Thanks for being such a kind parent and for all of the nice things you commented on. I think that some of the morning stuff is normal and that the pain has been unmedicated overnight sonit often takes a little while after the morning meds to see them relax and feel better. I think asking about acupuncture is a better place to start than chiropractic help. By massage is also beneficial. Also aquatherapy when she feels stronger might also help her recovery. You can also ask about laser therapy. I hope this helps. Very best of luck.
I just got an 8 week old puppy. I just picked him up today and took him to meet my other dogs he started acting aggressive he started growling and snapping at them. How do but an end to this aggressive behaviour before it turns into a problem?
8 year old Shih-tzu Maltese diagnosed with a bulging disc 🙁
Hi, thank you for making all of the videos on youtube. I have found them very helpful with my little guy Benson…it’s nice to see a vet that goes the extra mile for their patients. Our vet clinic is also caring and affordable as well, which is hard to find these days.
Benson is a miracle dog. He has already survived a grade 2 mast cell inguinal tumor so Cornell and our local vet love him and call him their miracle dog (this was 2.5 years ago)
Now for his most recent issue which is why I’m writing; For a week, he was dragging his front left paw. We took him to our vet (on Monday, March 19th) and she diagnosed him with arthritis….things got worse throughout the week to the point where he would knuckle his front left paw. Our vet had only told us to limit his activity and no jumping so we didn’t restrict him to a crate. By Sunday morning (March 25th) (and he was on 5mg of prednisone since Monday) his back left paw was now knuckling and he was getting worse to the point where he could barely stand up.
We took him back to the vet and they did x-rays and found a bulging disc right around his shoulder blades. He has been on 10mg of prednisone, Methocarbamol, gabapentin and in a crate 24/7 ever since Sunday the 25th. Luckily, he is really only affected on his left side of his body.
We are seeing a little bit of improvement at times and at other times, he is still just as bad as he was on Sunday.
He has never lost the ability to pee or defecate (thankfully) annnnd Benny loves to eat (or drink) so that will never be an issue haha…
However what worries me is the fact that he is ALWAYS as stiff as a board in the morning when we get up or when he gets stressed/excited. It’s as if he re-injures himself because he can’t walk and can barely stand. It takes him at least an hour to recover, stop panting and then relax again until it seems like he is not in pain anymore….
Is there anything we can do to prevent the “morning/excited episodes” or is it all just part of the process? I thought the muscle relaxer would help but it isn’t. I have even gone so far as to put signs on our front door asking visitors to not knock or ring the doorbell.
Last question-do you have an opinion about a dog chiropractor?
Any advice you could give, we would appreciate! We love our little guy-he has such a personality and adds so much fun to our lives.
Thanks so much,
Megan and Missy
I have 5 cats and 2 dogs. All of our pets area rescues. We just took in our second rescue dog. She is 7 mths old and is terrorizing the cats. I need some advice on how to have a happier home with all the pets. The cats are indoor/outdoor but spend most of their time outside. 3 of the cats tolerate the new dog the other 2 won’t come near her. I did the proper introductions, I’ve given the cats a “safe space” but nothing seems to help the last 2 cats. The biggest problem is that the new dog likes to chase the cats. She is a small dog, smaller than the cats. She doesn’t nip at them or try to bite them, she’s just curious and wants to play with them. All of my cats love my other dog who is 11 years old. They were raised with him, sleep with him and play with him. I’m sure the chasing and the spontaneity of the new dog freaks out the cats because they are nor used to that. I am at my wits end trying to figure this out. Countless hours of research has not helped at all. I am not giving up not am I giving any of my pets away, as has been suggested. I know this can work out, I just need help. Or just possible reassurance that my cats won’t be permanently scarred and things will work out as time passes. My anxiety level is at an all time high and everyone tells me just leave them alone and let them work it out. I don’t think I can do that. HELP!!
The cat i recently adopted has started meowing in the middle of the night and wandering around my room. I always check that he has both food and water as well as accessibility to his litter box. I also make sure to leave my door open so that he has freedom to come and go. Ive had him for 3 weeks and he has just started doing this. Anyone have any ideas? I read that it might be because he is bored through out the day but.. ive bought him every type of toy imaginable and he has free roam of the house.. so im not sure what more i can do to tire him out for bedtime. The meow isnt normal is a low bellowy noise. Reminds me of the meow my previous cat did when our other cat died..
