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Judy Kuehn | 6 years ago
I Have An 9 Year Old Spayed Female Pit/terrier Mix With A History Of Liver…

I have an 9 year old spayed female pit/terrier mix with a history of liver disease. She has recently been getting hairless black spots showing up on her sides and legs, especially in the rear. Her biopsy came back as possibly ischemic dermatomyosits. The antibiotic that her vet put her on seems to have made no difference, and the fish oil and vit E are A) difficult to give her and B) she hasn’t been on them long enough to know if they are helping. She has no apparent muscle involvement. Would doing blood studies for autoimmune diseases help me get a better plan for treatment? What specialist would be best to manage her care? Any information or help in this problem would really be appreciated!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think that asking for a referral to a specialist is always a wonderful idea. The more help you can get to care for your pet the better your pets care options are. I am not sure if the spurs are related to the condition or not but if you are contemplating auto immune issues you should see an internal medicine or dermatologist. I hope this helps. Please keep us posted.

  2. Judy Kuehn Post author

    Could the liver disease be associated? She had no localized lesions 3 years ago on U/S. But her labs have been improving while she has been on Royal Canin Hepatic and Denamarin.

Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
CeCe, An 8 Year Old Poodle Mix, Gets A Dental Cleaning
Treatment Cost (USD): $383.10
CeCe came in for an appointment at the veterinary clinic when she had difficulty tolerating a medication. Upon examining her, the veterinarian noted that CeCe had tartar buildup on her teeth, and that she was already missing one of her premolar teeth. It was recommended that CeCe have a dental exam, scaling and polishing.
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Holly The Mixed Breed Dog Needs Dental Cleaning & Removal Of Growths From Her Gums
Treatment Cost (USD): $640.00
Holly is a 9 year old mixed breed dog who came to the clinic for her annual exam. The veterinarian noted that Holly had significant tartar buildup on her teeth, and she also had some growths along the gum line. It was recommended that Holly's owner schedule a dental cleaning, at which time the growths on the gum line would also be removed.
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Mocha, 7 Year Old Mixed Breed Dog, Dental Scaling & Polish
Treatment Cost (USD): $452.50
Mocha came into the clinic in December, 2018 for her annual physical exam. After examining Mocha's mouth, the veterinarian recommended that she have a dental cleaning due to mild-to-moderate tartar buildup. Mocha's dental was scheduled for March, 2019.
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Cassie The 7 Year Old Cockapoo’s Dental Cleaning
Treatment Cost (USD): $462.19
Cassie is a 7 year old Cockapoo who presented to the clinic due to limping. During her complete physical exam, the veterinarian evaluated Cassie's teeth and noted that she had significant tartar buildup. She recommended that once Cassie's issues with lameness resolved (which they did, happily!), she should have a thorough dental cleaning. Preliminary bloodwork was ordered at this initial appointment, before scheduling Cassie's dental cleaning, during which she would be under general anesthesia.
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Betsy The Boxer Mix – Routine Dental Scaling & Polish, OraVet Gel Application
Treatment Cost (USD): $366.20
Betsy is a 9 year old Boxer mix who had a number of masses that needed to be removed, and she also had mild tartar buildup on her teeth. The veterinarian recommended removal of the growths, and also a dental cleaning while Betsy was under anesthesia.
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Tyson Is An Older Pitbull Mix Who Had A Pendulous Skin Mass (dangling Skin Tag)…
Treatment Cost (USD): $578.00
Tyson had a skin tag for years in his axilla (armpit). Due to his age, small size of the skin tag, and the fact that it wasn't bothering him, his family elected to monitor it. The mass grew large, long and was causing Tyson irritation.
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Landry Is A Pit Bull Mixed Bree’s Dog Who Is 11 Years Old. He Has…
Treatment Cost (USD): $590.00
Landry’s mass has been present for a long time. It had gotten to a point that it was opening and leaking. The only way to resolve the mass was to remove it. It was a skin mass likely an overactive gland issue. If not removed I always worry about infection and parasites (like maggots) inhabiting it. Best to remove it while it’s small and not bothering him.
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Mass Removal On The Tarsus Of An Older Dog.
Treatment Cost (USD): $793.77
Mia is an older lab mix who had a progressively growing mass in the middle of her tarsus (between the ankle and the foot). It was not painful, but it was getting big enough to cause her family concern. She was brought to her regular vets office, a corporate practice, who wanted to refer her to a surgeon for the removal. Mia's family came to see me for a second opinion.
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Lilly Was Spayed. Here Is Her Story, And Cost Of Care For This Procedure.
Treatment Cost (USD): $435.10
Lilly is a 7 month old mixed breed dog. she weighs 12 pounds. We waited a little longer than the typical 6 month spay time as her adult canine teeth had not erupted yet.
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