This could be anal glands, it could be intestinal parasites, it could be his diet isn’t working for him. We can only guess. I would at least try to get a stool sample checked out.
Hi Pawbly friends-
I had asked the other day about antiseptic for minor scratches etc. does anyone have thoughts/advice on equisilver antimicrobial spray or povidone iodine solution? Thanks!!
Hi! My dog has recently been licking around is butt and has completely licked off the hair on the back of his tail. He’s been doing it for about 2-3 weeks now. I thought it was the new food I tried with him but after seeing him do it for a few days, I stopped and went back to his original food. However, he has not stopped and now I’ve notice my other dog biting around her tail a little. Not nearly as bad as my male dog though. I am concerned something else is going on like worms. I unfortunately still owe a lot of money to my current vet for emergency visits the dogs had early this year and can’t afford to take them in to be checked. Can I try using Safe-Guard with them to see if that corrects the issue? Is something else possibly going on?
Hi there, I wanted to ask if polyps in the throat can be felt. My kitten that can’t meow I suspect of having polyps. The vet tested for Leukemia and FIV negative, xrays negative, and lung worm negative. Now I notice both sides of her neck has lump, one side bigger. My other kittens do not have these lumps. My vet said she doesn’t think it’s polyps because that’s uncommon in kittens, so $500 in tests later and I have no answers. Shouldn’t they have noticed these lumps? They are the size of a small marble.
Hi, my 4 year old adopted whippet was neutered on 4/22/20. I followed all post-op instructions and he was healing fine and resumed his normal activities at the two week point (May 6th), and was bathed on May 7th. They used dissolvable stitches, which I could still see on the area weeks after the surgery. Everything looked like normal healing, no redness/drainage/swelling, and he wasn’t bothering the area. Today (over a month since the surgery) I noticed him licking the area and upon inspection I noticed some redness and swelling at the incision site, and there is some minor serous drainage from the site. No change in behavior, no change in appetite or energy level. It doesn’t seem to be painful for him, but I’m worried since the incision area should be completely healed by now. Could this be a seroma or does it look like a bad infection (or something worse) that will require veterinary attention?
The first pic was taken today 5/30/20. The other pic was taken 4/26/20. Thank you in advance.
Hello I have a pug and he is about to turn 2 he woke up this morning and threw up twice he is also chasing his tail a lot it’s the first time he does this other than that he is eating and playing he is drinking water and acting like a normal dog it’s just that problem should I worry?
Hi! This message is for Dr. Magnifico: I just watched one of your YouTube videos on IVDD disc disease and it gave me so much Comfort listening to you speak about the pup you were treating and the amount of pain he was in. I have my boy, 11 year old schnauzer_ 25 lbs- we did an MRI Last Saturday which revealed a disc extrusion a C3-4 with other milder disc protrusions. My guy has also had some liver issues for the past three years which has him on denamarin every day but also since this supplement, his liver enzymes have gone back to Normal. He is currently on Dexamethasone 0.5 mg, gabapentin 100mg and tramadol 50mg. Even though I did ask the doctor from the emergency hospital as well as Rex’s (my dog) other regular physician if these medications would be OK with him and his past liver problems, They both said yeah, I still can’t help but feel a little bit worried that these medications are going to hurt his already damaged liver. I’ve been trying to take it easy on the tramadol as a matter of fact they waited only until yesterday to start giving it to him because he is fine during the day he can still walk poop,pee and is still a total scavenger, But come night time that’s when he starts getting more comfortable and about 4 to 5 times he has woken up crying in pain which breaks my heart. Of course these episodes thank God only last about 10 to 20 seconds no longer and then he shakes it off and is fine after that. During these episodes though he gets up lift his right leg up and sort of paralyzes for that short amount of time his neck is not able to move his whole body hunches it’s a really scary experience the first time I saw it happen I thought he was dying, so you describing it the way that you did in one of your YouTube videos really really made me feel so much better about Rex and what he is going through and if anything made me feel thankful that even though my baby is in pain and is feeling uncomfortable there are so many other puppies out there doing so much worse than him. I’ve decided to buy him a stroller just because his brother, him and I are outdoor people we would go every day on 2 to 3 hour walks and now we’ve diminished them to 10 to 20 minute walks which still think that’s a lot so I think his stroller is going to help all three of us. I’m sorry for the rant I’ll finally get to the point-I just wanted to ask you what’s your experience with those three medications that I just mentioned do you think they are going to eventually become an issue with his liver? Also what’s your opinion on a neck brace for dogs I was thinking and looking up a few neck braces that might help him keep his next treat would you recommend this?
