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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Yesterday He Kinda Cried Out When Someone Touched His One Side Of The Face…

Yesterday he kinda cried out when someone touched his one side of the face! But we checked no marks or cuts. Well he seemed ok after a few hours after then today he seemed really different a lot calmer didn’t wanna get out of bed his usual normal things he did during the morning wasn’t the same! He then starting to walk funny now he refuses to walk he won’t come upstairs unless he’s carried!He usually runs around when husband gets home but he stayed on the couch wouldn’t move I had to kinda help him off the couch to even go near my husband but he still didn’t act the same! Even when my son coming home from school he’s always waiting happily at the door but he just lays on the couch! Also he’s been shaking here and there! He’s eating now but wasn’t he’s drinking and peeing! He hasn’t went number two today except this morning a little! He was running around fine yesterday just minus the touching his face a few time! Other then that he was ok ! It’s scaring me. then today he seems not to be getting better, he starting crying he wont stand up. he does still use the bathroom and hes drinking!

1 Response


  1. julie brader

    Hello Carrie, there is obviously something very wrong with your dog. We can’t tell you what but he needs to see a Vet urgently.

    It could possibly be a toxin or poison the way it started on his face and has spread….though it could be something else entirely. 

    You need to take him to a Vet urgently. Someone on here mentioned Care Credit perhaps you could try them…but this is an emergency it seems your dog is getting worse and needs urgent treatment. 

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Jana | 9 years ago
Not Exactly Yay But Doesn’t Seem All Nay Either … ? No Pus And No…

Not exactly yay but doesn’t seem all nay either … ? No pus and no suspicious smell other than faint sweet smell. Stitching slowly keeps coming apart from the way it puckers when the joint bent (which unfortunately is most of the time). Pink areas I assume good = alive? What about the white and dark areas?

1 Response


  1. Jana Post author

    cyber space … ? I see the icon where it should be but it’s gone, huh?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is Allergic To The Cat And Im Just Wondering Is There Anything Else…

My dog is allergic to the cat and im just wondering is there anything else that I can do other than get rid og the cat

3 Responses


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    Hello Chelsea.  How was it determined that your dog is allergic to the cat?  I have not heard of this before.


  2. Chelsea Morgan

    We went to the vets and they said because of her having rashes and itching all off the time. Also because it is only where the cat has been near her, so she is allergic to my cat and I really dont want to get rid of my cats hes lovely and ive had him since a kitten

  3. Lisa Pfab

    I would wonder if the dog is eating cat food that he may be allergic to.

    I would think that she is allergic to food or something else.  I would make sure the dog cannot get to the cats food, or the litterbox

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have 2 Quinea Pigs One Of Each Sex Who Havent Met Yet But Are…

i have 2 quinea pigs one of each sex who havent met yet but are in cages next to each other
the male is due to have stitches out tuesday and i was going to introduce them wednesday
but they are current biting at their cage bars trying to get to each other and touching noses through the bar
should i introduce them now or how do i stop them biting the bars

1 Response


  1. julie brader

    To be honest to be on the safe side, I would separate their cages until.the male has the stitches out and is fully recovered. Then might get a bit rough when they first meet and you don’t want any stitches burst. 

    Good luck! 

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Vicky Lowdermilk | 9 years ago
Any Thing You Other Then Meds

any thing you other then meds

1 Response


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Perninsular Dragon
One Dies The Other Day

Perninsular dragon
One dies the other day

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    i don’t know much about agamid lizard species, but if she has a “strange dark spot” i’d be worried about infection or bruising.  please get her to a vet as soon as one opens in the morning.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
In Her Old Home She Was Bullied By Other Dogs So I’m Not Sure…

In her old home she was bullied by other dogs so I’m not sure what it is. It’s not fleas or ticks.

