multiple cat, or cat and dog homes to feel ‘trapped’ in their box and very nervous about using it. In that situation, I moved the box to a more open area, and made sure the cat had an area where the dogs couldn’t reach him. Once he had an area all his own, and he felt safe using the box, the problem disappeared, but as you know, each cat has their own temperament, and their own personality, so your cat could simply be driving you nuts because it wants to!

    Cats however, are very clean animals, and once given a ‘better choice,’ will often take that choice, good luck!

  3. Sonya Payr

    He was at the vet not more than a month ago, we had him desexed at that time and he had a full check up! He’s been doing it since before the vet as well. Asking the vet, they only suggested the things we’ve tried. Moving the boxes, Urine off, different litters, different placement :C he doesnt like minty smells or lavender so we put that scent on the places he likes to go.

    No UTI’s or any unusual stresses for him…

    Hes such a lovely cat otherwise, very loving and playful

  4. Sonya Payr

    Thanks for all the help guys!

    Ill keep trying :c I hope its nothing serious. We’ve scheduled another vet appointment and Ill try changing his diet! I just assumed the food was good because he loved it!

    Ill let everyone know how it goes 🙂

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Vicky Lowdermilk | 9 years ago
I Have A Siamese Cat With A Uti She Is Half Way Throw Meds When…

i have a siamese cat with a uti she is half way throw meds when she go the litter box she drops pee on the floor does this mean she is getting better or getting worse

1 Response


  1. Vicky Lowdermilk Post author

    i have had taken her to the vet. the vet done blood work and urine test and gave meds 2 drops for 7 at .75ml

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Adopted My Cat Loki More Than 2 Years Ago When He Was A Little…

I adopted my cat Loki more than 2 years ago when he was a little over 1 1/2 years old. He is going to turn 4 on October 9 (in just over one week from now). He is neutered, and vet records show he was neutered as a tiny kitten. His only medical issue is a viral infection in his sinuses which requires daily Lysine doses in his food and he does very well. He is not de-clawed. He has always been very good about using the litter box for the 2+ years I have had him.

Just last week he peed in a laundry basket of clean clothes on my bedroom floor. While cleaning that up I noticed he had earlier peed on a pile of dirty clothes about 6ft from that basket. I’m embarrassed to say I left my laundry get out of control and my room was a disaster area, so I thought it was possible he peed on the items as a call to action for me to clean up my mess. Since then I have been sleeping on the couch so he doesn’t claw at the door while I’m keeping him out of my bedroom for a while. I though it was an isolated incident and we were over it. Now it’s 2:30am and I smell urine on my couch right next to where Loki and I were sleeping. It’s not wet and does not smell like ammonia- just a minimal amount of urine. He has never, EVER marked anything or demlnstrated anything similar to marking behavior before.

I live alone in a 600 square foot apartment with one immediate neighbor who makes almost no noise. I do not have any other pets. The only major change that has happen recently I went from working 60-hour workweeks (November through July) to a 4pm-1am(ish) 4day/week schedule (July-August) and started a 9-5 in the second week of October, where I leave at 8:30 and return by 6:00.

The litter box is kept clean and he does use it daily. No sign of straining and the pee clumps are the same size as usual. He is eating and drinking normally and shows no sign of irritation, pain, discomfort, disinterest or fatigue.

What could the problem be? How can I get him to stop? It is so sudden and I am worried about him!

4 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Hello Erin… need to take him to the Vet. Urinating suddenly like this could be sign there something wrong…kidneys, crystals a bladder infection…all sorts of things. Take a urine sample with you if you possibly can, it will help the Vet pinpoint the problem. 

    Hope he recovers soon! 

  2. Erin Beese

    **I meant to say 9-5 started in September, not October (since we’re. It there hey obviously!)

  3. Robin Laybolt

    There could be a number of reason why he is peeing outside the box. 1st thing could be the change of hours you are working now,  cats do not like change, 2nd reason could be the size of the litter box it may be to small for him now, you could get a bigger litter box, 3rd reason could be the kind of litter you are using, the best ltter is small pieces and clumping, also you should always make sure the litter is clean and once a week you should wash the litter box   with soap and water. Where ever he is peeing outside the litter box you have to make sure that you clean the spot really well or he will just keep coming back to the same spot. And last you should buy a second litter box for him and put it closer to where he is going. If he is eating and drinking the same and hasn’t change at all then i don’t think he is sick but if you try these things and he is still peeing outside the box and if he stops eating and drinking then please take him to the vet, or if you feel that none of these things will help you then you should take him to the vet. Sorry but i just thought of something,  even if a male is neutered they will sometimes spray but its not a big amount like pee would be, its a small circle and has no smell, and cats are like children in some ways, i think your cat is upset about your new hours and is just acting up. I hope this will help you and your cat. Good luck and take care.

  4. Kelly Furgason

    So when a cat urinates outside the box, it is a sign of irritation, pain, discomfort, illness, stress,,,tons of other things as well.
    I would take him for a urinalysis. You cannot tell by how much pee or how little pee a cat is making if there is an infection. One of the main reasons cats pee outside the box without ever having done so before is a UTI. (urinary tract infection) . So it’s best to get him checked.
    Also, the stress from you having a different schedule could also cause this for him. But my bet would be on something going on with his body, so get him examined and tested.
    A few other things could be: diabetes, thyroid issues that can also cause peeing issues.
    Good luck!!!

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N | 9 years ago
My Kitten (6 Months) Fell From The Staircase, About 10 Feet Up. A Plastic…

My kitten (6 months) fell from the staircase, about 10 feet up. A plastic cookie container broke her fall. She seems to be alright, but right below her nose, on the right side of her lip, she is red/bruised and winces if it is touched. Aside from that, she has been eating, using her litter, played a little, and has been sleeping most of the day. Just want to know if the bruising is anything to be concerned about, as well as her sleepless after the fall (which I attributed to being shaken up about it).

