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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Was Attacked Today By A Neighbour Dog. She Had A Nasty Looking Tooth…

My dog was attacked today by a neighbour dog. She had a nasty looking tooth mark in her side and was clearly in pain, so we rushed her to the vet. After examining her and stitching her up, the vet told us that the wound was already showing signs of infection and had been there at least 2 days. He insinuated that we were lying about the time of the attack and refused to discuss any other reasons for the infection. He put a drain in the wound and gave us antibiotics, but now I’m really worried that something else could be wrong with her. We weren’t lying! The attack really did happen only a few hours before and I noticed a mucousy discharge only minutes after the attack. Can infection set in that quickly? She was in good health and had no known wounds before today.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Was Attacked Today By A Neoghbour Dog. She Had A Nasy Looking Tooth…

My dog was attacked today by a neoghbour dog. She had a nasy looking tooth mark in her side and was clearly in lain, so we rushed her to the vet. After wxamining her and stitching her up, the vet told us that the wound was already showing signs of infection and had been there at least 2 days. He insinuated that we were lying about thw time of the attack and refused to discuss any other reasons for the infection. He put a drain in the wound and gave us antibiotics, but now I’m really worried that something else could be wrong with her. We weren’t lying! The attack really did happen only a few hours before and I noticed a mucousy discharge only minutes after the attack. Can infection set in that quickly? She was in good health and had no known wounds before today.

1 Response


  1. Chelsea Henschel

    Thanks. I thought I’d deleted this and reposted without all the spelling mistakes.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hello Sorry To Bother You But I Am Concerned About My Dog. And Wanted…

Hello sorry to bother you but i am concerned about my dog. And wanted to get a quick opinion. Lastnight I noticed unusual behavior in him. He was very clingy he was getting up on furniture and bass he normally would never get up on. If I tried to leave out the door he wouldn’t allow me to without trying to force his way out with me. And then his eye looked weird too. Then I woke up to the front bag window covered in blood and teeth marks from him trying to lift it to get out. I noticed he has a broken front tooth he broke off doing this and there’s another side big tooth that looks like an old broken tooth and is yellow. The bleeding has stopped but he still is having seperation issues do you have any suggestions. If so they would be very much appreciated.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    i would get him checked out – it sounds like something really is wrong, and he should see a vet first, especially to address the teeth.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Yesterday He Kinda Cried Out When Someone Touched His One Side Of The Face…

Yesterday he kinda cried out when someone touched his one side of the face! But we checked no marks or cuts. Well he seemed ok after a few hours after then today he seemed really different a lot calmer didn’t wanna get out of bed his usual normal things he did during the morning wasn’t the same! He then starting to walk funny now he refuses to walk he won’t come upstairs unless he’s carried!He usually runs around when husband gets home but he stayed on the couch wouldn’t move I had to kinda help him off the couch to even go near my husband but he still didn’t act the same! Even when my son coming home from school he’s always waiting happily at the door but he just lays on the couch! Also he’s been shaking here and there! He’s eating now but wasn’t he’s drinking and peeing! He hasn’t went number two today except this morning a little! He was running around fine yesterday just minus the touching his face a few time! Other then that he was ok ! It’s scaring me. then today he seems not to be getting better, he starting crying he wont stand up. he does still use the bathroom and hes drinking!

1 Response


  1. julie brader

    Hello Carrie, there is obviously something very wrong with your dog. We can’t tell you what but he needs to see a Vet urgently.

    It could possibly be a toxin or poison the way it started on his face and has spread….though it could be something else entirely. 

    You need to take him to a Vet urgently. Someone on here mentioned Care Credit perhaps you could try them…but this is an emergency it seems your dog is getting worse and needs urgent treatment. 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Adopted My Cat Loki More Than 2 Years Ago When He Was A Little…

I adopted my cat Loki more than 2 years ago when he was a little over 1 1/2 years old. He is going to turn 4 on October 9 (in just over one week from now). He is neutered, and vet records show he was neutered as a tiny kitten. His only medical issue is a viral infection in his sinuses which requires daily Lysine doses in his food and he does very well. He is not de-clawed. He has always been very good about using the litter box for the 2+ years I have had him.

Just last week he peed in a laundry basket of clean clothes on my bedroom floor. While cleaning that up I noticed he had earlier peed on a pile of dirty clothes about 6ft from that basket. I’m embarrassed to say I left my laundry get out of control and my room was a disaster area, so I thought it was possible he peed on the items as a call to action for me to clean up my mess. Since then I have been sleeping on the couch so he doesn’t claw at the door while I’m keeping him out of my bedroom for a while. I though it was an isolated incident and we were over it. Now it’s 2:30am and I smell urine on my couch right next to where Loki and I were sleeping. It’s not wet and does not smell like ammonia- just a minimal amount of urine. He has never, EVER marked anything or demlnstrated anything similar to marking behavior before.

I live alone in a 600 square foot apartment with one immediate neighbor who makes almost no noise. I do not have any other pets. The only major change that has happen recently I went from working 60-hour workweeks (November through July) to a 4pm-1am(ish) 4day/week schedule (July-August) and started a 9-5 in the second week of October, where I leave at 8:30 and return by 6:00.

The litter box is kept clean and he does use it daily. No sign of straining and the pee clumps are the same size as usual. He is eating and drinking normally and shows no sign of irritation, pain, discomfort, disinterest or fatigue.

What could the problem be? How can I get him to stop? It is so sudden and I am worried about him!

