i would be concerned, yes.
One of my chihuahuas at some pork he vomited nonchewed porked. Had loose stool twice then vomited vile is now laying very sleepy. With the other two chis laying with him what could be the cause? He is not with me right now?
I’m From Germany And I Have A Queastion Regarding My Ca. 25 Year Old Cat…
I’m from Germany and I have a queastion regarding my ca. 25 year old cat. Her true age is unknown as we got her from a shelter. She was in good health and my vet couldn’t believe her age.
She was diagnosed with pancratic cancer in October 2014. It was a random find, as she didn’t show any symtoms.
It was already around 5x4cm in size and I decided for surgery with the option of putting her down if it looked to bad.
The tumor was a solid mass in the pancreas. Small nodules were found in the surrounding tissue, but alls the other organs looked fine. The tumor was removed, which was easy duw to not being connected too much to the surrounding tissue.
My vet told me that the prognosis was still poor, with most patiens not surviving more than 6 months after diagnosis.
Whisky woke up normally and had no problems with eating/digesting afterwards. She was totally fine until after 10 months – in July 2015 – a new small tumour was found, around the size of a cherry.
We decided to wait how fast it will grow, as she still showd no signs or symptoms.
Las Friday on August the 8 I could feel that the tumour had grown fast – now back to old size. I drove to the vet and he confirmed that.
I knew if it grew so fats she would only have around one month more if it would start to cause her pain, so I decided for surgery again. She still was fine, always wanting no live and don’t show signs of old age.
This time it looked bad. Upon opening her up she already hat blood in her abdomen. The tumour was necrotic, starting with „tyrosis“ and half of the pancras was infected. The tumor started to fall apart when he touched it. Addiotionally not only th surrounding tissue had metastases, also the peritoneum now had some nodules. The other organs still looked fine. My vet said it looked very bad, normally he would put her down now, as the progmosis now was more than poor.
I still wanted to try it, and he did his best. Sadly she died during the wake up phase. Most likely it started bleeding again and she died of blood loss.
My vet told me that she would have died during the next days either way due to blood loss and infection during the next days. I now ask myself if she would still life if I didn’t have decided for surgery.
Or is what my vet said right and she would have died the next days either way, with that thing falling apart inside her. I trust my vet, but I have the feeling that I’m resposible for her death, that I have killed her somehow.
If needed I can provide pictures of the masses.
Thanks a lot for reading this wall of text!
My 10yo rat terrier (have had since 6months old) is ppl and dog aggressive. He bit my 10 month old son twice this summer, no blood but snaps every chance he’s near baby.he has bitten people in the past. He has severe anxiety & is afraid of everything. he’s always been this way. His fur is falling out, he has hard black patches all over, and soft pink skin showing I’m other places. After biting my son’s face, hubby is talking about euthanasia. Is this the right choice?
My male dog penetrated my other male dog. They were tied for about 15 minutes. This was yesterday. Now my Yorkie Poodle is moving around very slowly, has diarreah and wont eat. I chekced his stool and NO blood.
Hi, I Need Some Tips On My Situation With My Bunny So It Would Be…
Hi, I need some tips on my situation with my bunny so it would be great if you wouldn’t mind helping me out. My bunny is an adult medium male Brown HollandLop, I had had him since he was very little. I decided to have him free ranged around my garden both day and night because he would be very aggressive and stressed out if I caged him even though his cage is very big ( 3 meters long, 2 meters tall and 2 meters wide). I have never seen any other predators except stray cats, I wouldn’t worry about the cats that much because my rabbits are great friends with my dog and he would scare away the cats and at night my bunny would choose to go sleep in my garage which is right next to one of my families room so if anything bad happens we would hear it. I don’t know if this is safe but he seems very happy to be free ranged and have this cage open so he can go in for pellets and veggies. Please give me your opinion on what I should do with my situation.
Anonymous your area is completely without birds of prey? that’s surprising. and you can’t count on predators behaving around prey. your dog is also a predator. he may be trained to leave the rabbit alone, but that doesn’t mean you should leave them together unsupervised.
is your rabbit not used to being handled? are you rough when putting him in the cage?
Chawfaar Bowornwattanangkoon My rabbit is totally used to being handled but after I have him run around during the day he would have a really hard time going back in. And I live in Thailand so there are no foxes etc. My dog isn’t really a concern to me because he have been with my rabbit since they are very little but I do supervise my dog while he is outside with the bunny. I rabbit is very bonded to me so if I go outside to would come to me.
B. Lakonpa I let my rabbits run around the yard but only when I can supervise them. Your rabbit might end up wandering too far or a predator could find him, even though he doesn’t want to go in the cage, it’s whats best for his safety. How big is your cage?
I took him to vets they couldn’t tell me what’s wrong. I have 3 other dogs in my home that had similar problems just no swelling at all. Please help me.
