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Pawbly | 10 years ago
She Is A 10yr Old Bichon Frise Female And Does Have Some Arthritis. To The…

She is a 10yr old Bichon Frise female and does have some arthritis. To the best of our knowledge there was no significant moment that this all started happening, she just started showing signs of pain Wednesday morning. She has passed normal bowel movements, urinated, ate at least once, and is still drinking water but has not slept since Wednesday. She can go down stairs but not up them and is extremely sensitive to touch at all.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Vets Opinion Is Cancer Tumor But Diagnosis Will Cost Heaps And If It Is Cancer…

vets opinion is cancer tumor but diagnosis will cost heaps and if it is cancer nothing could be done due to location. i have been prescribed pain killers which i give her daily. however a new development has me confused, she has started to bleed a little bit from the mouth at the affected area can a tumor bleed? . should i get antibiotics for an abscess ? she deserves to be comfortable but i can not afford untreatable cancer diagnosis

2 Responses


  1. David Staunton

    what ? did you read my comments

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
His In Serious Pain And I Dont Know What To Do, Cant Take Him To…

His in serious pain and i dont know what to do, cant take him to the vet or any where cost to much we are giving him away when he turned 7 weeks is there any way i could drop him off somewhere to take care of him for free i rather have him feel better then in pain.

1 Response


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    Hi Dan. I am sorry your puppy is hurt. He definitely needs to go to the vet – being so young it is crucial. Pawn something, sell something, ask your friends and family – where there’s a will there’s a way. Some people surrender their pet to the vet in order to save its life. Please get your pets fixed for 2 reasons – you say you can’t afford it and there are already so many unwanted animals needing homes and dying in shelters today. I hope your pup gets help and gets better. Diedra

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
•5 Year Old Pure Bred Yellow Lab

•had Tumor For About 6-12 Months

-grew Larger Over Time

•5 year old pure bred yellow lab

•had tumor for about 6-12 months

-grew larger over time
-does not seem in pain
-bumps all over body

-bumps don’t seem to bother her

-read new diet Benadryl or prednisone would help

-happy plays ball

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Yes She Had A X-ray And Said It Was Brocken But I Have Had Dogs…

Yes she had a X-ray and said it was Brocken but I have had dogs all my life and could see that the dogs leg was not out of place and she was running on all fours so can you tell me how the dog could run and jump with no sign of pain

1 Response


  1. Laura Kyle

    I have seen animals run around and act normal after their leg is splinted. Can’t say that I have ever seen a dog run around with a fractured leg and not limp or hold the leg up. Even dogs with toe fractures hold their legs up.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
10 Week Old Treeing Walker Got Stepped On By Larger Dog And Barely Puts Her…

10 week old treeing Walker got stepped on by larger dog and barely puts her toes on ground but she can hold up her leg can’t get to vet for few days what’s the best pain management until I can see what’s wrong

1 Response


  1. Zach Felton

    Haven’t been able to take her to vet yet

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A Dalmatian Who Has Been Limping On His Front Left Paw For About…

I have a dalmatian who has been limping on his front left paw for about 2 weeks, he still plays and runs, but I noticed he limps and when he’s at a resting point he favors it. How can I know if its just growing pains or something more?

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    i gather this is a puppy?  has he been seen by a vet for this yet?

  2. Alexis E

    He is 11 months old and he has not yet seen a vet yet, considering that I was trying to wait and see if it is growing pains.

  3. Anonymous

    i’d get him in. better to be safe than sorry, you know? i don’t think i’d have pushed it more than a few days of consistent limping.

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deehoeck1 | 10 years ago
My Dog Has An Issue With Her Front Left Pastern. There Is A Raw Spot…

My dog has an issue with her front left pastern. There is a raw spot above the declaw. She is licking it and she won’t let me touch it. It is painful for her. Can I put medicine and a bandage over it to try and give it time to heal? Thanks!

1 Response


  1. deehoeck1 Post author

    Ok Thanks Dr.K!! I will make an apt to bring her in to see you or Dr. Morgan!

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
He Is 8 Weeks Old, Weighs Just Over 200g (his Litter Mates Are All…

He is 8 weeks old, weighs just over 200g (his litter mates are all at least 600g) has a very soft and enlarged skull with pupils that face east west. There are no good vets here, certainly no vet specialists. Should I wait until he has gained weight before trying to medicate him (All the drugs can be purchased over the counter here and I am medically qualified) or should I start ASAP to help minimise brain damage? He is already blind. Or is the likely outcome so poor that I should be thinking about euthanasia? He seems happy enough at this point in time but cries a lot in the night and I don’t want him to be in pain.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Dog Is Sometimes Crying Out In Pain But I Cannot Locate The Source Of…

My dog is sometimes crying out in pain but I cannot locate the source of the pain. It seems to either be related to his back hip or his ribs. It is not a consistent pain but when it happens it’s very significant.

2 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    This could be a serious spinal issue — you need to take him to a vet for evaluation.  Swelling disks, a pinched nerve, could be the problem, but you can’t be sure what is going on without a vet’s evaluation and probably an xray or soft-tissue scan.  Any thing involving the spine is pretty serious in my book, so I wouldn’t wait.  Often problems can be resolved with crate rest and some medication for swelling and pain.

    Good luck!

  2. Kelly Furgason

    Sounds like you dog needs a vet to examine. Any time they are crying out in pain means something is def not right. Pets tend to hide their pain so if it’s crying out, it’s time for a vet visit to get to the root cause. Good luck!!