So, the casing on sausages is usually “natural” – meaning it’s made of intestine. It’s meant to be digested. I would monitor, but I don’t think I’d overly stress. Dr. Magnifico might have another opinion, and if she chimes in I’d listen to her more than I’d listen to me. Just relaying how I’d react in this situation.
I WOULD plan to alter the trash situation, if your cat can dig around in it. Don’t want kitty getting something really dangerous, like cooked chicken bones!
I have found that with these guys you need a lot of patience. A lot! Some cats will do well with small offerings of all kinds of food and lots of options. I also try an appetite stimulant. Ask your vet about mirtazipine, Valium or even cyproheptadine. I also try things like warmed meat flavored baby food (beef chicken or turkey) and pouches of tuna, salmon or chicken. You have to try lots and lots of options and be super patient. Cats always decide. Also spend time talking to her and petting her around the food. That helps. I wish you the best of luck. Let us know what happens. Or reply back if you need more help.