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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Have A 9-year-old 5 Pound Chihuahua With A Collapsed Trachea. He Has Been On…

I have a 9-year-old 5 pound chihuahua with a collapsed trachea. He has been on hydrocodone on and off for a few months now, and it does not seem to help at all, even at the maximum dosage. He was put on steroids which worked well for the first 2-3 weeks, but they stopped working all together before he was even done taking them. Is there any other medication out there that could possibly help? He is still eating, drinking, going to the bathroom etc without any issues, just a horrible constant cough that keeps him up half the night and I’m certain must be painful for him.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    My very good friends dog had excellent response and recovery with diet change, weight loss and lomotil. Please ask your vet about these. We also provided nebulizer treatment and significantly restricted exercise and stress.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Only Aggressive With Food, And Only Started To Outwardly Be Aggressive With Food This Week…

Only aggressive with food, and only started to outwardly be aggressive with food this week. Other than that they get along fine.
My German Shepard is gentle with humans, this aggression is only towards my other dog. ( I can hand feed my german, she sits and only eats when I tell her to.) My peke is not showing aggression or challenging my german.

10 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I would immediately change your feeding schedule.  Feed in separate rooms through whelping and until the litter has been sold.  GSDs are known for moderate same sex aggression…throwing pregnancy into that mix increases that instinct.

    Your breed mentor should have told you this.

  2. Anna Soparno

    This was definitely an unplanned pregnancy, I had only had her for a week or two before she went into heat (She only just turned a year in July.) And we are new to the area so ironically there is a male Shepard down the road who did as he pleased while Danu (my Shepard,) was tied up. I did not know they are known for moderate same sex aggression so that is very helpful. I am having low confidence lately concerning whether or not Danu is a good fit for our home and if this can be broken even after the litter is gone.

  3. Anonymous

    SSA is temperament, not training. It *cannot* be trained out. She may go back to “normal” once the puppies are gone…or she may not. Give her time, at least, to get the hormones out of her system before you decide to rehome her again.

    If you do, please go through a German Shepherd rescue to get her placed. This will ensure she goes to an appropriate, experienced GSD home.

  4. Anna Soparno

    There seems to only be aggression when food is involved, not toys or anything like that, but I can tell my first dog, Ladybird, the Peke mix, is not relaxed at all. So in theory, if Danu was male we would not be having this issue?

  5. Anna Soparno

    also, danu is not fully German Shepard, she has rottie in her as well, don’t know if this makes any a difference, and her original house hold Danu had to fight with many other dogs in a small home, not have access to food and water for weeks, it was bad living conditions.

  6. Anonymous

    Well, like I said, she *may* go back to normal afterward. Regardless, do NOT allow them to eat in the same room.

    It sounds like Danu has a lot of issues. If I may ask, why didn’t you terminate the pregnancy early?

  7. Anna Soparno

    Danu, despite her original environment has come a long way since when we first got her, and it has only been up to this week has she shown such aggression. So its really taken me aback, because this is not her, I would not allow a dog into my home that would cause hazard to my animals. I did not terminate the pregnancy early because quite frankly, we did not know FOR SURE she was pregnant. She was not showing normal symptoms or signs.

  8. Anna Soparno

    and right now, they are both sleeping, no issues, previously Danu licked ladybird in good gesture, so I know the trigger is food.

  9. Anonymous


    Well, hormones make everyone do crazy things, including our dogs. I think, once the puppies have been rehomed (please use a rescue to help you with that, to ensure they end up in appropriate homes), get her in an obedience class. It’s impossible to say just how she’ll behave once she’s no longer nursing and is spayed, you know?

  10. Anna Soparno

    Absolutely, I just want to make sure I am taking the necessary steps to create a harmonious environment. I have never dealt with pregnancy in dogs, it was certainly not something I was looking forward to, but I guess the perfect storm occurred. I do appreciate you talking with me for I was freaking out this morning, I just hope things go well, and I will make sure the pups are in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing and are qualified.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Amish Friend Down The Street Has A Working Dog That Tends To Her Other…

My Amish friend down the street has a working dog that tends to her other animals (herding sheep, horses, etc.) so he is an outdoor farm dog. (a sheltie/aussie mix). The dog is well loved and cared for but even after giving him a bath today, the poor animal still has little bugs (like fruit flies but a little bigger) swarming and flying all over him, especially his face area. I mean, like about 50-75 or so of them! It’s crazy. She just thought he needed a bath and that’s why they were there, but even after the bath they were there. I have never encountered anything like that before. Anyone help explain and give some ideas on how to get rid of them for this poor pup 🙁

3 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    This is normal in PA to a degree. The dog’s diet contributes to its attractiveness to flies more than any thing. I would check for ear infection(s) or bad teeth.  Other than that all that can be done is to apply a repellant to the dog – and I would use a natural one that can be found at an Agway or other farm store.  These repellents contain a mix of essential oils like cedar or peppermint, etc.

  2. AnneMarie Battis

    Thank you. I agree – unfortunately with their culture it will fall on deaf ears, I am just trying to do my best to help the pup. I was the one that gave him the bath, etc. Perhaps I can have her make a mask and meanwhile I will play around with some of my essential oils to create a repellant blend that will work and that the dog would be tolerant with. Thanks so much Krista and PK

  3. AnneMarie Battis

    PK….I normally use water in my essential oil blends for animals but seeing as the bugs are attracted to water, do you think I should use a carrier oil instead?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
This Is My 6 1/2 Month Old Blue Heeler. I’m Worried He Might Have Something…

This is my 6 1/2 month old blue heeler. I’m worried he might have something wrong with his, i could be over reacting but if i dont check i’ll feel pretty guilty. Not the best pictures but basically his right eye (our left) has a few differences than the other. You can always see his sclera in that one eye. The bottom eye lid seems droop ever so slightly lower, when he looks up at you it drifts a little bit to the wrong direction almost like a lazy eye but not severe. It also appears to be a little further set back than the other eye and when u pull his eye lid down he has a curved black mark coming off the colored part of his eye and redness. I took many other pictures but just realized you can only upload one?
Not sure if this also has something to do with it but he is very itchy all the time. No fleas at all no hot spots. Was started on prednisone which worked on 2 pills a day but as soon as he was down to 1 a day hes back to itchy all over and rubbing his eyes.
He also had an overbite which maybe is affecting the face where his eye is? Not sure.

