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Pawbly | 11 years ago
Hi, Our Six Month Old Puppy Had To Wear A Cone For A Week Due…

Hi, our six month old puppy had to wear a cone for a week due to an eye injury and now one of her ears is stuck sticking up (the other one is floppy). Is there anything we can do to train her stuck ear to go back to the normal position?

Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Jana

    Hi Ashley,

    nobody is answering this one, frankly, I don’t know how you could train the ear into the right position either. I feel that with time it will settle where it belongs. I wouldn’t see this as a major problem to really worry about. Is the ear resisting being gently folder over into the right position? If so that would worry my. Otherwise I wouldn’t worry. You could probably gently fold it over when petting her.

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
I Have Two Cats And We Had An Issue With Fleas And I’ve Been Giving…

I have two cats and we had an issue with fleas and I’ve been giving them flea baths every week because I’m not allowed to give them a bath within seven days of each other they have flea callers I even gave them a droplet solution on the back of their necks now one of my cats I found three pustules yesterday on her stomach should I bring her to the vet and what could it be

2 Responses


  1. Eleanor Wood

    Hi Chelsea,

    First of all, if you’ve had a problem with fleas it is well worth getting your house treated as well as the cats – you can buy household sprays fairly cheaply over the counter at most vets, and this will stop the fleas breeding. Also, make sure that the collars and drops you’re using will work if you are also bathing your cats, as most of these products work by spreading through the natural oils in the skin, which bathing strips out.

    Regarding the pustules, if there are only three, and your cat isn’t scratching or licking at them, you shouldn’t need to take her to a vet yet, try keeping them clean and putting a tiny amount of antiseptic cream on. Remember you will need to stop her licking the cream off so you may need a lampshade collar for a few days, most pet shops should sell these.

    If she is itchy or sore with the pustules, or they don’t clear up within three or four days, then take her to the vet.

    Good luck!
    Eleanor Wood

  2. Eleanor Wood

    Hi Chelsea,

    First of all, if you’ve had a problem with fleas it is well worth getting your house treated as well as the cats – you can buy household sprays fairly cheaply over the counter at most vets, and this will stop the fleas breeding. Also, make sure that the collars and drops you’re using will work if you are also bathing your cats, as most of these products work by spreading through the natural oils in the skin, which bathing strips out.

    Regarding the pustules, if there are only three, and your cat isn’t scratching or licking at them, you shouldn’t need to take her to a vet yet, try keeping them clean and putting a tiny amount of antiseptic cream on. Remember you will need to stop her licking the cream off so you may need a lampshade collar for a few days, most pet shops should sell these.

    If she is itchy or sore with the pustules, or they don’t clear up within three or four days, then take her to the vet.

    Good luck!
    Eleanor Wood

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Pawbly | 12 years ago
I Rescue Dogs. I Am A Foster Failure. My Recent Foster Failure Is Shelby. I…

I rescue dogs. I am a foster failure. My recent foster failure is Shelby. I have had her for a year now. She is a border collie mix who was rescued at 1 1/2 years old at 7 lbs. (should have been 25 lbs.) with no shelter, no food or water, and on a chain. Couple of things that bother me and what I think attributes it. I want to get your opinion.

First, she licks constantly. If she can’t make contact, she licks the air. I attribute this to anxiety from her past. She has no reason to be anxious since being with me, she is treated like a queen !!

In public and around other people/strangers, she squats a lot. I have checked her for urinary tract infections….all negative. I, once again, attribute this to anxiety.

She constantly tries to herd everything. I know its in her blood lines but she never stops. She has an older brother she herds and she even herds me. ?? How do I correct the behavior with me ??

Lately I have noticed her humping stuffed animals in the house. I assume to establish dominance. I find this weird for a female dog. How do I correct this behavior ??

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello Ed!

    Thank you for your question but THANK YOU even more for being a foster parent to Shelby. Without people like you countless pets would never get a second chance at finding someone to love.

    I hope that you can understand how grateful I am for your kindness, care, compassion, and generosity. Please don’t ever underestimate how special a person you are for giving your time, attention and home to a pet in need. You are not a failure!! You are just being challenged..and what’s worth achieving is only gained through challenges. So don’t give up and don’t beat yourself up..I will help, and I know of an army of people who have insights, experience, and ability to help you and your puppy. Best yet, Pawbly has a world of people to jump on board and be your support staff, your cheering squad, and even your safety net..

