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Paige | 5 years ago
Facial Swelling In Puppy

My puppy has a lump on the right side of her face. My dog sitter pointed it out to me when I picked her up from daycare today. It is soft and tender to the touch. She does not like when I try and touch it and I am unable to look inside of her mouth. It seems like it is really bothering her. She is eating and drinking normally this evening, but created herself and seems like she is in pain. I made her a vet appointment for tomorrow afternoon but is this something I should be seeking more immediate attention for?

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    Sorry that your pup has an issue. I think if it is worse this morning that you should give a call to the vet and see if they can push your appointment up. And I would definitely note any changes…. more swelling, warm to touch, lethargy, change in appetite, etc. also try to think back and maybe even ask your dog sitter for help- see if you can pinpoint when it first appeared and what it could possibly be connected to. For instance, could it be a spider bite or some other bite? Or has pho’s mouth been tender lately? Could it be a tooth abscess? Anything to help your vet narrow down the possibilities to get the right treatment. Best of luck to you!!!????????

  2. Paige Post author

    Hey! – We took our girl to her appointment yesterday and the vet said that everything seems normal (temperature, eating habits, energy level, etc.) so we were directed to just keep an eye on it for now. There isn’t any point of origin around the lump so the vet speculated that it could possibly be a hematoma from playing rough with other bigger dogs at daycare. It doesn’t appear to have changed in size, but Norma’s (our puppy) disposition seems just slightly off. She vomited a little bit this morning as well, but she did also get a Lyme’s vaccine yesterday so there are a lot of factors at play. She’s staying home from daycare today and my partner is keeping a close eye on her. Thanks so much for your response and for checking in!! 🙂

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Josephine | 5 years ago
Hi, I Have A 16 Yr Old Shih Tzu That Has Had Brain Tumour Surgery But Had …

Hi, I have a 16 yr old shih tzu that has had brain tumour surgery but had complication of regrowth of a cyst several times and went for fine needle cyst drainage quite a few times. She has degraded to the point of being totally non-ambulatory except for some head movements. She has to have her urine and stools expressed everytime and she has to be handfed. But she still eats very very well. I need advise on what my pet needs at this point and whether is there any reason/last wish that is making her hang on so dearly to her life despite her quality of life and body already failing her? Shes like a family. i am torn between keeping her alive and letting her go if shes suffering but my love for her and our bonds is muddling my thoughts and decisions. I have taken care of her intensely for almost a year now from prior surgery to post surgery and she had so many complications, cyst regowth several times, loss n regain limbs ability, pneumonia, anemia. She always pulled through but now shes at a stage where shes really just hanging onto her dear life i feel, lying the whole day, only able to move her head during mealtimes when she is hungry. I have spent over 30 thousand dollars this while for her medications and procedures and vet visits, she even goes for rehab/pt/accupuncture and hyperbaric which are very costly. It has gotten to a point that I am spending more than I earned every month on her rehab (even though she cannot move, she still does ultrasound therapy on her severely arthritic joints and some accupuncture to relieve any pain from not moving everyday and her mountain of medications and supplements. I really cannot imagine life without her, she is my pillar of hope and support in my dark and depressed life and family full of issues. Now my pillar is crumbling. I still take care of her, i dont care about my finances, i stopped going out except to work, i bring her everywhere whenever i can in a dog pram she just lies motionless. Its amazing how she would wake and eat so very very well and finish all her big plate of food every day twice a day but lies motionless and tired after that. Its amazing how she would use her whatever remaining energy to poop when i try to rub and stimulate her anus once everyday without fail. She would be so tired after all that. It kills me to see her like this. Before that she can move n walk or at least drag ard the hse n look happy still so its ok worth all these. I wake up 3 4 times every night to help her drink water eat snacks she would wake from hunger and pant everynight even now maybe from prednisolone. But now shes just motionless and heart murmur has reached grade 5 or 6 and anemic and totally cannot move at all but still eats super well and pee poo normal with help express. A part of me feels like euthanasing her to end her misery and my own heartache seeing her suffer yet i cant bring myself to do it thinking that she would be reallly gone and that i might have done it wrong because shes still wants to be ard and live that is why she is hanging on so dearly. Please advice me..please. i am so loss and torn between choices its killing me every moment im awake.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    this question was answered elsewhere. I applaud you for your dedication and devotion to your pup. You have gone above and beyond. i wish you well,

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Nicole | 5 years ago
Five Days Ago My 7year Old German Shepherd Was Out Side Playing And Running With My …

