Well, let’s see..
I in general do not use the stick information for too much other than the glucose, ketones, bilirubin, and pH. The rest of the info is far more accurate if read under the microscope.
I want to see white blood cells, red blood cells, and bacteria, casts, cells on the urine sediment under the microscope, and not read it on the stick.
By the numbers listed above there the RBCs (red blood cells) and the WBCs (white blood cells) are within normal ranges.
But the specific gravity is a little lower than it should be. Especially if it is a first morning sample (it says 7 am, so I am guessing it is). The specific gravity is highest in the first morning sample because the urine is the most concentrated then.
In general we want dogs specific gravity to be 1.030 or greater. If you get serial first morning samples of less than 1.030 ( I would recommend taking it again over the next few mornings to check the specific gravity), then I would check a full blood work, to look for any signs of renal impairment/insufficiency.
I don’t usually put too much weight on the stick, but if the stick says 3+ blood, check the sediment over the next few days also.
Other diagnostics to consider for any urinary issues are ultrasound, radiographs, and urine cultures.
I hope that this helps.
Thanks Jana for your question..
Best wishes to you and Jasmine.
Krista Magnifico, DVM
Owner Jarrettsville Veterinary Center
Jarrettsville, MD
Hello Gary,
Thank you for your question, and thank you for being so proactive and compassionate to these kitties.
I think that in general you have a very good plan and it sounds like you are doing everything just as I would recommend. I think that 9 kittens is too much for one mom if they are all nursing (it sounds like they are not though). A mom that has too many kittens nursing can get hypocalcemia (we call it eclampsia). This can be life threatening.
By 4 weeks old the kittens should be able to be transitioned to kitten food. I would recommend leaving dry kitten food, wet kitten food, or softened dry food with kitten formula out every 4 hours. If the kittens continue to nurse I would start to rotate them so they have more individual time with you and a better ability to be encouraged to eat.
We estimate the age of kittens by one pound per month of age up to about 7 months old. A one pound kitten is about 4 weeks old.
If a kitten is not socialized and tamed by about 6 to 8 weeks old it gets increasingly more difficult. Spend as much time and attention that you can with them before this age.
Please be warned that unvaccinated cats and kittens can carry rabies. It can be deadly to them and to you.
I would also recommend that you contact your veterinarian and any local rescue groups for help in humanely trapping, spaying, vaccinating, de-worming, feline leukemia and feline immuno-deficiency testing, and microchipping. Many of the non-profits or rescues have low cost options for these.
I have included information about some local groups below.
Of course, if you would like to talk to me, or anyone else at Jarrettsville Vet about any of this you can find me at the link below.
For help on affordable pet care;
Alley Cat Allies;
Animal Rescue in New Freedom Pa;
Krista Magnifico, DVM
Owner Jarrettsville Veterinary Center
Jarrettsville, MD