I hope to hear back from you soon and once again, thank you so much for your YouTube videos. I wish all veterinarians were like you.
Jess V.
I inherited a healthy, except for a slight heart murmur, 10 year old chihuahua. She is current on shots and had no reaction to them. She ate small breed pedigree at first, but now feed Lotus good grain chicken kibble and pet plate topper (left over from a dog that died). I noticed she scratched her back alot, but didn’t see fleas, hair loss, a rash, and she mostly scratches after coming in from walks or arriving anyplace other than home. For a month, I left her home with my 7 year old chihuahua. They had the run of the house. One day I noticed pieces of my carpet in the hall. Now a whole corner of the rug is gone. I crated her. She screamed and whined and eventually escaped. I secured the crate with a carabiner. I came home to a crime scene. The bridge of her nose was bloodied and one of her nails was pulled out. I am taking her to work with me at a doggy daycare and boarding facility. Her nose has hair missing. I want to treat it, but with what and when will the hair grow back? Money is an issue because my hours are severely deceased now
I have a female cat, around 4 years old. I had noticed she was gaining weight, or so I thought, as her belly was starting to get really round. She is not fixed but there is no chance of pregnancy. I have now noticed that she seams to have a discharge and quite a bit of it. I have read that it could possibly be an infection. Vets are quoting me around $3,500. Due to covid 19 my hours at work have been cut so I can not afford all of that up front. I doubt I will be able to get approved for care credit and if so I will not be able to get approved for that much. So I’m wondering what other options I might have? I dont want to loose my baby girl and it may be coming down to rehoming her to get the care she requires right now. What can I do to at least try to keep her comfortable during this?
Charley is a 9 year old lab mix female, approx 70 lbs. She has always been an incredibly active dog. Over the last year or so we have noticed her slowing down and assumed it was wear and tear of her joints after being so athletic and active. We started her on anti inflammatories (ostimax) after speaking with our vet, and used it as needed. It seemed to help. Within the last 3 months things worsened and we began giving her the anti inflammatory daily, as well as gabapentin. Things worsened again, and we finally requested that xrays be taken. They found a partial tear in one back acl and a fully torn acl in the other, we aren’t sure when this happened. She is receiving an injectable (adequan) 2 x a week for a month, and is taking the anti inflammatory, a cbd chew and gabapentin. This regimen is new this week and she looks a little better but still prefers to be laying down, has a hard time standing up/sitting down. We try to walk a block and she stops to lie down (we never push her). She sleeps most of the day, assuming from the meds. She is a different dog, it’s heartbreaking. She still eats and drinks but we put her food in front of her now, and mix it with wet (to hide the pills), otherwise I don’t know how often she would eat on her own. Thoughts on how surgery will help? Recovery? Our consult with the surgeon referred by our vet isn’t until July 31st (there is a backup with Covid) so we are looking for other options and might have a spot with a local vet- we are hoping to not have to wait that long because she’s just not our Charley, and we don’t want to see her in pain any longer.
some notes from vet: Ambulates tender hind legs R+L . thickened stifles- toe touching both and small stride on gait . Sits
slowly and swings legs out to avoid flexing too much . Crepitous on flex/ ext R side- patellar groove . Rlat- chip prox tibia- thickened JC and irregular lat collateral. L side – joitn mouse caudal joint – thickened JC irrgular medial collateral lig mild drawer both
I have a 9yo. Siamese that has been diagnosed with possible nasal polyps. His more overt symptoms include an obvious blockage, snoring/snorting sounds while breathing, some drainage, head shaking. He has seen 3 different vets, all giving estimates for upwards of 2.5k+ for an investigative rhinoscopy/surgery.
I recently watched Dr. Magnifico’s video on Stripes and his Nasopharyngeal Polyp removal and was surprised to see that sedation and a visual exam/removal could be done within such a short time with great results. This was never offered as an option with any other vet visits.
Are there any vets within this network that anyone would recommend that would charge a more reasonable pricing for a similar procedure in the greater NYC area?
Iodine is great. But it can stain the fur. Equalizer if a horse product? Right? I’d have to ask the equine peeps.
Thanks- I found the equalizer when looking for the product Laura had recommended. I have been washing Rivas ear with warm saline- and it is healing up beautifully ???? Ihave no idea what she may have caught it on. The kids all came running “Rivas ear is bleeding” and sure enough…. so I did the first cleaning with peroxide and then switched to the novasal we had leftover from Rontus scuffle, which came in handy. When I ran out of the novasal, I started with saline and neosporin. And now it is just about healed and gone… I was just figuring since they’re out in the woods with the kids all of the time for the next few months, good to have something on hand. Thank you????????