Time, they will learn to coexist with each other.
They may not be best friend but they will be able to be in the same room ect and tolerant each other.
Can an indoor only cat catch a cold if he hasn’t been around other cats? We have 4 cats and we did move about a month ago. One of the cats has been sneezing, coughing, lethargic, and has a fever. How could he have caught a virus if he was in his carrier the whole trip, has never been outside, and only has been around my other three cats his whole life? (he’s about a year and a half old). At what point should I bring him to the vet? He ate some wet food tonight and is still happy to get snuggles, but he’s not himself. Will it just clear up on its own? Thank you!
He has developed many scabs. Some look like a big pimple, while other crusting has developed in lines on skin. He, for the most part, will let me clean the wounds and try to ease his issue. His skin is hot to touch. Just in the past few days Ziggy has developed vision and hearing problems. Both eyes have a thick, yellowish “boogie”. He is very lethargic recently as well. Ziggy isn’t yelping,crying,or verbal in any way showing he is in great pain.
I have 3 cats, 2 dogs and a small house with no mud room, basement, hallways, separating doors, or dog or cat proof room. Yes, I know it wasn’t very good planning on my part. I am married and my husband goes to work, while I stay home.
I am a novice dog owner and even more novice at keeping cats as well. My bull breed mix is 80-100 pounds and is almost 2, and my rat terrier chihuahua mix is 9 months. Two of the cats are almost 2, and the senior one is 12.
I need help because it is icy and snowing with snow on the ground, and my dogs can no longer stay outside and wait for me to get to them. They’re unhappy inside their crates, and my eventual goal is to have them roam around the house with no issues with peeing or pooping, no issues of running around everywhere, and no issues of them bothering the cats because my husband doesn’t like it.
I can successfully keep them reasonably calm in the living room while I’m there, and I can get a glass of water or something from the kitchen if I tell them to stay. But issues of them just loose without me looking at both of them is that they will get into things and chew or eat them (stuffed pillows or other stuffed things, garbage, etc), eat cat poop, pee, or jump on the mattresses, which my husband doesn’t like.
The winter is much worse than last year, and keeping track of 5 pets is just so much. If they dogs and cats would get along somehow, I think that would help a lot. I just don’t know what to do concerning the litterbox, because my bull breed mix is very adamant about eating stuff from there unless I change it constantly. So when I let him out of his crate, I do change it, but I can’t trust him to roam around while I’m busy with something, or away. The little dog has issues with escaping her crate and peeing, and bothering the cats.
Carissa Knight -
Chris Warnock We had 3 cats and then got a dog. Get a pet gate that also has a small door in the bigger gate. Approx $60 at pet smart. Use a strap or something to hold the small door open. Depending on the size of your dog if it can fit through the small door get a bungee cord and use it to make the small door smallerUse the gate to give the cats a totally separate space to “escape” from the dog. We did this and put the litter boxes in that room, and also used that room to feed them. It will take a while for the peace and harmony your hoping for. if your cat has claws I can’t help there ours do not, but I will tell you that your sweet little cat will probably make sounds that seem to be coming from the depths of hell towards the dog ours did. Our dog learned to back down from the cats so we didn’t worry about aggression towards the cats. Good luck and remember to pay equal attention to all of them to prevent jealousy.
I used happy jack kennel stuff on my cats. I have washed it out a day later and one is having trimmer and the other is crying like she is in pat what can I do
We adopted our puppy at 4 months (according to the SPCA). He’s had a tough start to life so far medically, but he’s getting stronger and growing and being as much as a puppy as he can be (aggressive puppy strangles, still on medications). He is about 5 and a half months now and has yet to bark (sometimes he makes what sounds like small soft barks when in a deep sleep and dreaming).
Does full blown barking start at any age? I’ve read that other dogs can “teach” a dog to bark but our puppy can’t go outside yet and has not been around other dogs outside of the SPCA and vet hospital stays. I’m just curious what your experiences are, and in no rush to have a barking machine.
We live next door to another dog and she hasn’t been spayed because we own 2 female indoor dogs and they’re rarely outside unattended. She’s also very lean by nature so it’s possible I wouldn’t have noticed but her nipples are a bit saggy and there’s a hard layer in her stomach I recognize (I’ve helped other people’s dogs have puppies) but she also just came out of her heat cycle and I know it’s a possibility. But where we live, we will be kicked out immediately if we have our 2 dogs and a litter of puppies and I don’t want to lose my dog but I know she can’t be separated from the puppies and I have no idea what to do. There is no one who would take her in the meantime, as I live away from my family and just moved to a new area. I have no idea what to do.
Anonymous you can get an emergency spay done.
Ryahhna McDowell Where do you live? Try contacting local rescues to take her and the puppies in until they are weaned. If you do that type up a contract, have it notarized, and have the rescue owners sign it. The contract should state that as soon as the pups are weaned your dog will be released back into your care.
I lost my other dog a month ago who had the same symptoms and was eventually diagnosed with unidentified gastrointestinal bleeding. He was 13 years old, I gave him two blood transfusions, x-rays and ultrasounds and they couldn’t find anything. It is strange that my other dog now has similar symptoms. His bloodwork seems to be pretty okay, though.
Debbie Harris First go to a different vet get the records from the vet or tell the new vet where you took the other dog and he can request them. If it were me I’d get recommendations for vet. before choosing one. I would definitely not go to the same vet.
Dana Schumacher Thank you for the advice. I did plan on taking him back to that vet but they are an emergency specialized hospital only and do not take appointments. I was going to wait a a couple days to see if the medicine (sucralfate and metronidazole) helped him before going to emergency. He did get into the bathroom garbage and throw up some gross things (i wont go into gross details) prior to getting the melena.
What are my other options in what i can feed her. Any help much appreciated, I’ve just had a baby so with me not working in starting to worry about Molly (the dog) of I can’t afford the next load of food.
Whenever my family and I touch our 6 year old Maltese Shitzu back leg he yelps in pain? Walks with a limp and from time to time he walks on his right leg only because of it. He has no other health problems and this is very out of the blue? We went to the vet a day after it started (23rd/12th) and she thinks it’s something to do with his muscle but not 100% sure. What do you think it is and what would be the cost?
My dog is a 45 lb. German Shepherd mixed with American Terrier 7 year old suffering from something that I don’t know. This started about 4 months ago and has progressed to the point to where he constantly needs a cone on. He cobstantly agressivly licks his underbelly to the point where it has become raw and leathery.at times the area is red and swollen and others its is just leathery looking. Sometimes the area is moist and has a foul odor.recently he has started scratching his nose to the point to where he bleeds and when he is pet he favors those ares.please refer tot the pictures I have included. The vets gave him steroids and antibiotics buy that didn’t seem to help.We have also changed his food as recommended by the vet but nothing changed. the skin scrape of the area also came back negative for bacteria and mites. It sucks that I don’t know what the cause is, please help.
he needs a vet to suss out the cause of this problem and get him on the right medication to fix it.