My new cat (have had for 3 weeks) and resident cat refuse to tolerate each other. I brought Louie home with the knowledge that they might never like each other but they would at least learn to tolerate. The first week seemed to go pretty well because when we let Louie roam and get a feel for the house Mia avoided him… but now… things seem to be getting aggressive. It doesnt matter where Louie goes or what hes doing (even just sleeping) Mia wants to attack him. Granted, as soon as he sees her he starts growling… but he only started doing that after she batted at him the first time. The episodes seem to be getting more and more aggressive. I would keep him in my room but its clear he wants to roam. And i find it unfair to lock her in a room after 6 years of letting her roam around the whole house. Before we got mia 6 years ago we had an older male cat, they got along well but he passed about 2 years ago. And according to the shelter Louie was surrendered with a sister but she was adopted without him. I need help on this one
My 9 year old Boxer had MCT (benign) surgery on her side in the Fall. Its been healed for months. Overnight a very large growth appeared at the incision site. Egg sized. Its firm and a little warm. The dog is acting normally. Is this urgent? The soonest I can get into my vet is a week from now. I explained the issue when I called the vet’s office, sent pictures and was told it’s not urgent. Perhaps they are thinking its a seroma? Is it okay to wait so long to see a vet? (I like my vet and really don’t want to be a nuisance–nor do I want my pet’s health to suffer.)
L Baker Thanks so much for the response. I do feel like my dog should be seen sooner but didn’t want my vet to think I was pushy. Thanks for the suggestion to just ask her for a referral.
L Baker So, just to update, the swelling was a very large post surgical abcess. While I was trying to find a different vet who could see me sooner than my regular vet, the abcess ruptured. My dog was in a lot of pain. I regret not being more persistent with my own vet. When I called and told my regular vet about the rupture, I then got in on an urgent basis. Next time I’ll know to just be a pushy nuisance when I think something is really wrong. I am just sorry I made my dog suffer. (She is now on antibiotics, warm compresses etc and seems to be getting better. Fingers crossed.) Thanks again Dr. Magnifico for the advice.
I just adopted an 8 year old cat about 2 weeks ago, he seemed to be doing well at first and he seemed very comfortable. I moved the temporary litter box that i had for him in my room near the litter box that my other cat uses. He knew where i put it as he had followed me down there and sniffed both. However, this morning i woke up to find that he pooped in the cat bed that i had in my room. As i left for work i decided i would bring the litter box up to prevent any further accidents. As soon as i sat it down he used it. Im not sure i understand where the disconnect is since he knew where i put it to begin with. I cant keep this litter box in my room forever, so im wondering if anyone has any ideas for transitioning the litter box to the normal space
i have an amstaf,last night he get into a fight with other mixbreed giant mastiff,and now his stools are dark red,but no signs of diarrhea , he’s not eating at all.
what i have to do…..?
Hi looking for some advice. I have contacted almost every source of Google and rescues possible. I am a single mom with an 8 year old son. Recently we had to put our cat down. He was older than my son. On top of that, my son has not heard from his father in 2 years. He is having a hard time and really wants a kitten. I don’t know if they have any programs to help with long term care for people with disabilities. . therapy animals maybe? I have also spoken to some shelters offering to volunteer in turn for help with the new kitten. So we are both helping each other. It seems that the shelters are over crowded with animals looking for loving homes and I can definitely give that!! I am not sure about my financial future as a new single mom and want to be safe.. not making mistakes in the long run. Can anyone point me in the right direction?? Thanks!!
I have a question,is there any way that a cat who has received her rabies shots,and is an indoor cat with hardly any contact ever with the outside world(at least no contact in the last month,other times was you know,just to the vet and all) Can have rabies?i’m a hypochondriac and my cat just bit me and I wanna make sure I’m Ok.
Thank you for taking the time.
You’ll need to take a step back and introduce them more slowly. You may want to enlist the help of a good trainer/behaviorist. Your vet may be able to help you find a reputable one. In the mean time, I would keep the dogs separated when you cannot be there to watch them and try to slowly introduce them under supervision a little at a time. Crates in different rooms may be a helpful idea. Good luck.
I agree with Sarah.
Most likely this is fear, not aggression. He’s been taken from the only home he knows and thrown into a household with strange dogs…anyone, human or animal, would be overstressed. Introductions need to be slow and gradual, with protection of every dog in the situation as your main priority. You really, really need to contact a good trainer who can work with you AND your dogs.