Can you try feeding her wet food? Even in small amounts with water added and see how she does? Perhaps she cannot eat dry food? Or she eats too much too fast? Also meow mix is not suitable for a kitten. Please try a better quality food that is age appropriate (kitten food).
We have an ~ 4mos old puppy who testicles became inflamed and/or infected recently. He has had some diarrhea as well (was diagnosed with roundworm and treated), but otherwise has been acting fine. Blood work showed his was slightly anemic and his WBC was slightly high. Thyroid test was normal. UA was normal. Urine culture showed two different types of bacteria, but they decided it was contamination and didn’t treat one of them since it was only susceptible to an antibiotic that isn’t good for puppies. He was already on Doxy which would treat the second bacteria. Brucella screen was negative. He was neutered the other day and the testes were filled with blood. They were sent to the pathologist and a culture was also submitted (results pending). They also ran a distemper test as well as a different type of Brucella test (results also pending). Torsion was ruled out. Has anyone seen anything like this? Are there other tests we should ask about running to figure out what is causing this?
I believe my 4 month old kitten has acid reflux. She was born from my sisters cats first litter so she has a lot of birth defects already. For the past month every time she eats a bowl of Meow-Mix cat food she throws up stringy saliva. She also seems to be chocking while doing it. Her other birth defects are twisted in legs, broken tail, and she has a little lazy eye. Please comment if you need any further information.
In the near future I am thinking of getting a kitten but I have a dog which I have had for 6 years but when seeing small animals such as rabbits he has a tendency to nip them nothing to harsh but I am just weary as the kitten has only got 3 legs is there any advice or tips to get my dog to stop nipping other small animals in preparation for the kitten thanks.
Hey there, I am 17 years old and I adore animals. I live with just myself and my mother and I currently have 4 cats (soon to be more probably) 2 gerbils, and 2 goldfish. I look after my pets very well and make sure they are happy and healthy.
I have always loved birds and have always pictured myself having a parrot (such as a macaw) I have owned finches, budgies, and other small pasts in the distant past, but I haven’t had any for a while thus I will not get a large bird like a macaw. One that has really caught my eye is a Sun Conure. I think they are beautiful birds and would love to have one as a pet to commit my time to.
I will mention in a list-styled fashion what my concerns are:
-I am 17, very young and my life is just beginning. I don’t travel much but will likely travel every so often. Not to mention I may be starting university soon.
-I have 4 cats, obviously cats and birds don’t mix. My plan would mainly be to just make sure they are seperated at all times in the house but I am still concerned, should I be?
-Gerbils natural predators are birds, as far as I know, Sun Conures do not eat rodents, however they would still terrify my gerbils. Gerbils only live until around 4 years old so maybe once they are gone I will get my bird.
Besides what I listed, I cannot think of any reasons as to why I would not be ready. I will always commit my free time to looking after it and spending time with it, I will be sure it’s healthy, regular check ups, and so forth. Would like to hear some feed back. Am I ready?
Hi Dr. Magnifico. You are our vet to our indoor cats. Last week, we brought in a feral cat that was roaming our neighborhood. Turns out, he is pretty friendly, allows petting and belly rubs. On Monday June 19th, I took him to Animal Rescue, Inc., to be neutered, a rabies shot, and flea control. They also checked for a microchip (none), and I paid to have blood work done to have him tested for feline leukemia. Unfortunately, he tested positive for FIV. I would like to find him a home. I have two questions. Do you know anyone willing to give a home to a big orange friendly male tabby cat, or is there anything you can do to help? Maybe doing a courtesy post on your facebook page? I asked Animal Rescue and was told to put him back outside since he is now neutered. I was shocked they said that, as he could infect other ferals. We are currently keeping him in our basement and I just noticed a tapeworm coming out of his anus. My second question is, can you prescribe a tapeworm medication, without me having to bring him in, since he is FIV feral, and just went thru so much at Animal Rescue? My husband can pick it up after work. If not, can you recommend an over the counter medication to treat tapeworms? I am hoping whatever it is, that it will be something easy to give, maybe something I can put in his food that is tasteless. Thank you. Terri
My 11 years old cat died yesterday after 12 hours in pain. She has been lethargic for about 1 month now, but I really thought that was a result of her aging. She was occasionally puking, mostly unprocessed food. Yesterday she started puking but just liquids, greenish and with some foam. She was really in pain and she started breathing with her mouth open and tongue out. We took her to the vet which told us that was probably a kidney failure and run some blood test on her. Then he sent us home with the cat telling us to come back the other day, he didn’t realize it was an emergency. We took her back home but the situation got worse. She puked more, the pain got worse she didn’t have any energy at all. So we rushed to the clinic again at 1 am. The vet did some x rays on her, and told us she had something near her stomach but he couldn’t tell what it was. It could have been anything from a tumor to a hairball. He thought it was best for her to stay overnight. She was in very bad conditions, he just injected some pain killers to her. She died three hours later. I feel so bad for letting her there. I just can’t believe she is gone like this. Another vet that saw the blood test and the x rays thinks it neither kidney failure nor tumor or hairball. I’m devastated. What could it possibly be that killed my cat?