2 Responses


  1. amooshroom .

    Everytime i tried adding a picture it said error

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi I Have A Pitt Bull Female That Had Been In A Fight With Our…

Hi I have a pitt bull female that had been in a fight with our other pitt bull female had to take her to the vet she gave us antibiotics gave her a ivy and a shot to bring her fever down that was about three weeks ago then she was better she yesterday has been in another fight left leg just bitten up but elbow wide open in places we did everything the vet told us to and gave her antibiotics again yesterday so she doesn’t get a infection but her leg is swollen today is that okay I took her temp she doesn’t have one and she is eating and drinking

8 Responses


  1. Brittany sullivan

    I just need some advice help n e thing..

  2. Andrea Cox

    Advice is to get this animal the hell away from any other animal for a very long time. You are the responsible party here and you managed to get your injured dog in another fight!  

  3. Brittany sullivan

    No it’s my brothers dog and my dog it’s mom and daughter

  4. Brittany sullivan

    I am asking for dog owners no I did not manage to let them get in a fight they got in a fight cause randomly they don’t get along

  5. Sarah

    My advice would be to get to the vet asap again. Then keep the dogs separated at all costs. If that means revoking one, the. So be it. I would also consider dog training and a behaviorist for both your sake and the sake of the dog. This is a very serious situation and you need to treat it as such. You need to be extremely responsible and diligent about this. If you can’t live this dog like a family member, the. Find her a home where they can. She looks to you as her pack leader- safety is included in that description. Pleas see the vet and find a trainer and a behaviorist. Please.

  6. PK Dennis

    Take her back to the vet to make sure she is getting enough meds, etc.

    Females will fight to the death. It is your responsibility to make sure these dogs NEVER have an opportunity to fight again.

  7. Anonymous

    And why are you allowing them to coexist? You should be crating and rotating which dog is out at any given time. It is YOURS and your brother’s job to prevent this from happening.

  8. PK Dennis

    I have to point out that there is NOTHING RANDOM about why and when dogs fight. You are just not experienced enough to spot what is setting these 2 off. Are they both spayed? Do it if the answer is no. Until you can get a behaviorist in to spot the problem, and train YOU and your family in how to fix it you have to keep these girls apart. If you can’t afford a behaviorist that will come to your home to work with you then you have to find a new home for one of these dogs. Seriously.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Kitten Is 5 Weeks Old And Is Very Weak And Has No Energy Like…

My kitten is 5 weeks old and is very weak and has no energy like the other 3 kittens i tbink she is dying please help

1 Response


  1. Frankie Delise

    Taking to vet immediately would be a really good idea

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
9 Year Bichon Poodle Who Had Low Platelets In May 37.5. Prednisone For 10…

9 year bichon poodle who had low platelets in May 37.5. prednisone for 10 days platelets went up to 170. Off the medication for 2 weeks levels 143. We did not keep her on prednisone. Does homeopathic medicine affect platelets? Yesterdy blood test was at 90. Will she have to be on predinisone everyday for the rest of her life? She is acting normally other than that.

0 Responses
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Eva Hanley | 9 years ago
I Try To Feed My Cats Tuna/seafood Flavored Wet Foods As Sparingly As Possible, But…

I try to feed my cats tuna/seafood flavored wet foods as sparingly as possible, but Sebastian is becoming picky to the point where he will only eat his dry food (Nutro high-protein) or tuna (Blue Buffalo gourmet) or a now discontinued shrimp/chicken/duck combo (Wellness). He will eat some chicken canned foods from those brands, but not always and not much of it. Is it unhealthy for him to have tuna about 4 times a week? He gets 1 3oz can a day, split into 2 servings and about 1/4c of dry food.

I’ve tried mixing a small amount of other food in with the tuna but then he refuses to eat any of it.

1 Response


  1. debra yuhasz

    I was taught, too many years ago, that a seafood heavy diet it not good for male cats. Can cause kidney problems. I have four male cats and I take it very easy on the seafood. Asher is very picky, but when he gets hungry enough he will eat. We’ve had several stand-off’s over canned food. I give him 20 minutes to start eating a new food. Then I take it away and put it out again at the next feeding time. I leave dry food out all the time. Canned is once a day at 8 p.m. He constantly tries to convince me that he’s starving at 7 p.m. and the new food is no good. He’ll even knock the dish on the floor. So far he’s letting me win.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Dog Has Knots On Skin. Some Look Like Normal Skin Color, Others Looks Ozzie White…

Dog has knots on skin. Some look like normal skin color, others looks Ozzie white and other look lik dry blood.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Has Excessive Licking And Oozing Sores. He Is Not Itching And None Of…

My dog has excessive licking and oozing sores. He is not itching and none of the other dogs have it

1 Response


  1. Autumn

    I apologize for the response being so late, but we hope everything was able to be diagnosed and treated. Sounds like this could’ve been an allergy to something or a possible flare up causing hot spots.
    Please let us know if there is anymore questions/concerns we may be able to help with