Five days ago my 7year old German Shepherd was out side playing and running with my beagle puppy. Next thing I know she is yelping in pain and rolling around on the ground. By the time I get to her she has stopped crying out and is laying still. I realize both hind legs are paralyzed. We immediately take her to the vet and she is examined. She doesn’t appear to be in any pain and she DOES have deep pain sensation! She is immediately started on Steroids, Muscle Relaxers, and Anti Inflammatories. She remains at the vets for five days and receives cold laser therapy and a small amount of PT. She never looses her DPS and really seems to be in good spirits. I took her home yesterday and I am determined to help her regain her mobility. I do not have a true diagnosis and seeing a Neurologist is not going to happen due to finances and living so far from one. My vet told me to take her home and gave me range of motion exercises and told me to buy her a harness. He said it will just take time. She is able to relieve herself without help! She is reacting more each day to us touching her legs and back!!
I am so confused and have read everything I can find on the subject and can’t get any answers. Should I start working with her and letting her walk or should I confine her to her kennel for a while? Should I use a harness or not? I just wish I had some answers!! Please help!!

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    I am so sorry this has happened. I would monitor her closely as you have been. I would also check in with the vet daily and gives progress report and get advised on each thing you should be doing with your dog as far as therapy and recuperation. I hope she improves and gets better!!

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Suz | 5 years ago
Shoulder Hematoma/seroma In An Adult Dog, After Microchipping

Hello animal lovers! I am seeking advice about a shoulder hematoma/seroma in an adult dog, resulting after microchipping.
I recently adopted a wonderful shelter dog. The problem started when she had to be microchipped, she was uncooperative and the technician had to do 2 insertion attempts, over the left shoulder. She bled from the injection sites for a few hours, but seemed ok otherwise.
Two days later, she jumped down out of our tall cargo van, started limping within minutes, wincing in pain, and had obvious swelling on the shoulder where the microchip was placed.
We took her to the vet, where they sedated her and placed a drain for a hematoma. The vet said there was a lot of inflammation, blood and clots. She prescribed an anti-inflammatory, no antibiotics. There was a lot of drainage the first few days, then less and less. The microchip came out, I found it on her bed one morning.
They removed the drain on day 8 with almost no fluid drainage present.
Within 36 hours of drain removal, the drain holes are well scabbed over and I can see and feel a small pocket of fluid (feels like a tiny waterbed) where the hematoma was. It is not growing, even with short walks and normal backyard activity. Her behavior is totally normal, no signs of pain or infection.
After researching, this seems to fit the bill for a seroma. I would prefer to watch and wait as long as she is acting normally instead of return to the vet for diagnosis and more possible interventions…
My questions are:
Does this sound like a seroma?
Could the hematoma have returned?
Should I go to the vet to have fluid drawn to confirm? Does it sound appropriate for me to decline another drain or aspiration as long as she is behaving normally?
Is attempting to place another microchip advisable?
Is it reasonable to assume that these are complications from a poorly done microchipping?
Any insights appreciated, thank you very much!

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m glad to hear that things have resolved and seem to be doing well. I always think it is best to talk to your vet about anything that you are worried about. It is always neat to keep the lines of communication open and healthy. Usually a seroma is just fluid clear and no blood or clots. I am not a fan of draining. It can introduce infection and keep a resolving problem an active problem. But you should discuss this with your vet. I think all pets should be microchipped. Find someone who is very comfortable doing it and try again. Best of luck. Keep us posted

    1. Suz Post author

      Hi Krista, thank you so much for your response on this awesome platform. I found pawbly through your blog post on seroma.
      Is the only way to diagnose a seroma to pull out some fluid with a syringe? Or can it be reasonably assumed via palpation?
      Thank you again. I am so grateful for this resource. (I am living in Portugal, so the language barrier can make clarity difficult at vet visits!)

  2. Sarah

    Hi there! Thank you so much for rescuing a dog. It does sound like it could be a seroma. I think if it starts to feel warm to the touch or your dog shows signs of discomfort that you should go to the vet ASAP. However- I would express the concerns and suspicions that you have shared here with them- regardless of when your next visit is. A simple discussion and quick Q and A would help get a good relationship started between patient, client and caregiver. I highly recommend micro chipping. Perhaps during your chat you can figure the best way to go about it next time? Very best of luck to you????????

    1. Suz Post author

      Thank you so much for your response, I am very grateful!

