I would definitely seek a second opinion or a veterinary internist.
Our cat used to be very sociable with other people, even in large groups, now he is timid when we have more than a few people over. We got him in February, when he was 11 months old, and are wondering why he might have changed his behavior?
My dog has got some serve ear infection and is very uneasy and pus can be seen. Kindly tell what medicine should i give and other precautions I can take.
She is quidding when she eats (even mushy food) and even when she’s not eating, so looks like she has something wrong with her mouth. We thought it was un chewed food that made her sick, but even feeding other food like pate cat food that’s mush (similar to mince fish-no chunks) still makes her sick. she’s painfully thin and really not her self. its like she’s got a stomach problem and a mouth/teeth/throat problem.
He acts like a normal six week old puppy other than the red poop. He plays a lot while awake and sleeps quite a bit throughout the day and drinks plenty of water.
Anonymous yes, the dyes in lower end dog food like kibbles and bits will affect stool color.
please don’t feed a medium breed dog puppy food for small breeds. the nutrient amounts are incorrect for your puppy and can cause health problems. try to feed something that has no corn and has meat for the first two or three ingredients.
i would also wonder why you have a puppy 2 weeks early. puppies should not leave their mother and littermates prior to 8 weeks of age. is there any way you can take your puppy back to the breeder for 2 more weeks?
Alesha Pearce The food was just a quick fix the store I had to go to only had adult food no puppy food i figured small breed would work for a couple days because he is young until I was able to get a different brand. I didn’t know if I should feed him the adult stuff yet because he’s so small. Is there a specific brand you would recommend?
Anonymous i am a big time fan of Wellness CORE. you’ll feed a LOT less of it than you will kibbles and bits because it’s very nutrient dense.
i’m still worried about her age. have you ever had an underage puppy like this before? is there a reason you brought her home 2 weeks early? depending on where you live, this is a crime…please report the person who sold her to you.
Have A Serious Cut On His Head, But…
Living with together with 2 more others Hamster.
Have a serious cut on his head, but it dry and became a wound. Yesterday, I am not sure whether he fight or hurt his wound and cause the wound drop and bleed seriously. Now it’s much better after applying some medicine in it,
He’s not active as before. I try to feed it with some water but totally rejected and feed him food also rejected.
Anonymous i would be worried about fighting between them. are the others male? can you house him separately?
Brendon Cheong Vinnten Yes, the other are male. I have separated them earlier. But it’s still the same , what should I do 🙁
Anonymous well, i’m not a vet, but i’d be worried about serious injuries. hamsters should never be housed together – they’re a solitary species – and when house together will often fight until one is dead.
I took in a newborn orphan kitten going on 6 days ago.. assuming he’s only about 6 days old, 7 tops. He has been doing amazing! His ears were fully opened yesterday, he lost his umbilical cord on day 3, and his colors started coming in today. (He was an off white.. but now his nose and ears have added black coloring to his mix) he has been gaining weight normally. He eats every two hours, three tops. Hes been finishing 5cc since day one.. now he’s finishinh anywhere between 5cc and 10. I burp him after every bottle as well as stimulate him to use the bathroom. (He pees every time and has been pooping between once and twice a day) I even keep him clean and dry in the event of an accident. He sleeps in a box with half heat pad on low and a blanket covering it, as well as a stuffed teddy for snuggling and comfort. Its my first time doing anything even close to this but his mom dropped him off on my porch only hours old and never returned, when it got dark cold and rainy I had to bring him in. Hes eating KRM I bought from the vet. I also bought a bottle and syringe. Not having much luck with the bottle but doing amazing with the syringe. Noticed his belly being kinda hard and that he hadn’t had his usual poop about 4 hours ago. His bottom is red and raw so im trying to be easy but still try and stimulate him every feeding. I know hand raising newborn kittens is a 50/50 shot especially his mom being a stray but he’s doing perfect other than that. Hes purring and eating and peeing and even wondering around a bit.. just a little fussy over the last two feedings. Im also burping him. Is there anything I can do to help his bottom or get him to poop to relieve the belly bulge? I will take him to the vet if needed. Im just seeing what I can do in the mean time. How long is too long for a kitten to be constipated or not poop if everything else seems normal? *I’ve also been adding a little extra water over his last two feedings hoping that may loosen him up. HELP 🙁
Monica Santos try with a warm wet towel rub your kittens anal. softly. mothers lick their kittens to be able to go pee or poop. hope it helps(:
Cherish Yuppa That’s been how I get him to pee after every feeding. But he usually has at least one poop by now.. his little bottom is so red and sore and his belly is so bloated. All I can think is he’s constipated bc its like he tries just can’t. :/
Anonymous i’d call the vet first thing, to be honest.