4 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Hello Erin… need to take him to the Vet. Urinating suddenly like this could be sign there something wrong…kidneys, crystals a bladder infection…all sorts of things. Take a urine sample with you if you possibly can, it will help the Vet pinpoint the problem. 

    Hope he recovers soon! 

  2. Erin Beese

    **I meant to say 9-5 started in September, not October (since we’re. It there hey obviously!)

  3. Robin Laybolt

    There could be a number of reason why he is peeing outside the box. 1st thing could be the change of hours you are working now,  cats do not like change, 2nd reason could be the size of the litter box it may be to small for him now, you could get a bigger litter box, 3rd reason could be the kind of litter you are using, the best ltter is small pieces and clumping, also you should always make sure the litter is clean and once a week you should wash the litter box   with soap and water. Where ever he is peeing outside the litter box you have to make sure that you clean the spot really well or he will just keep coming back to the same spot. And last you should buy a second litter box for him and put it closer to where he is going. If he is eating and drinking the same and hasn’t change at all then i don’t think he is sick but if you try these things and he is still peeing outside the box and if he stops eating and drinking then please take him to the vet, or if you feel that none of these things will help you then you should take him to the vet. Sorry but i just thought of something,  even if a male is neutered they will sometimes spray but its not a big amount like pee would be, its a small circle and has no smell, and cats are like children in some ways, i think your cat is upset about your new hours and is just acting up. I hope this will help you and your cat. Good luck and take care.

  4. Kelly Furgason

    So when a cat urinates outside the box, it is a sign of irritation, pain, discomfort, illness, stress,,,tons of other things as well.
    I would take him for a urinalysis. You cannot tell by how much pee or how little pee a cat is making if there is an infection. One of the main reasons cats pee outside the box without ever having done so before is a UTI. (urinary tract infection) . So it’s best to get him checked.
    Also, the stress from you having a different schedule could also cause this for him. But my bet would be on something going on with his body, so get him examined and tested.
    A few other things could be: diabetes, thyroid issues that can also cause peeing issues.
    Good luck!!!

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Cat Has A Large Knot In Her Tail Closes To Her Body And There…

My cat has a large knot in her tail closes to her body and there is no markings or sores or bugs on her tail what could be causing this?

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
We Adopted A Dog Three Months Ago From A Reputable Shelter Who Swore She Was…

We adopted a dog three months ago from a reputable shelter who swore she was spayed and say they have the records for the surgery. Three weeks ago she started showing signs of being in heat, we took her to the vet and they said her hormones and blood showed signs of being in heat as well. She seems to be following the patterns of a normal heat, with the bleeding first and then yellowish discharge and now bleeding again, but it seems to be longer than a normal heat? Tomorrow marks three weeks since she started bleeding and after the yellowish discharge/lessened blood she just started having a darker red discharge again. I’ve read a few articles that says this is normal, but I’m worried both about the timeline, as it seems longer, and the fact that she was supposedly spayed. The vet said they could possibly have missed an ovary during the procedure, but I’m not sure as to the next step because the vet didn’t seem sure about anything, and could not give me any definite answer.

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    is this vet the one recommended by the shelter?  i would consider getting a second opinion.

    that said: normal heat cycles SHOULD last 3 weeks – a week of straw-colored discharge, a week of bloody discharge, and a week of brown, thinner discharge.  if she’s going through a second cycle i would be concerned about possible underlying health problems.

  2. Brigette Ruhland

    No, this was an emergency vet by us we took her to when she started bleeding- obviously we thought it was something awful because as far as we knew she had been spayed. They basically said they thought the shelter lied to us and she was going through a heat cycle. Should I just take her to yet another vet? She seems to be following a normal pattern of heat in as far as everything I’ve read online, it just seems prolonged.

  3. Anonymous

    i absolutely would take her to your regular vet – she should have an established history with one by now anyway. 🙂

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Anyone Out There Have Experience With Puppy Strangles. Our Purebred Doberman Pup Has Developed It…

Anyone out there have experience with puppy strangles. Our purebred Doberman pup has developed it at 5mos. How long does it take on prednisone and antibiotics to see a marked improvement in the lymph glands in his neck. They are huge!

1 Response


  1. Elizabeth Lawson-Sullivan

    I read your blog on Beau. It’s just a frustrating illness, because results take awhile. Ozzie is only our Veterinarians 2nd case of puppy strangles in her 30+Yr career. Her first case was just 6 mos. ago on an imported pup. Last night marked 1 wk. on prednisone & antibiotics, we 2 or those days being the double dose increase. Marked improvement over night last night! So thankful. His chops and eye area, have gone way down. And the fever has finally broke! I am thankful for your site Krista.

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
Zoey Has Been Doing This Since She Became Older. We Now Roll Up All…

Zoey has been doing this since she became older. We now roll up all rugs, clear countertops, remove plush toys, let them out repeatedly before leaving. This happens whether we are gone for 2hrs or 6hrs. We understand it is probably the anxiety that causes her to urinate and defecate. We also understand the behaviors are related to the same. But it is so disheartening and honestly, frustrating, when we return home to find what she has done. We are now trying the wall plug phermones, trying not to make it a big deal when we leave or come home and most importantly, trying not to react when we discover her latest destruction.

To make it worse, my 1 male who is dominant will mark her urinated spots if we do not clean and neutralize it sufficiently… which we always try to do. It seems the issue is cascading and we are at wits end.

Any thoughts?

1 Response


  1. Brian Downie

    Sounds good and thanks!  We will setup an appointment with you to get a general checkup and talk about behaviorists.

    Brian and Ericka