my dog ( 1 1/2 year old small mix terrier) is a sweet guy when it comes to humans and dogs he is familiar with. sadly, he has picked up aggressive behaviors from my brothers large dogs. He will growl at people he is not familiar with on the street and when they enter the home. he will growl at outside noises and also at other unfamiliar dogs. he doesn’t bite people he just growls and when they try to pet him he runs away and gets shy. minutes will pass and he will warm up to people. he does fine at the dog park, when a dog approaches he smells the dog and runs away( which makes sense, he is a small dog) i’m more concerned when we go on walks. i’m looking for advice and tips i can do to help me and my dog work on his excessive growling. i would love to be able to go on a walk with him and be able to pass people without him growling and he can just keep walking.
Fancy Mouse and Tetracycline Antibiotics?
So I had a ca. 9 month old fancy mouse who started with an irriteted eye around 2 weeks ago. She was otherwise fine and healthy and had a weight of 32gram. She got eye drops twice a day for 10 days, but that didn’t help much.
So last Thursday (two days ago) I visited the vet again and she got tetracycline s.c. and I got some of it home, to inject it to her every two days additional to her eye drops.
So when I wanted to give it to her today, I found her outside of her hiding places cold and apathic. She rarely made trembling, seemingly non controlled movements with her head and paws, but couldn’t walk or rob. She didn’t really react when I took her in my hands. I rushed to the vet where she got fluids and vitamins (B12). Her weight was still fine and she was only a little dehydrated. I kept her warm and should keep her hydrated and try to feed her. She still died around 2 hours later, but she was her hiding spot, together with the other mice she lived with.
Is it possible that it was an reaction to the Tetracycline, that she maybe couldn’t metabolize it or something? It just came so suddenly without warning. Thanks for reading.
Our dog has been having seizure episodes, is there anything we can do to help her?
She is a two year old border collie mix. They have been recurring late at night since mid October about every other month. When they happen she loses her balance and can’t walk, she has heavy drool, and she vomits and loses control of her bowels.
These symptoms last around twenty minutes. She has the shakes for about an hour after she regains her balance and the other symptoms pass. After about two hours she is back to acting like herself.
She’s very scared while these are happening, we’ve been comforting her until they pass. Is there anything we can do? What could be causing these?
I’M DESPERATE! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!! I have a 3 1/2 year old purebred Coonhound who we adopted from our local shelter. He is an awesome dog, however, he won’t stop using the bathroom in my house! Since day 1 he has done this. At first we thought maybe not housebroken, then we realized he only does it when we leave. We’ve tried everything- a trainer, working on the anxiety, crate training (that’s a no go), I’ve read so much stuff, watched so many videos, gave him treats, kept him busy when we leave, asked the vet (who is very old school mind you so not really helpful), benadryl, calming aides, asked for suggestions on here, different washes on the floor, punishing whe caught in the act, blocking off the area he goes too, EVERYTHING. Nothing is working. We’re at our witz end with him and it breaks my heart. However, now he has my other little dog doing it and she has never done it- she even knows she did something bad when we get home. I would hate to see him go back to the shelter where he probably will end up staying because of this but I don’t know what else to do. I NEED A MIRACLE. ANYBODY. PLEASE HELP!!! (Tyia).
Nora Greenia Dogs will soil where the eat, sleep etc if they have been kept in areas where they had no choice from a young age. A dog that is a soiler takes months of work. This is not a problem that is solved in just a few weeks. there are no quick fixes for this. First, you have a coon hound. this is a high energy, hard headed dog, that likes to have a job. A really tired coon hound is usually a good coon hound. Hounds are very hard headed and can be very difficult to train, especially once they develop habits that they see as no problem for them. Keeping your dog in a crate may never be the answer, but keeping him in an outdoor run only when you are gone may be something that works for the dog. They have really nice runs now days that are very comfortable for the dog ie shade etc. also continue to keep him in the house with you whenever you can, and work him. Get him started in something like agility even if he is not good at it. Keep him busy, tired and with a job to do. Keep an eagle eye on him when he is in the house with you and make sure he has regular bathroom breaks. He may never be able to be left in the house alone, but if he is a great dog and you make the changes that you can, he will still be a good companion and pet.
I have not seen anything like this. I suppose neoplasia, trauma and toxin are also on the list. The pathologist can hopefully provide the answer. Let us know please. Best of luck to your puppy.
They did X-rays and ultrasound and it didn’t show any masses. Trauma is still being considered, but in a week’s time things got worse, not better which seems a little unusual for trauma. No one has mentioned toxins yet – I’ll ask about that. Thanks! I will let you know what the pathology report says (probably be a few more days still).