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terry smith | 5 years ago
My 16-1/2 Year Old Calico Has Been On Prednolisone Since August. Even Though She Was Still …

My 16-1/2 year old calico has been on prednolisone since August. Even though she was still eating normally she went from about 9 pounds to 7.2 pounds in a year. Tests showed everything was good with the exception of inflamed intestines. Being on the prednolisone has helped her gain weight again, she now weighs about 8.4 pounds. Within the past month on occasion she has started howling very loudly for no apparent reason. She doesn’t seem to be in any pain, sometimes it actually seems as though she’s confused. Any ideas on what could be causing her howls? What can I do to help her? Dr Graff has been her vet since she was a tiny kitten, I would bring Pumpkin in if necessary but hate the idea of stressing her out in doing so. Thanks for any suggestions.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think it would be best to bring her in. In cases like these I get worried about kidney and liver issues and these are best diagnosed with bloodwork and/or an ultrasound. Certainly dementia can happen to any and all mammals but we rule out medical issues first. Dr graf is at the clinic on mon-weds through Saturday. I hope this helps. Best of luck.

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Julie | 5 years ago
My 8 Year Old Dachshund, Ruben, Was Diagnosed With IVDD One Week Ago By An Emergency Vet …

My 8 year old Dachshund, Ruben, was diagnosed with IVDD one week ago by an emergency vet after we weren’t able to speak or get an appointment with our regular vet. This was his second flare up but this time he lost movement and feeling in both his back legs. The vet told us he had no deep pain sensation. Surgery was not a financial option for us so we opted to bring him home and try conservation treatment. Living with a paralyzed dog does not overwhelm me but I do need him to get back his personality and not be in pain anymore.
We are so disappointed with our current vet and how everything played out the day Ruben had his flare up and became paralyzed. We have made calls to a new vet clinic and are waiting to get into their earliest appointment with an educated vet.
From the emergency vet, Ruben was sent home with 4 medications, Tramadol, Metacam, Robaxin, and Gabapentin. It has been one week and he appears to be in much less pain and his body is relaxed, the quivering has stopped and he doesn’t often cry. We stopped giving him the Metacam two days ago because he had all of the side effects that the drug prescribed and we didn’t feel that he needed it for pain management.
In the last two days his appetite has gone downhill, eating very small amounta but then turning away. Even his favourite foods like cheese he wants nothing to do with. He is still drinking water but only when I use a syringe into his mouth.
He has also become extremely lethargic and seems depressed/sad to the point where he won’t move or lift his head without our assistance. All he does is lay there and sleep. We move him around in different positions and he doesn’t cry in pain when we move him, he just doesn’t seem to care. We can flip him over from one side to another and he won’t even life his head. Nothing we do warrants any type of excitement from him. I am terrified he’s losing all his strength and have no idea if this is a normal part of the healing process or if there is something else wrong with him. He does not have bladder control but is peeing often uncontrolled. He also has semi consistent bowel movements, at least one small one per day. No diarrhea but there was some tarry black stool.
My vet appointment is Wednesday, 4 days away still, trying to get in sooner with them but I just don’t know if I should be taking him back to emergency. Please help.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    As with all of these cases they need fairly intensive monitoring and care for the first few weeks. They need the help and guidance of both a dedicated and devoted family and a vet care professional who can closely supervise and assist. In most cases in person every few days until things get settled. I would talk to your vet about which meds are best long term. In my opinion And in the extremely debilitating cases like this I use a steroid bs an NSAID. But this is something you have to discuss with your vet. You also have to understand what each drug does and how it affects your dog. I have to juggle meds for risk versus benefit and not eating might be due to one of the medications. It is also a discussion to have if you are considering a steroid as it can cause gi issues like the NSAID can. Also some of your medications cause sedation which might affect eating. I know how hard these cases are to manage and I wish you luck. Make sure you Keep your dog lean and muscular as this also precipitates back issues. Let us know. Best of luck again

Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Schuyler Had A Broken PM4 That Needed Extraction. Here Is His Story And Cost Of His Dental
Treatment Cost (USD): $982.00
Schuyler came in for a routine annual physical examination. During this we noticed that he had a slab fracture of his PM4. This typically happens when does chew hard bones and they sheer off the side of the tooth losing the protective enamel covering of the tooth. This is the largest tooth in the mouth and over time it can lead to infection underr the eye and worsen dental disease.
0 Responses
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Leah | 5 years ago
How Do You Determine If Your Dog Needs A Dental Exam? My Dog Is Over 10 Years …

How do you determine if your dog needs a dental exam? My dog is over 10 years old and has always had bad teeth. He is a Yorkshire terrier mix. I knew he would need several teeth extracted but we were not advised that he must have this done by x date. It’s been about 6 months. He has now had two teeth fall out and has another big tooth loose. I do not mind paying for a vet visit if necessary but I wasn’t sure if this was simply part of old age. Should we switch from dry food to wet food? He has a little redness in his mouth, no swelling, no signs of pain.