    OK, here’s where I would start. It sounds like you have done some medical work-up, but if you haven’t done a complete physical exam, especially with a veterinarian who either focuses on behavior and/or neurology this is a very good place to start.

    Secondly, I think it is very important to talk about this breed. Border Collies are very very (like THE MOST very) active dogs. They need constant exercise and a serious job.

    I agree that the licking might very well be anxiety (if the mouth is clean, the physical exam,blood work, and all other diagnostics are normal), a veterinarian or behaviorist can help diagnose this. The squatting, humping, and maybe even the herding are all examples of exerting or claiming dominance. They all could be anxiety, or magnified by anxiety also.

    I think that you are providing a loving, caring, and compassionate home to Shelby, but I do think that you and Shelby might need some help in figuring out what needs Shelby has that you might be able to resolve and also help her deal with her anxiety.

    As a last note I want to add that ten years ago very few of us vets ever thought about prescribing anti-depressants to dogs. I have changed my tune over the last five years. I now urge my clients to consider using this when we have a pet who seems to be struggling to be calm and happy. They are relatively inexpensive and I promise you I have seen miraculous results in some dogs. All of the clients I spoke to about trying this drug were very very skeptical, but ALL of them have come back to me saying that their pet is so much happier. I am not suggesting that this be the answer for Shelby but it might be a discussion to have with your vet along with a behavior plan.

    Try to find a behaviorist that is local, reliable, and works with a veterinarian. They are incredible resources and can help immensely.

    I hope this helps, and I thank you again for your question and your helping Shelby.

    Please don’t hesitate to ask me for any additional information, or to find me at the clinic.

    Have a wonderful weekend..go out and play some fetch, and see if Shelby is calmer afterward.

    Best of Luck and warmest of wishes,


    Krista Magnifico, DVM
    Owner Jarrettsville Veterinary Center
    Jarrettsville, MD

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Gary Thomas | 12 years ago
I Have A Feral Cat That Has Given Birth To 5 Kittens In A Old…

I have a feral cat that has given birth to 5 kittens in a old shed out back. This was 5 or 6 weeks ago.

There was another cat that is much more tame that also gave birth to 4 kittens in our yard leaves. These kittens and the mother were brought inside about 1 – 2 weeks old. They were exposed to people and are pretty tame. The mother comes in and out by the cat window. We did this so that we could possibly find homes for them.

We would also like to do the same with the other 5 kittens but the mother is very feral. The 2 mother cats I believe were from the same litter and live in the woods out back.

The cats in the back began to escape and wonder. 2 were abandoned and we thought we would try to incorporate them with the other litter. It was easy and we have made sure the other mother is not overwhelmed. They immediately began to eat solid moistened kitten food. They are a little older then the others. They are all now very friendly with humans and again hoping to find them homes. They are all in a childs play pen, modified, doing well and all beginning to try solid food. Mother is still coming in to check them and feed them. Sometimes we have to remove the 2 "outside" cats so that the mother is not overwhelmed and the cats not really eating solid food have milk, the "outside" cats are at least a week older and stronger.

So.. We happened to come across the other 3 kittens under a palate of landscaping stone. The mother was still around and had not abandoned them like we had thought.

We moved them back into the sheltered shed. They hissed a lot but once we were handling them they were ok. We have been going out there and holding them whenever the mother is not around cause she gets bent out of shape and attacks us.

We would like to remove the kittens in the shed and put them in a crate to acclimate them to humans in hope of finding them homes. They are all very beautiful and unique kittens. So we have a separate crate for these cats and I am pretty sure they have learned to eat solid food cause the other 2 from this took to it and had learned. We did not want to put all 9 kittens in the same pen now cause we did not want to overwhelm the one mother, what are your thoughts? Should we put them in a crate where the mother cant get to them and feed them food an water, making sure they do eat?

Any thoughts?

Also, we would like to trap and get this feral mother fixed so there are no more kittens from her, any thoughts about how we should do this or a place that could do this inexpensively? When can we do this? Did not want to do it while she was nursing.
Same goes with the other mother cat. When can we get her fixed, how old should her kittens be and when can we give them away?