1 Response


  1. julie brader

    Hello….10 feet is an awfully long way for a kitten to fall. You need to have her checked over by a Vet to see if there are any other injuries you can’t see….and also to have her nose looked at. 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Had 5 Puppies All Were Born In Their Sacs Breech. My Husband And I…

she had 5 puppies all were born in their sacs breech. my husband and I had to break their sacs and get them to breathe because she wasn’t doing it and had no interest in pups till last one was born. this is her first litter and one of the pups died at 2 days. shes been a good mom, fed and cleaned them well. she eats a lot but I noticed shes drinking more water than she ever has. some days she just lays around like she doesn’t feel well and others shes her old spunky self. any idea what could be going on?

2 Responses


  1. Vicki Hamill

    What can I add…take the advice of the Vet from this website !!

  2. Ashley jenkins

    thank you for answering, i took her to the vet. he said she didn’t have a fever a doesn’t have any abnormal discharge as far as he could tell. he didn’t seem too concerned at all, but he doesn’t know my dog like i do. i really feel there is something wrong. the pups are now 9 weeks old and arent really nursing anymore. when i let her out to play they basically attack her and try to nurse but i pull them off her and she growls and nips at them. but I noticed that after they do actually nurse a bit is when it seems like she doesn’t feel well. ive done research, gone to the vet and contacted other vets all with no answers. i don’t know what else to do

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Had A 6 Year Old Female Rabbit. The Day We Noticed These Symptoms Was…

I had a 6 year old female rabbit. The day we noticed these symptoms was the day we had to put her down unfortunately. When we saw her she was holding her head up constantly and only one side of her nose was twitching which wasn’t twitching properly in itself. She didn’t eat a single thing or drink anything that day despite our attempts. I called her and she was all over the place trying to walk, not steady at all, she was staying in one position. Once I lifted her up I noticed blood spots on her bottom but there didn’t seem to be any in the litter tray. Very lethargic and not responding to anything. As I said, I made the choice to have her put down. The vet did say she felt masses in the abdomen on her initial examination but we didn’t find out what was actually wrong. Any suggestions or answers would be much appreciated!

2 Responses


  1. Kelly Furgason

    Hi Beth,
    I’m sorry for the loss of your rabbit.
    It’s very hard to say what may have been wrong with your rabbit. Since you said your vet did feel masses, I’d tend to believe that was most likely the cause of her having these issues. Most likely if  she felt masses, there may have been other issues as well that she just couldn’t see or feel. She could have had a mass rupture internally and that may have caused her odd head symptoms and lack of wanting to eat.

    Rabbits of course need to constantly eat or else their digestive symptoms start to shut down so once she’s to the point of not eating then it’s usually a downhill battle. It would have been interesting to get a necropsy done on her, but that would have been costly depending on your vet. Some vets will do it for free just for learning purposes.
    Again, very sorry for your loss.

  2. Beth Farrar

    Thank you for the reply 🙂

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Month And A Half Old Tabby Is Meowing Constantly And Goes To Litter…

My month and a half old tabby is meowing constantly and goes to litter box more at night. Concern?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Tx! Of The Litters That Turned Out To Be -, Did You Mean After Being…

Tx! Of the litters that turned out to be -, did you mean after being retested at 6 mths? I’m aware of causes of false+, but was wondering what the stats are on kittens who initially test -, then turn out to be + when retested at 6 mths.

2 Responses


  1. Adam Wysocki

    Because of the stigmas and misunderstanding related to FIV, even if the litter is negative initially, we always test again at 6 months just to be sure although it’s most likely not necessary.

    I’ve personally never heard from anyone in rescue about a litter initially testing negative and then testing positive later and I’ve never read any literature describing that scenario either.

    I think that false positives are the overwhelming issue.

    I’d be 100% comfortable adopting a kitten that tested negative from a FIV
    positive mom … but for what it’s worth, I’d also be comfortable
    adopting an FIV positive kitten or adult as well. 🙂


  2. carolyn carlino

    Thanks for your helpful reply….and for whatever it’s worth, we adopted a kitten last year with FeLV ,which I know is quicker to kill) who died 10mths later-it was my 9 and 6 yr old’s first pet, and while we’re glad to have given her a happy, albeit short life, it ripped our hearts out to have to put her down 2 days before her first birthday and that’s just not a scenario I am willing to replicate for my family. Thanks so much for your help-this is a great service!

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
How Do I Stop My Cat From Peeing On My Lounge , He Is A…

How do I stop my cat from peeing on my lounge , he is a domestic inside 11 months old male cat who is litter trained. We have no other cats or dogs in our house and have had him here since he was 6 weeks old

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    to add: once he’s been seen by your vet (ASAP, please – UTIs can be deadly if a blockage happens!), retrain him to the litterbox. put him in a bathroom with the litterbox (and food and water, of course!), and ensure he’s using it regularly for about a week before you let him back out into the rest of the house.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
He Is 8 Weeks Old, Weighs Just Over 200g (his Litter Mates Are All…

He is 8 weeks old, weighs just over 200g (his litter mates are all at least 600g) has a very soft and enlarged skull with pupils that face east west. There are no good vets here, certainly no vet specialists. Should I wait until he has gained weight before trying to medicate him (All the drugs can be purchased over the counter here and I am medically qualified) or should I start ASAP to help minimise brain damage? He is already blind. Or is the likely outcome so poor that I should be thinking about euthanasia? He seems happy enough at this point in time but cries a lot in the night and I don’t want him to be in pain.

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