This is a tough one because we don’t have a direction to go in
Here’s my advice. First weigh him everyday. We need to be sure he is not losing weight. Next try a canned only food. I like science diet I/d. (As in intestinal diet). Available at your vets office. Ideally feed small meals every 3-4 hours as long as he is not vomiting. Next make sure a full cbc chemistry fecal (very important to do a fecal) and urine is done. Then full X-rays. If I am still worried I send the X-rays to a radiologist for review and then do an ultrasound. If possible find a feline only veterinarian to get a second opinion. Then I call for an internal medicine consult via my lab services company. All of these are things you should (hopefully) have access to before you go to an internal medicine specialist.
The issue with your cat seems to be the hat you do not have a diagnosis for the cause of the vomiting. All of the above should help you get to one.
I hope this helps. Please keep me posted.
I’m sorry to hear about your cat.
I’m also sorry to say that I don’t have a ct scan. Further I feel it is very unlikely that older cats get polyps. In my experience the older cats get tumors. The you see ones get polyps.
I hope you find help.
Best of luck