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Pawbly | 9 years ago
About 2 Months Ago, My Dog Broke The Window Screen And Jumped Out Of The…

About 2 months ago, my dog broke the window screen and jumped out of the second floor window. I was not home and thankfully my neighbor grabbed him, he was not hurt. After that. No opening the windows when I’m not home.

But recently my dog has been trying to escape out the window where the window AC unit is in. He has chewed through many sidings and even pushes my tv away from the window. I have sprayed no-bite spray and it didn’t seem to help. I just can home today and found blood from him all over the house. He cut his paw on the ac unit and thenot continued to tried other windows.

I take him for walks twice a day even though I am gone for 10 hours for work. I spoil him with toys and treats. He is a 4 year old German Shepherd/schipperke mix. He is not fixed. He never shows any interest in females.

1 Response


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have Adopted A Dog From The Pound About 4 Or 3 Moths Ago…

I have adopted a dog from the pound about 4 or 3 moths ago, he is a very good dog but when someone enters my room, my dog starts growling and he won’t stop. The behaviour has gotten worse when my fathers partner hit him with a leash with a metal spring on it, now whenever he hears someone walking outside of my room (going upstairs or to the bathroom) he immediately starts growling, his growling got more loud and now when someone passes him, he’s scared and walks away. Another thing is when I leave the house, he starts howling and it’s annoying my father he wants me to sell him but I still believe there is something to help my dog. He is a sheepdog collie mix and 2 years old, he is a very good dog and I presume his previous owners must have been abusing him since he’s scared of everything. Is there a way to teach him not to do it?

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Have you spoken with a trainer yet?  

  2. Alex Nic Conmara

    No, there isn’t any trainers around where I live so it’s hard

  3. Lisa Pfab

    Well hitting has made it worse. Your dog has several anxiety/fear issues. you can teach a dog confidence but it
    takes time and dedication. Start by always having your dog on a leash with you. when he lays quietly, tell him good dog. start teaching him to sit on command. then start teaching him to sit in place on a carpet or matt. All this will teach him proper behavior, and make a bond. once he and you have developed a bond, start asking a friend to come over to help work with your dog. Put a bowl of treats outside of the door, have your friend come to the door, your dog on a leash, you ask your dog to sit, treat him. the friend comes in, no eye contact, talks to you, if dog stays sitting, no growling treat him. Once dog accepts friend, let friend treat him.
    Start teaching your dog that all good things come from you when he listens. Get what we call High value treats, something he ONLY gets during training, cheese, chicken, moist dog treats, whatever, but he only gets it during training.
    Collie and shepherding dogs have such a strong desire to be with their people, to please them, that you should be able to train him.
    As for crying while you are gone, he should be crated, with a cover over the crate, and give him a large Kong to work on while you are gone. He only ever gets the Kong in the crate. Fill it with dog food, and mix in some peanut butter, plug the whole over with peanut butter and freeze, give it to him when leaving, but make sure you feed him less so he doesn’t get fat lol.
    Take time, he will be a good dog, dogs know when they are rescued.
    Good luck!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Lab Mix Is Unable To Move Her Tail. She Seems To Be Very Uncomfortable…

My lab mix is unable to move her tail. She seems to be very uncomfortable. She was boarded this past week and I am unsure about any injuries. If it persists I do plan on taking her to vet. Are there any things I can do for her comfort?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Brother Just Returned From His Mission A Few Days Ago. While He Was Gone…

My brother just returned from his mission a few days ago. While he was gone we adopted a border collie mix puppy, she’s now around a year and a half years old.

She has interacted with people at the park and gets along with most family members when visiting at their place. This her first time having a someone she doesn’t know at home like this, usually have her away from visitors.

She is not getting a long with my brother, she’s constantly barking at him. When he offers one of her favorite treats she tries to hide behind someone she trusts or she runs down and hides in the basement. My brother is getting really frustrated with her.

Expecting that this is going to take a while. Hoping that she gets used to him/desensitized to him over the next few weeks. Any advice would be appreciated.

3 Responses


  1. Kate McKelvie

    In what way is she not getting along with him? My first thought is that he calmly go about his business and not attempt to interact with her. Let the dog approach your brother for interaction. Is he wearing a ball cap, something that she’s not used to? Everyone needs to be calm and act normally.

  2. Madelyn Fischer

    Hello, this is perfectly normal. Dogs adapt, and it may take time. Good luck!

  3. Amphibious 803


    She has been getting better. She isn’t barking as much, but tends to avoid him whenever she can now. Want her to get used to being around him, but don’t want to force it. Now she usually hides downstairs or in one of the bedrooms. Gets really nervous and wants to be close to someone she knows when he is around.

    She does bark and get snappy when he’s interacting with one of us, she thinks she is protecting us from him?

