As you’ve already had experience with a cat and know the cost and care that ar associated with it, perhaps adopting an adult cat instead of a kitten would be better? At local shelters you can usually see the cats and play/interact with them. That way you can also get a sense of the personality… plus it’s already litter trained, had its shots and is probably spayed/neutered too.
i have an amstaf,last night he get into a fight with other mixbreed giant mastiff,and now his stools are dark red,but no signs of diarrhea , he’s not eating at all.
what i have to do…..?
Hi looking for some advice. I have contacted almost every source of Google and rescues possible. I am a single mom with an 8 year old son. Recently we had to put our cat down. He was older than my son. On top of that, my son has not heard from his father in 2 years. He is having a hard time and really wants a kitten. I don’t know if they have any programs to help with long term care for people with disabilities. . therapy animals maybe? I have also spoken to some shelters offering to volunteer in turn for help with the new kitten. So we are both helping each other. It seems that the shelters are over crowded with animals looking for loving homes and I can definitely give that!! I am not sure about my financial future as a new single mom and want to be safe.. not making mistakes in the long run. Can anyone point me in the right direction?? Thanks!!
I have a question,is there any way that a cat who has received her rabies shots,and is an indoor cat with hardly any contact ever with the outside world(at least no contact in the last month,other times was you know,just to the vet and all) Can have rabies?i’m a hypochondriac and my cat just bit me and I wanna make sure I’m Ok.
Thank you for taking the time.
Our 8-9 month old cat is a stray adoption from the humane society, but he is a total pig! You would think he is starving all the time. We have another cat in the house, but if he’s not at his dish during feeding time Jimmy will eat his own food and the other cat’s food. I have tried feeding him several smaller meals throughout the day or a large one in the morning, but nothing seems to satisfy him. He is on his way to being too fat. Any suggestions for satisfying his appetite or giving me some peace with his constant begging?
Starr Henry I often rescue strays and it seems the longer they’ve been on the street the more likely it is they do this. Most likely because they are used to not knowing when the next meal is coming from and when it’s coming. I have one cat that will beg for anything with pasta sauce on it. You just have to try to show them they will have food all the time it might be easier because he’s young but there’s really no telling how a cat will delve lip with time.
I got my five-month-old male cat neutered two days ago, and everything looked fine until this morning when I noticed a small red swelling. I’m not sure if I should be concerned, or just keep an eye on it.
I’m an expat in a country with literally one licensed vet, and thus she’s very busy all the time and it’s hard to get into contact with her to ask questions. I’ve attached a photo; it’s not great, but it gives the idea.
Other than that, he seems to have mostly regained his appetite, and he’s back to being his affectionate self.
Elizabeth Buller Thank you for your response! I left a message for her several hours ago, so hopefully she will see it and respond. I’m keeping a close eye on him and other than the redness he seems fine and is acting normal.
Thank you for your time. 🙂 I’d rather be safe than sorry, so getting a second opinion helps (and hopefully I’ll get a third from my vet).
Is this unkind? My neighbor moved and abandoned their two cats last winter. They had an outdoor house there for the cats and kept them outside. By the time my husband and I discovered them it was dead of winter and they were starving. We bought them a heated outdoor house, fed them top quality food and took them to the vet. He believes they are 6 and 10 years old. After minor tooth surgery on one, they started to thrive and now they’re healthy, well fed and spoiled! They have obviously had homes in the past. I already have a dog and two indoor cats. I really don’t want them outside in the rain and cold this winter, so I want to bring them in but seperate them in our finished large basement. They try to come in all the time. We don’t spend much time down there but I don’t want to add two more animals to the rest of the crew upstairs. I know it sounds silly, but is it mean to keep them separate in the basement or should I try to incorporate them in the whole house? I will let them in and out if they like. I just want to do the right thing for these poor babies and the indoor animals too. I’m probably overreacting and their life will be better regardless, but would love opinions from other animal lovers.
My cat was hit by a car and broke her pelvis. The vet suggested surgery which is very expensive. Is surgery the only way to treat her? or is there any other alternative? So far she can urinate on her own but having problem pooping. I think she’s in pain. The vet prescribed Tramadol and lactulose for her. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Hi pawbly friends-
I was just walking my dogs and we came across a crow. It is somehow injured, though I don’t really know what is wrong with it, other than it seems unable to fly. It flaps both wings, and can run away from us. I put the boys in a sir stay, and scooped the bird up carefully. He/she is resting in a paper- lined box on my front porch at the moment as I am really not sure at all what to do.
A month ago we went out of town and left our dog in the care of friend but when we came back our dog seemed lethargic and in pain. We took him to the vet who stated that our dog had hip dysplasia and he could go back to normal activity, (just not sprinting) and here is arthritis medication, but when his pain got worse and walking became difficult, we got an appointment to see a surgeon to have a hip replacement. The surgeon stated we would have to get an appointment to get an MRI because he stated that there is a problem with our dog’s spine because of the ataxia and pain. This came as a shock because of what we were told previously but that now we have to some how get the dog to an MRI specialist in the next coming days and handed us a 30 day supply of dog opiate. His diagnosis was never given but taking into account what was said to us that it may be IVDD. Is there something we could do that may make him more comfortable. I have read that he should only be restricted to a crate and let out to bathroom on a leash. Our vets on the other hand say he would be fine for a walk? We are just wondering because we do not know when the MRI facility an hour and a half away will have an opening we can take our beloved companion to.
I rescued a 6 week old kitten who tested positive for HIV. I have done some research that states at this age test probably positive for hiv antibody but not virus. Can be tested at a later date and may be negative. My vet is not offering much hope. I have other cats. My vet states kitten can’t be around other csts however literature I have been reading states that is not true either. I need some advice on what my next steps should be.
Has a vet examined him? For infection? (I suspect every dog fight dog will get infection from the bite wounds). Has he been examined for possible internal injuries? Has he been given pain medication? I suspect these are all in order before he goes back to eating and feeling better