1 Response


  1. Kelly Furgason

    It sounds like a trip to your vet for an exam is in order. Lumps and other issues should be checked out by a vet. It is impossible to know for certain if lumps are skin related or from fighting without seeing your dog and knowing it’s history. If you can ask the previous owner about what is going on.
    ~good luck!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cat Has Had A Scab On Her Nose For A Couple Months. I Took…

My cat has had a scab on her nose for a couple months. I took her to the vet and he tested her for mites. Came back negative. He told me to give her 4 doses of revolution every other week to see if it would clear up. It looked like it was clearing up but today she seemed out of it (she’s a outdoor cat). I went outside and her nose was worse than ever! Scabby and super swollen. It looked like she had no nose. I took her back to the vet. She had fever of 105. I’m waiting on blood work. Since being home her nose started dripping blood and a white sack appeared and is getting bigger and bigger. Any idea what this could be? I’m so scared she’s going to die tonight :'(

1 Response


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    Aleshia that sounds awful – I am so sorry to hear this.  Could you take her to the emergency vet tonight?


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Adopted My Cat Loki More Than 2 Years Ago When He Was A Little…

I adopted my cat Loki more than 2 years ago when he was a little over 1 1/2 years old. He is going to turn 4 on October 9 (in just over one week from now). He is neutered, and vet records show he was neutered as a tiny kitten. His only medical issue is a viral infection in his sinuses which requires daily Lysine doses in his food and he does very well. He is not de-clawed. He has always been very good about using the litter box for the 2+ years I have had him.

Just last week he peed in a laundry basket of clean clothes on my bedroom floor. While cleaning that up I noticed he had earlier peed on a pile of dirty clothes about 6ft from that basket. I’m embarrassed to say I left my laundry get out of control and my room was a disaster area, so I thought it was possible he peed on the items as a call to action for me to clean up my mess. Since then I have been sleeping on the couch so he doesn’t claw at the door while I’m keeping him out of my bedroom for a while. I though it was an isolated incident and we were over it. Now it’s 2:30am and I smell urine on my couch right next to where Loki and I were sleeping. It’s not wet and does not smell like ammonia- just a minimal amount of urine. He has never, EVER marked anything or demlnstrated anything similar to marking behavior before.

I live alone in a 600 square foot apartment with one immediate neighbor who makes almost no noise. I do not have any other pets. The only major change that has happen recently I went from working 60-hour workweeks (November through July) to a 4pm-1am(ish) 4day/week schedule (July-August) and started a 9-5 in the second week of October, where I leave at 8:30 and return by 6:00.

The litter box is kept clean and he does use it daily. No sign of straining and the pee clumps are the same size as usual. He is eating and drinking normally and shows no sign of irritation, pain, discomfort, disinterest or fatigue.

What could the problem be? How can I get him to stop? It is so sudden and I am worried about him!

4 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Hello Erin… need to take him to the Vet. Urinating suddenly like this could be sign there something wrong…kidneys, crystals a bladder infection…all sorts of things. Take a urine sample with you if you possibly can, it will help the Vet pinpoint the problem. 

    Hope he recovers soon! 

  2. Erin Beese

    **I meant to say 9-5 started in September, not October (since we’re. It there hey obviously!)

  3. Robin Laybolt

    There could be a number of reason why he is peeing outside the box. 1st thing could be the change of hours you are working now,  cats do not like change, 2nd reason could be the size of the litter box it may be to small for him now, you could get a bigger litter box, 3rd reason could be the kind of litter you are using, the best ltter is small pieces and clumping, also you should always make sure the litter is clean and once a week you should wash the litter box   with soap and water. Where ever he is peeing outside the litter box you have to make sure that you clean the spot really well or he will just keep coming back to the same spot. And last you should buy a second litter box for him and put it closer to where he is going. If he is eating and drinking the same and hasn’t change at all then i don’t think he is sick but if you try these things and he is still peeing outside the box and if he stops eating and drinking then please take him to the vet, or if you feel that none of these things will help you then you should take him to the vet. Sorry but i just thought of something,  even if a male is neutered they will sometimes spray but its not a big amount like pee would be, its a small circle and has no smell, and cats are like children in some ways, i think your cat is upset about your new hours and is just acting up. I hope this will help you and your cat. Good luck and take care.