Cherish Yuppa I called and they said not to be worried that his belly is just adjusting and if he isn’t better in a day or so then to bring him in
Anonymous i hope he starts doing alright tomorrow. you’ve certainly got your hands full with such a teeny baby! may he grow up healthy and strong. 🙂
Cherish Yuppa Update: called several vets over the last 24 hours… so far I’ve got a lot of contradictions. To limit feedings to not limit feedings. To water down, to not. To use suppository and/or water enema, to not use. To soak bottom, to not soak bottom. To do an early dewormer, to not. To only stimulate bottom every third feeding, to do it every feeding. To use oil, to not. To use tube/Vaseline, to not. Never the less I’m doing what I can and trying a little off everything. Was able to get a poop today just not the consistency I would like or the amount but it’s something. He’s still eating, peeing, and sleeping normally. Just has a hard belly, hard poop, and a raw bottom. Guess I’ll just try and see if anything works or doesn’t and if he gets worse or doesn’t improve in a few days ill take him somewhere hopefully that specializes in this kinda thing or has personal experience bc this crap is confusing. “Do it… don’t… do it..” OMG!! *DAY SIX. -Signed one exhausted mommy!
Anonymous sounds like the parent of a newborn anything. you’re doing well! you’re staying on top of things.
you. can. do. it. 🙂
Cherish Yuppa Thank you! He’s a handful for sure. I have no idea how mommy kitty’s do this with more than one lol. He is much more of a handful than my 3 & 1 year old human boys ever were.. even put together lol
Anonymous well, it’s not like they have to worry about going to work or cleaning or anything like that. 😉
Kelly Furgason Cherish–I have fostered hundreds of kittens. Usually thinnning out the KMR works well. DO not get the stage 2 KMR, stick with the stage one KMR for all feedings,even as the kitten gets older. Warm up a cotton ball and gently hold it to the anus, barely move the soaked cotton ball around . Try for several minutes. Sometimes it takes awhile to get a bowel movement. Usually thinning the food will get a BM…make sure that you are keeping the kitten warm also with a warm water bottle or heat pad (just don’t put the heat pad directly on the kitten) .GOOD LUCK!!!
Cherish Yuppa UPDATE: we are on day 8.. problem seems to have resolved. Thank you so much for everyone’s help!
I noticed the swelling 2 days ago. It is between the one eye and upper jaw / cheek. She is 10 years old with no previous medical history. She is not exhibiting any other unusual behaviour. Her appetite is as usual. No discharge of fluid in the eye or mouth. No signs of lesions or wounds. Gums are pink. I am able to touch the area and she does not seem to be in pain. It feels hard like a stiff muscle.
Ehrhard Visser Thank you SO much!!! It appeared quite suddenly…when I left the house that morning she was still fine, when I returned about 5 hours later I noticed the swelling. I honestly hope its not cancer 🙁
My vet will only be available tomorrow morning… will it be fine to wait till then?
My dog was attacked today by a neighbour dog. She had a nasty looking tooth mark in her side and was clearly in pain, so we rushed her to the vet. After examining her and stitching her up, the vet told us that the wound was already showing signs of infection and had been there at least 2 days. He insinuated that we were lying about the time of the attack and refused to discuss any other reasons for the infection. He put a drain in the wound and gave us antibiotics, but now I’m really worried that something else could be wrong with her. We weren’t lying! The attack really did happen only a few hours before and I noticed a mucousy discharge only minutes after the attack. Can infection set in that quickly? She was in good health and had no known wounds before today.
My dog was attacked today by a neoghbour dog. She had a nasy looking tooth mark in her side and was clearly in lain, so we rushed her to the vet. After wxamining her and stitching her up, the vet told us that the wound was already showing signs of infection and had been there at least 2 days. He insinuated that we were lying about thw time of the attack and refused to discuss any other reasons for the infection. He put a drain in the wound and gave us antibiotics, but now I’m really worried that something else could be wrong with her. We weren’t lying! The attack really did happen only a few hours before and I noticed a mucousy discharge only minutes after the attack. Can infection set in that quickly? She was in good health and had no known wounds before today.
I’m 27 and have had my dog since college. He’s a 6-year-old male Cockapoo who I adore, and who is normally in great health (besides the occasional ear infection). I take him on an hour and half walk daily, feed him a potato and duck based diet, and make every attempt to give him the best care possible (regular vet check-up, shots, etc).
A couple months ago I realized he was frequently squatting to pee, but nothing comes out. He urinates normally when first let out, but then makes a ton of other squats, prolonged squats, where nothing or just a few drops comes out. At times, its almost impossible to walk at all as he will continue to squats over and over again for 30 minutes. He hasn’t had any incontinence or more than normal desire to go outside (except for every now and then, when he’ll go out, pee once, then keep squatting over and over again and want to go out soon after- but that’s not daily). However, I woke up this morning to a couple drops of blood on the carpet, which I can only assume were from his many attempts. Previously, there has been no presence of blood in his urine.
I’ve been to the vet SEVERAL times, and spent the majority of my savings and money trying to figure out what’s wrong (even with vet insurance, I’ve spent almost all I have). He has had a cystoscopy (camera inserted) to check for urethral cancer (none), full abdominal ultrasound, plenty of x-rays and blood tests done. They have ruled out bladder cancer, his blood work is normal, and the x-rays show nothing except a slightly enlarged liver (though since blood work is normal so they think the was born with it). They have ruled out a UTI, bladder stones, and just about everything else you can think of that would seem obvious. The only abnormalities are really the dysuria, mildly protruding abdomen, the appearance of a layer of fluid on the outside of his bladder, and some abnormal bacteria.
Please help. I can’t afford much more and I really love my dog.
General information about Jackson included in the attached images.
If the ear is that bad you need to see a vet for medication.