I live in Delta PA area.

Thank you

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello Gary,

    Thank you for your question, and thank you for being so proactive and compassionate to these kitties.

    I think that in general you have a very good plan and it sounds like you are doing everything just as I would recommend. I think that 9 kittens is too much for one mom if they are all nursing (it sounds like they are not though). A mom that has too many kittens nursing can get hypocalcemia (we call it eclampsia). This can be life threatening.

    By 4 weeks old the kittens should be able to be transitioned to kitten food. I would recommend leaving dry kitten food, wet kitten food, or softened dry food with kitten formula out every 4 hours. If the kittens continue to nurse I would start to rotate them so they have more individual time with you and a better ability to be encouraged to eat.

    We estimate the age of kittens by one pound per month of age up to about 7 months old. A one pound kitten is about 4 weeks old.

    If a kitten is not socialized and tamed by about 6 to 8 weeks old it gets increasingly more difficult. Spend as much time and attention that you can with them before this age.

    Please be warned that unvaccinated cats and kittens can carry rabies. It can be deadly to them and to you.

    I would also recommend that you contact your veterinarian and any local rescue groups for help in humanely trapping, spaying, vaccinating, de-worming, feline leukemia and feline immuno-deficiency testing, and microchipping. Many of the non-profits or rescues have low cost options for these.

    I have included information about some local groups below.

    Of course, if you would like to talk to me, or anyone else at Jarrettsville Vet about any of this you can find me at the link below.

    For help on affordable pet care;

    Alley Cat Allies;

    Animal Rescue in New Freedom Pa;

    Krista Magnifico, DVM
    Owner Jarrettsville Veterinary Center
    Jarrettsville, MD

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Jana | 12 years ago
What Are You Reading From This Urinalysis?

collected Sample Via Free Flow @ 7:00am
Odor: Urinoid
Color: Yellow

What are you reading from this urinalysis?

collected sample via Free Flow @ 7:00am
Odor: Urinoid
Color: Yellow
Clarity: Clear

Leukocytes: 1+
Nitrite: Positive
pH: 6 pH
Protein: 2+
Glucose: Negative
Ketones: Negative
Urobilinogen: Negative
Bilirubin: Negative
Blood: 3+

Specific Gravity: 1.024
WBC: 1-2 per HPF.
RBC: 3-4 per HPF.
Bacteria: None seen
Casts: None seen
Epithelial cells: 2 per HPF.
Crystals: None seen
Other: Granular debris 1+

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    Well, let’s see..

    I in general do not use the stick information for too much other than the glucose, ketones, bilirubin, and pH. The rest of the info is far more accurate if read under the microscope.

    I want to see white blood cells, red blood cells, and bacteria, casts, cells on the urine sediment under the microscope, and not read it on the stick.

    By the numbers listed above there the RBCs (red blood cells) and the WBCs (white blood cells) are within normal ranges.

    But the specific gravity is a little lower than it should be. Especially if it is a first morning sample (it says 7 am, so I am guessing it is). The specific gravity is highest in the first morning sample because the urine is the most concentrated then.

    In general we want dogs specific gravity to be 1.030 or greater. If you get serial first morning samples of less than 1.030 ( I would recommend taking it again over the next few mornings to check the specific gravity), then I would check a full blood work, to look for any signs of renal impairment/insufficiency.

    I don’t usually put too much weight on the stick, but if the stick says 3+ blood, check the sediment over the next few days also.

    Other diagnostics to consider for any urinary issues are ultrasound, radiographs, and urine cultures.

    I hope that this helps.

    Thanks Jana for your question..

    Best wishes to you and Jasmine.

    Krista Magnifico, DVM
    Owner Jarrettsville Veterinary Center
    Jarrettsville, MD

  2. Jana Post author

    Our vet says it indicates possible infection, so we’re going on from that. Yes, it was an early morning sample, but she goes outside at night also; recently she started the habit of going to poop around 3AM so she pees then as well.

    Her symptoms are very ambiguous, I had the urinalysis done really on a feeling.

  3. Jana Post author

    Urinalysis yesterday; seems issue has resolved. Specific gravity not as high as she typically has but 1.038. Rest is clean. So it looks like it was just UTI after all. Best disguised UTI I could imagine.