Both of my cats have been experiencing diarrhea. The older one has yellow diarrhea and the kitten has trouble getting to the bathroom on time. I’m not sure if it’s because of the food or because they are in contact with other outside cats.
Alexandra Holley They are also still very active and show no signs of being sick. I feed and water them when ever I see that there bowl is running low
Anonymous are your cats outside cats?
Alexandra Holley My cats were strays so they used to be outside. I just rescued my kitten recently so my cat might have gotten something from him. I don’t think I’ll be able to afford a vet because I don’t have a job. But I’ll try to feed them healthier cat food and if that doesn’t help all I can do is try to find them a home that can provide for them.
My girlfriend and this vet work together at a referral hospital. He says that they are starting to see a lot of pets come in with blockages or other issues and many of them are fed Blue Buffalo. Additionally, surely you’ve heard about the trouble BB has apparently gotten into about its ingredients? However, this is mostly a battle between Purina and BB and it is not clear whether there are other issues here as well. Basically what I am asking is–should we change? and if so I am not sure what to change to or whether to take ingredients seriously anymore because apparently companies are being dishonest about them. We are also being told to switch to Purina ProPlan instead. Our dog has always been somewhat sensitive to his food.
I love your blog by the way!
Zachary Groff I really appreciate your even-minded response. What is frustrating about this is that their product has been seemingly intentionally mislabeled. While we’re all affected by advertising, but when determining his diet I tried to avoid advertisements all together and focused on ingredients. However, I can’t trust that they are even listed honestly then I am not sure what to do. I am tempted to switch foods but my method now seems unreliable.
Anonymous i liked Blue A LOT before they were bought by their parent company.
once the buyout happened, the recipe changed…put a serious hurt on my IBD-suffering cat with that sudden, unannounced change. they didn’t change the label for another 6-12 months, too.
Have a female American Bulldogog at the end of a heat cycle. She will be spayed Very soon. However, she has started fighting with my other female, an Alapaha Bulldog. Unspayed dog new to house 4 weeks no problems until a few days ago.
Erika Graham We spay all,of our dogs. The only one that isn’t is the new edition. We were told that she had been already. Took her in for a check up and found out she was just beginning a heat. We are waiting for that heat cycle to end. She is a sweet dog and they have gotten along well together until two days ago. I was questioning if the heat could cause this sudden aggression?
Hello! I have a one year old Yorkie. He has been having some problems recently – he started coughing and it sounds like he has something stuck in his throat. This gets worse when he is excited about something or when he is about to be taken for a walk. He vomitted only once and after that the coughing got more severe. I took him to two vets – one told me that he has tonsilitis and prescribed some antibiotics. The situation got better for several days but now he is coughing again. When we visited him for the second time, he recommended having my dog’s tonsils removed. The other one told me that my dog had a problem with an elongated soft palate which I found very strange for I didn’t know that Yorkies can have such problems. Also, he made this diagnosis just by listening to him coughing, without any kind of examination. Other than coughing, my dog is active and hasn’t lost his appetite. Can you please help us?
HI Shiria,
First, very sorry to hear your cat died. My thoughts and sympathies are with you.
When a pet dies like this, it is normal for us to think it was our fault, or something we could have prevented. It sounds like you went above and beyond with vet care and did everything you could have done for your cat. Surgery is always risky, but so is choosing to not do it and see what happens.
I’d take comfort in knowing that you gave this kitty a longer life by helping her the best you could.
I’m sure that your cat would have wanted to have every option at living and it sounds like that is what you gave her. It sounds like from what your vet found inside of her, that she was very very sick. Like you said, she seemed fine and didn’t show any signs of old age. But animals are not like people, they hide illness very well till the bitter end. She sounds like she was a wonderful kitty.
I’m sorry things didn’t work out and sorry for your loss,
Thanks a lot for your answer! It helps me a bit… In my head I know that most vets would have put her down after that finding inside of her… and that alone from what it looked like it had to be painful.
But still, there is that voice that tells me “you should have taken her home and made her the best days she ever had”. She would still be here,,, I could still cuddle her, hear her voice, feel her next to me. Yes maybe she would have died the next time either way, but I would have time to say good bye. While this maybe is true, how would she have died? Alone and in pain while I’m at work? That is not what I would want for her…
And than there is that tiny voice that tells me, that maybe her body would have found a way to build down that tumor and stop the bleeding, that maybe she would have weeks or months…
My head knows that the possibility for this is near zero… Maybe making her some good last days would have been the most logic decision… maybe I would have felt better… Or maybe I would ask myself then, that she maybe would have survived surgery if I had just tried it.
I guess no matter what my decision would have been, I would have felt guilty… I just want to know if my decision was right. And there is no definitive way of telling that…
Thanks so much for reading my long text… It somehow helps me to talk to people that udnerstand the pain…