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there- I would call to make an appointment with the vet in the morning. Especially as teeth have already rotted out. There is a good chance that there may be some infection going on that could easily spread. Best to get things taken care of right now and not chance anything bad.

    1. Leah Post author

      Thanks for the response. I’m glad I asked.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Yep! It’s time for a dental cleaning and extractions of all of the bad (diseased) teeth. Taking care of it now will spare your pup pain, infection and possible complicating diseases like heart disease. It’s never too late to do it! Best of luck!

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Aisha | 5 years ago
My 4 1/2-year-old Cat Minnie All Of A Sudden Last Saturday Was Lethargic To The Point She …

My 4 1/2-year-old cat Minnie all of a sudden last Saturday was lethargic to the point she slept the entire day, then Sunday a lot of the same where she not interacting, not her normal playful, loving self. It started to look like her eyes where crossed, and she would curl up in a ball. I took her to the vet last Monday – she was there all day and they suspect head cavity polyps, meningitis, or CNS however when the Dr. put her under, she was not able to find anything. Not sure if she checked behind the soft pallet, but will ask in the am. I was referred to a neurologist at that time; they have her a 14 day antibiotic and a steroid injection. She seemed to be doing good, and somewhat back to herself, so I canceled the request for an appt as they did not even have any openings, but the next day Tuesday she was feeling horrible again, sneezing, head tilting, off-balance walk, walking in a circle favoring her left side. Her eyes are watery and run almost like she is crying, and she has this reverse snort/cough. She does still have a good appetite, is eating, peeing and pooping, but is extremely lethargic and I can tell she is still miserable and at time seems like she will not make it. Took her back on Friday, did another exam and they say she still needs some type of imaging to see what is wrong. I am thinking can’t they look to see if there are polyps endoscopically and then just remove them at the same time? Or does she have to go through a complete neurological exam although it may not be necessary? I can’t afford 2-3 k for all the diagnostics then surgery but will do my best to pay if it is necessary. I am terribly worried for her as she is just doing horrible and I hate to see her in so much pain and want to get this resolved for her as quickly as possible.

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    I would write everything down… symptoms, changes in them, appetite, sleep patterns, change in behavior, even things that you’ve previously discussed with the vet…. I would also be upfront and ask exactly what you’ve asked here. Be honest about your budget and your concerns. Ask about all of your suspicions. Hope things work out for you both????????

  2. Krista Magnifico

    this sounds like more of a brain/CNS problem than a polyp. I would make sure that a full blood work panel is done, a fecal, and urine too. I would also inquire about FeLV/FIV status. If you cannot afford the specialists I would ask about which medical therapies might help.. In the symptoms you describe I would make sure this isn’t an ear issue and start looking for possible causes to the clinical signs she is showing. I would also seek the opinion of a feline only specialist. In my practice I have fund them to be as good, or even better than the boarded internal medicine and neurology specialists. I hope this helps, keep us posted. And good luck!

    1. Aisha Post author

      Thanks, Dr. Magnifico…..I had to rush her to the ER due to labored breathing and unresponsiveness and they too were not sure and were really all over the place, but thanks to your video on how to keep pet care affordable, I was able to leave there paying 241.88 instead of 4500 – 5000 to start. I am trying to spend what I have like you said more on the treatment if it comes to that. I was able to get another local vet to at least do some X-rays and go in endoscopically for a start for which my vet would not do. At least from there, I can hopefully get more information on which direction to go. They did give her additional Antibiotics and more meds for the symptoms and she has been better all day. Thank you, Dr. Magnifico, for the advice……and that you are. May God Bless you!

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Jen Behler | 5 years ago
Torn CCL Surgery Repair

My 6 year old lab mix had TPLO surgery to repair a torn CCL on September 10. Prior to surgery, his liver enzymes were elevated but after 2 ultrasounds and bloodwork, they were unable to identify why. Because of this he cannot take anti inflammatory drugs to help with pain and took longer to be cleared after surgery. He was finally cleared on 12/11/19 and was doing really well. About a week and a half ago, he started limping again. We can’t pinpoint anything he did that would cause a limp. We haven’t let him fully run and don’t let him off his leash hardly at all. I do have another follow up appointment with the surgeon scheduled but wanted to see if anyone else experienced something like this. Thanks!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Lots of things can cause a limp post op. The best advice I can give is to keep him calm and leash walk only and see the surgeon ASAP. If he is acting quiet, depressed, lethargic or not eating call your regular vet and have him seen immediately.

    1. Jen Behler Post author

      Thank you! He is sleepy, but not lethargic. I think that is because of the gabapentin. He has always been a picky eater but I believe he is eating and drinking normally. We have been keeping him on a leash and shortened walks. His appointment with the surgeon is Wednesday.