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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Anole Lizard Has Bumps At The Back Of Its Body Near The Tail. I’m…

My anole lizard has bumps at the back of its body near the tail. I’m thinking its impacted eggs. Anything I can do.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    if she truly is egg bound, this isn’t something you can handle at home.  she needs a vet for diagnosis and she may need surgical removal of the eggs.  please take her to your exotics vet ASAP.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Found An Island Glass Lizard In My House After Our Cat Brought Him In…

I found an Island Glass lizard in my house after our cat brought him in, I took him in and I have him in a box, he wasn’t moving around but he is alive. I think his back may be broken, his head can move but the rest of his body can’t. Is there any hope for his survival? He ate a grasshopper after I took it’s own legs off and put it right in front of him, so he is still eating.

1 Response


  1. Kelly Furgason

    Hi Annie,
    Also, please take the lizard to a rehab or rescue for reptiles so that it can get the proper care for it’s injury and appropriate diet/care.
    Good luck!