    Slow going, but are improvements.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is Female
6 Years Old
Mixed Breed

My dog is female
6 years old
Mixed breed

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Mixed Breed. About 8 Months Old. Noticeably Less Active Over Last 24 Hours. Presently Can…

Mixed breed. About 8 months old. Noticeably less active over last 24 hours. Presently can barely stay awake and seems to have chest congestion. No money for a vet. What can we do to help him?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
One Of Them Is A Pit Bull Black Lab Mix, And The Other Is A…

One of them is a pit bull black lab mix, and the other is a pit bull rottweiler mix who is also fixed but the pit lab is not, not sure if this is relevant or not.

2 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    The  one dog not being fixed is definitely the reason for the aggression.  Get the 1 dog fixed ASAP then attempt reintroduction this may mean contacting an animal behaviorist for help.

  2. PK Dennis

    Dr. Dawn is correct – you must get the second dog neutered, and even then you need to keep these dogs apart (so they can’t even see each other!) for several weeks afterward.  This gives time for the testosterone to work its way out of the new neutered dog’s system.

    Then, get the help of a professional behaviorist to reintroduce these two dogs – don’t attempt it yourself because they now have a history of aggression and will associate this aggression with each other.  You need someone that can read the tiny signs a dog gives when they are uncomfortable with another dog.  Even your own fear of something bad happening can trigger aggression between these two, so find a way to get help.  If nothing else, contact your local SPCA and tell them your situation – and ask if they have someone that can help you, maybe a volunteer or a trainer that will help at a reduced cost.  Explain that you are trying to avoid having to re-home one of the dogs and maybe they can help in some way.

    Good luck – and don’t wait to get that boy neutered!   

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Someone Left Their Jack Russell Terrier (Jaz) On My Street Two Days Ago And I…

Someone left their jack russell terrier (Jaz) on my street two days ago and I took her in. I currently have a 5 year old pitbull mixed with a chihuaha(Taco) taco is little bit bigger than Jaz. Every time Jaz sees taco Jaz snaps and growls at her. We give them both attention I don’t think it’s a dominance or jealousy issue because taco doesn’t fight back, Jaz would wait for taco to be vulnerable and then try and bite her. For example today we took them both walking both were fine and we both went inside and taco looks at me not paying attention to Jaz and then jaz tried to bite Tacos leg. Taco stays with me and i have jaz in a room she listens good with everything. she doesnt leave her room even if we leave the door open and she doesnt have a leash on. She just cant be around taco. I’m not sure what to do or what’s wrong, we want to train Jaz so she can be part of our family. Any suggestions?

2 Responses


  1. PK Dennis
    This is MOST definitely a dominance issue!  Jaz is telling Taco that Jaz is the person in charge of this new house!  And while Taco may not be fighting back, Jaz is going to continue this behavior until she is satisfied that Taco understands the situation. It is your job to help them get on an even keel.  Is Taco a male or female?  Jaz is more likely to settle down with a male (females tend to rule the house and males usually let them). 

    You need to go back to square one.  Put Jaz in a room where Taco can not see Jaz.  This could be a guest bathroom, or mud room, etc.  You want a closed door between the 2 dogs for the next 3-4 days.  Give each dog their own time with you – but separately.  This allows each dog to become familiar with the smell of the other dog.  They get to know each other this way – but without any confrontation.

    On the 4th day, pick up  all toys, balls, bones, and put them up out of reach of the dogs (and keep them up for the time being – this prevents fights over these resources.  The toys belong to you, and the dogs only get access to them while you are there to monitor things).  Then take the dogs on a long walk together – put leashes on them and then right out the door, don’t allow them to sniff each other or anything – just “let’s GO – walking here!”.  By the end of the walk they should be more comfortable with each other.
    For the next few weeks keep a short leash on Jaz at all times – let her drag it around the house and yard (I like to attache the leash to a harness for this).  This allows you to step on the leash or pick it up to get Jaz away from Taco.  Monitor their activities and head Jaz off at the pass when she is paying too much attention to Taco – you might want to teach Jaz ‘leave it’ and tell her to ‘leave it’ when she is looking at Taco, etc.
    If the days of separation, and then the walk don’t solve the problem you will need to find a behaviorist or trainer that can come to your home and work with you – after all, Jaz is a terrier, and a Russell to boot.  My experience is that Russell’s can be very challenging!
    Other ways to fix in Jaz’s mind that she is not in control of the house is by not allowing her up on any furniture.  Taco can be up, but not Jaz for the foreseeable future.  Not on the sofa or especially the beds.  Control food – make Jaz work for every meal and treat by sitting nicely, or by doing a trick.  She also has to sit nicely to get access to any toy, and she can only play with the toy with you – when you are done playing the toy needs to go back up out of reach/sight.
    These are the things I do with fosters when they come to my home – some respond quickly, others take months to decide they will settle into my pack.  Give things a good 4 to 5 weeks before you give up on this girl!, but get some help if you feel things are not improving.
    Good luck!
  2. Erica Bowlen

    Thank you! They are both female. Taco is spayed and Jaz is not we are taking her to the vet soon to get her spayed.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Sorry If This Seems To Ramble. I Just Have A Lot On My Mind.