  4. Kelly Furgason

    So when a cat urinates outside the box, it is a sign of irritation, pain, discomfort, illness, stress,,,tons of other things as well.
    I would take him for a urinalysis. You cannot tell by how much pee or how little pee a cat is making if there is an infection. One of the main reasons cats pee outside the box without ever having done so before is a UTI. (urinary tract infection) . So it’s best to get him checked.
    Also, the stress from you having a different schedule could also cause this for him. But my bet would be on something going on with his body, so get him examined and tested.
    A few other things could be: diabetes, thyroid issues that can also cause peeing issues.
    Good luck!!!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Golden Retriever 11 Years Male A Chow Lab Mix 15 Female And…

I have a golden retriever 11 years male a chow lab mix 15 female and pit bull mix 6 female they all get along without any issues but the pit bull doesn’t get along with any dogs outside of the house so I would like someone opinion about my rescue dog pit bull 2 female friendly keeping her in her own room with access to side back yard area walking her daily and socializing with other dogs be ok ?

4 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Hello Eddie, I don’t quite understand the question….but I think you mean separate your pitbull from the other dogs in your house? Give her her own room with outside access to the yard? 

    This would be ok but I think you might run the risk of upsetting the harmony between the 3 of them. Your pitbull may end up jealous and feeling left out. She could turn on the other two maybe. She would certainly miss them. All you could do is give it a try and see. 

    I don’t know if your pitbull would ever be able to socialise and be friendly with other dogs at 6 years old, she could be too set in her ways now. Maybe you could muzzle her and see how that goes too…..the last thing you want is another dog bitten…..

    You sound a very responsible owner and I hope it all works out for you. Good luck. 

  2. Eddie Eidinger

    I met the new dog 2 year old might not get along with the 6 year old I would keep the 6 year old Pitt with the golden and lab chow mix they get along fine but she probably wouldn’t get along with the new dog so I was going to keep the new dog by it self

  3. julie brader

    Oh I see lol….yes that would be fine I’m sure. Be careful your pitbull doesn’t come face to face with your new dog though ….but I’m already sure you won’t ?

    Good luck with the new dog!

  4. PK Dennis

    I think you will get tired of this arrangement very quickly.  After a few day if one or two of the dogs think they need to get to the other dog(s) you will have a dangerous situation.  One second of not paying attention.  One visiting friend that doesn’t understand the consequences of opening a door and you will have an out-of-control situation.

    And these are all BIG dogs.  You won’t be able to just pick up one of the dogs to end the fight.

    I have fostered dogs that wanted to kill smaller dogs (one of my own dogs!).  Every precaution was taken — two doors/gates between the dogs.  The aggressive dog was harnessed and had to always drag a leash for me to step on (these were terriers that I could pick up to help end any aggression).  The aggressive dog was never allowed into the yard with the smaller dogs unless there were 2 handlers that were working with the aggressive dog (1 to work with the aggressive dog, and 1 to make sure the smaller dogs did not approach the aggressive dog).  

    I finally got the aggressive dog to accept that MY small dog was not something for him to kill and they got to the point that they could all be in the kennel all day together.  BUT he was still willing to attack unknown small dogs on sight.

    In the 6 months he was with me, even being as careful as I could be, this dog attacked small dogs four times.  Visitors opened a door that someone else left unlocked, the aggressive dog pushed down a baby gate that we thought was secure enough to hold him, he got over a fence that we thought was too high for him to climb, etc.  Each of the small dogs attacked were bitten and bloody — and they suffered PTS.  It was pure luck that determined dog never got just the right hold on the other dogs so that he could break their necks.  Cause that is what he was trying to do!

    So, ask yourself how dangerous is the situation.  How sure are you that you can keep your dog(s) safe from the aggressor.  I have fostered over 30 dogs, several of which came to me as very aggressive dogs so I had experience.  And it was still very overwhelming for me at times.

    I commend you for wanting to rescue another dog — just be sure you don’t endanger the new dog, or your own dog(s) in the process.

    Good luck.