Sorry if this seems to ramble. I just have a lot on my mind.

He has already broken and melted my heart. I am a teacher and will actually be off work for the next 6 weeks to train, play, and “mother” the little guy. I think I have convinced my mother to watch him for the first couple of months when school starts to help him settle in because he is so young. Our best guess is that he is a lab mix. He will probably be medium to large in size.

I know that socialization is so important for a pup of this age. What can I do to help him?

I keep crying and my anxiety about the next 6 months is very high. My worries make it hard to sleep even when the little guy is sleeping. I’m so sad for him and I just want to make sure that he is a happy, healthy puppy. The shelters around here are overwhelmed and I refuse to leave the little guy. Euthanasia rates are pretty high.

He will eventually be an indoor/outdoor dog. I won’t be comfortable with this, though, until he is older. That is why I’m going to pay my mom to watch him. I will be gone from 7-3:30 and my man works from 7:30-5. On days with inclement weather, my fella would be able to come home and let him in or out. We have a large fenced in back yard with plenty of shady areas. I live in a rural area with very kind neighbors so I am not worried about anyone messing with him. I live in East Tennessee where there is rarely an extreme temperature; however, I’m also looking into adding a doggie door, too.

Here is what I have done so far:

(1) He has a lifestyle crate (with the partition to make it smaller for now) that is attached to a large playpen in our kitchen. He sleeps in this crate at night. I’ve been sleeping on a couch next to it at night to take him out when he wakes. This is generally every 2 hrs.

(2) I’ve taken him to the vet. They dewormed him and gave him a flea treatment that is appropriate for a little guy under 5Lbs.

(3) I take him out to potty every time he wakes up from sleeping. He has only had 3 accidents in 3.5 days. I clean up his mess well so as not to leave a smell and take him out anyway. I DO NOT scold such a young pup but rather just take him out and set him in the grass each time.

What can I do to ensure this little guy has a great adolescence? Especially considering he is off to a rough start?

3 Responses


  1. Katlyn Rose

    It will probably take a little while to potty train him because he is so young. To socialize him you can take him on walks and play with him and get him toys to play with. Puppies are resiliant so even though he has had a rough start just give him a loving home and play with him and make sure he is happy and he will be fine into adolescence. I hope you and your new puppy the best!

  2. Sarah

    Don’t worry about what happened to him. Think about how lucky he is to have a caring human now who is taking great care of him. Socialization is important. Make sure to introduce him to lots of people when he is old enough to go on nice walks. Also dog parks or other dogs that you know, should be a great way to introduce him to other dogs. Your vet should have a ton of info to share with you.  Best of luck!!

  3. Sarah Simpson

    Thanks for the encouragement! I had a torturous few day where I didn’t know if I should keep him or take him to the shelter. Many people on the internet acted like it was inhumane to have a dog if you couldn’t keep him indoors 24/7 and be with him most of the time; however, the lady at the shelter showed me all the cute pups there and told me that many don’t make it out. I refuse to give up on him! I’m not rich and I don’t have the resources to put him in a daycare every day but I do have a very comfortable and large home with a privacy fence. I have lots of love in my heart and no children, as well.

    I plan to use the next 6 weeks to get him into the routine of our household. My mother won’t be able to help out because she takes care of my grandmother but my man is gonna arrange to drive 40 minutes here and 40 minutes back on his lunch to check on little man.

    We are looking at collar activated doggie doors currently but he will be too young for that at first. I found a really cool solar paneled fan that can attach to a doghouse and “heated flooring” options for winter. I can’t believe this stuff exists! Who knew a dog could have a climate controlled doghouse?!?

    Again, I really appreciate the supportive comments while I was panicking about what to do. 🙂

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Please Help!
I Have A 3 Week Old Kitten Whos Mother Died So She Has Been…

Please help!
I have a 3 week old kitten whos mother died so she has been bottle fed , she recently starting drinking out of a bowl and when she ran out of milk i went to get more, she normally has raw goats milk but i couldnt find any anywhere so i went to pets at home and got some kitten milk instead , whilst i was there the vet suggested trying to get her to start eating food, so i got some wet food and put a small amount in her bowl and mixed it with milk, she loved it! But now she has horrible diorreha. I have taken the food away and just left the kitten milk , but im worried 🙁

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